Star WarTs (Science Fiction)

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

If you want a soundtrack, put this on (I know, I know, I have used it in another story, but I LIKE IT!)

They were in their vehicles. The officers were on patrol again. They were waiting for an attack that night. Everything was so suspiciously quiet.

Jonas was wandering around looking for suspicious movements in the ground. His monitors sent no signs at the time, but he could smell it in the air. The attack was imminent. The other officers had spread around the territory. Moving in circles and waiting for the hit.

He was alone. His radio was on hold to call for back-up anytime. His weapons by his side, armed and ready to shoot. He was a bit nervous. It was the first time they had left him alone. Up until now he would always go on patrol with his partner, but after that last injury of him, Jonas was on his own. 

He tried to think of all the stories Marcus told him. Of how the colonization of the planet took place 150 years ago. How many people came here and worked for years on end before the second round of visitors arrived. How Marcus' great-grandad was among the first engineers that built the colony's facilities. And how many of those pioneers were lost in the brutal attacks by the planet's native dwellers. 

Huge, dirty wart-like creatures that crawled underground and only made it to the surface to prey on any unprotected being. Nobody knew about their existence. The tests and studies had shown that the only ones living on this planet were the harmless bacteria in the frozen lakes and and the methane-eaters, small alien animals that looked like an armadillo. Any vibrations caught by sensors were attributed to the volcanic activity of the planet, so it was believed to be a safe place for colonization.

And the transition took place, work was in progress and then... Boom! The first attack happened! A violent quake started shaking everything and giant warts popped up from the ground! Those unlucky ones to be outside building soon found themselves in pairs of terrifying jaws and painful death in a stomach filled with extraterrestrial acids was inevitable. Alarms went off. Guards came to fight the predators off, but ten lives had already been lost. After that, the colonists pulled back, studied the new enemy and tried to find a weapon to deal with them. But during their first few decades several casualties were counted.

Years of studying and experimenting led them to the only and most effective way to keep those creatures off: lasers. Bullets would only pierce them, but the wounds would heal sooner or later. Fire was too dangerous, as the flammable gases in the atmosphere would easily blow. So, they were pretty much left with no other choice.

The next attacks smelled more like burning alien flesh and less like human blood. And over the next decades the new residents had learnt how to live with the old ones. Attacks never stopped, but they became rarer and greater, as the hungry beasts would wreak havoc to satisfy their long awaiting hunger.

And that's what they were waiting for tonight. A big hit. Jonas held his daughter's photo that had been saving in the little drawer box. He looked at it and then looked at his cup holder. Ripples were forming in his bottle of water. He could feel light tremors under his seat. They were coming to the Dead Zone, the place they had never hit before!

- Dead Zone under imminent atack. I repeat: Dead Zone under imminent atack. Send back-up forces immediately.

He started the engine and waited for the first one to show up. Flying mode was ready for activation. The tremors were getting stronger, his monitors showed signs of intense underground activity and the radar was giving at least seven sources of movement.

Seven?! And they were coming closer to him. He did not stand a chance alone. Why did they leave him alone? Why was he so stubborn and insisted on getting to the Dead Zone on his own? The creatures were getting smart, they had to hit this area at least once. And that once was tonight.

His vehicle rocked and an enormous brown lump sprouted from the ground. Man! They are fast other than huge! He turned to flying mode but the vehicle needed a few seconds before take off. 

Seconds?! He didn't have them. They were going to crash him and devour him long before the vehicle would manage to get off the ground. Fuck! It didn't lift off! He was not flying anywhere! 

- Call for back-up! Call for back-up! Dead Zone, Code Red! I repeat: Dead Zone, Code Red! 

He drove away to make them hunt him down. The area was mostly deserted but it led to one of the biggest settlements of the colony. Rocky hills were on either side of the road so the possible choices were limited. Lead them to the settlement or distract them to the abandoned nuclear factory at the edge of the cliff where this road ended? Both ideas seemed really, really bad. 

And when you have two bad solutions you usually pick the less worse, right? Unless of course you come up with something else... quickly!

The creatures were now a whole gang. Dust in the air was blocking his view. He was driving almost blind and the ground had not stopped shaking. How long would it take his people to get there? He didn't know. He was not going to die though! 

He had a plan. He started driving at top speed towards the nuclear factory and half way to it he started spinning in circles. The beasts were around him, confused and staring in surprise. More dust was now in the air blocking their sight. But not his!

He put his thermal glasses on. Got his laser guns. The vehicle was now on auto-pilot set to not stop spinning around like a big whirlgig. He got out through the emergency exit at the top. 

