The Day We Saved The World - A True(?) Story

in #science-fiction6 years ago (edited)

So, as you saw from yesterday's post, I went on a short trip with @trumpman on Saturday. We went through snow-covered hills and admired nature's creativity in painting scenery. But there is something I didn't put on that post. Something that I thought I should keep a secret for the rest of my life. I just didn't want to tell anyone so as not to raise panic, but you know? You all deserve to learn that a great danger for our species was successfully pulled back last Saturday.

On our way back we noticed this:

We immediately realised that aliens were ready to land on the peak of the mountain of the twelve gods! Olympus and Kissavos were about to be invaded by a huge spaceship, all fat and puffy like the Michelin Man from Ghostbusters. Myriads of ET's cousins would flee down the mountains and spread all over Greece to use it as a base to conquer the rest of the world. A real danger was coming and we were helpless spectators of an imminent disaster. Our Earth would never be the same and the human race was about to be enslaved to a species of higher intelligence and extra-terrestrial technology.

Without hesitating, brave @trumpman drove as fast as he could and headed to the place where the alien spaceship was ready to land. We got out of the car and hid behind some tree trunks and bushes as we watched the alien army disembarking. Their chief commander was a creature of hidious appearance, resembling Ridley Scott's Alien, Τhe rest of the soldiers were just as disgusting and terrifying, vicious killers that were here to accomplish one and only mission, subjugate humanity.

We had to act fast. We should inform the authorities that the end was near, right under our nose an enemy from space was ready to destroy us. But there was no phone reception in the area, the aliens used blocking technology that cut off any service at a radius of some kilometers. What could we do? We would not stand a chance if we were to attack them. We had to act smart.

I had some beer cans in my backpack, left from the picnic. I thought we could use them to knock the chief commander down. If we could hit him so hard, then @trumpman would be able to strangle him using his strong arms! I would step as bait and he would surprise attack him from behind. 

The soldiers were making lines with their backs towards us. The chief commander was behind them, supervising his army. I stepped out from my hiding place and @trumpman was ready to hurl the beer can with all his strength. Just as he was ready to throw his DIY weapon, a carefree squirrel that was loving himself under the bush where @trumpman was hiding, had just ejaculated on the ground and @trumpman slipped on his love juice. 

The beer can flew away from @trumpman's hand, hit the chief commander on the shoulder and fell down. The hateful creature looked at it in puzzlement. It leaned and picked it up, then looked around and saw me