Trying not to lose his balance, as the vehicle was spinning very fast, he pointed his powerful weapons towards the hidious monsters and started firing at will! Bright light ripped the dust clouds and gave off even brighter red light as it met with the monsters' flesh. Their squeeking echoed like heaven's melody in his ears. One after the other the creatures were falling on the ground, severely wounded or dead. For three minutes he had become a spinning funfair ballerina of death. And for three minutes he was diminishing his enemies and saving his colony from disaster. 

The back-up forces came to find him on the ground, finishing off any creature that happened to still be alive after the massacre. He was a hero. 

*Original images and story by @ruth-girl - Steemit, 2018

Another insanity product by @ruth-girl editions is here. What inspired this crazy, surrealistic story? Human idiocy of course. Not mine, I mean yes, mine but inspiration came from the Chinese hilarious ways to produce fake products once again:

For the ones that didn't catch it, the box says LEBQ instead of LEGO and STAR WART instead of STAR WARS.

God Bless China! And may they offer us laughter and cheap fake products for the rest of human time! 

If you are interested in learning more about space colonization, I came across a very interesting post by @alexdory on Mars farming, perhaps you'd like to read that: Farming on MARS: Challenges and the existing technological options - Colonization of MARS Series

Thank you so much for your time!

Until my next post,
Steem on and keep smiling, people!


"What inspired this crazy, surrealistic story... inspiration came from the Chinese hilarious ways to produce fake products once again:?"

Really? Just the star warts? What about your hero's heroic stunts during the battle? Who inspired you about those ? >:(

cough, cough YOU GREAT MASTER OF THE MARTIAL ARTS! Who else? After all, you are well-known for saving the world from alcoholic aliens in the past ;)

The Methanotroph Armadillos were my favorite. I am trying to picture them out as I write this. I have liked Pacific Rim, even though it was oversold.
Very pacey story. But I have questions. If the colonists arrived there and found proof of life, especially hostile lifeforms, shouldn't the mission be scrubbed and the next LZ changed? Are the lifeforms spread all over the planet? Was someone analyzing their behavior, maybe they are protecting something or defending themselves. I can only imagine the fictional UN talks back on fictional Earth :D

Leaving your great story aside, this is something we must plan in advance and add it to the Planetary Protection Act BEFORE we start to colonize. Having good contingency plans is paramount. I wouldn't like the future of human life to be just like in the movies, space cowboys and aggressive mining guilds. I think that education and evolution should make us completely different to what we are now, maybe humbling us as a species. I will try to cover this aspect of our own societal future in a later colonization article.

There is a lot in our future. The first colonists will laugh about the science of my articles like we laugh about the original "The War of the Worlds".
I will drop by from time to time to check your writing :D

Ah! Lots of questions, I'm happy somebody shares the same questions I had while writing. I just didn't go on to explain all this because then the story would need to have two more episodes at least. Maybe in the future I'll work on it again and get a more extended version.

I guess real life projects are not executed based on Hollywood scenarios, such fiction is meant to entertain not educate. You are right, we need to learn how to be humble, appreciative and respectful to the world and one another.

And just like you said it, There is a lot in our future and we must shield ourselves with open-mindedness and a solid ethics code.

Thanks a lot for reading and leaving such a wonderful comment!

I've always preferred fantasy to scifi, but this is pushing me to try it. There must be so many stories that can be woven around and into space colonization.

It is a scenario that excites people's imagination. I guess in the (long?) future this kind of scifi might become a reality...

Thank you for reading this! :)

That was spectacular!

As I kept reading it was getting more and more interesting. You have a very vivid imagination and great narrative technique; I was visualizing everything described.

The battle scene was intense and suspenseful!

Ps. Lmao, didn't notice the title read Star WarTs before making it to the end.

Thank you @lordneroo! I think I get better with practice as time goes by ^_^

Ha! I hadn't seen the warTs until @trumpman noticed it laughing. I guess we should blame him for this crazy mess :P

Great story! I love the Star Wars lego's and the comment about China. Eroded is constantly looking for toys from them and laughing at how much they look like the real ones, but just not

Thanks! I love making fun of such stuff too. I didn't actually realise what I had bought until @trumpman pointed it out. At that very moment I pictured giant warts running after astronauts. This had to be written down :P

LOL too funny :)

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Because you are so fluent in english and also have the superpower to read 800-word posts in less than 2 minutes! WOW! Here is a flag because you're so fucking awesome!

why you so mean :(

Don't mind ruth. Here's a cute animal to make up for her flag!


That's what you wrote, don't edit your spamming. You didn't even upvote this post, but spammed your comment and flagged me when I exposed you?


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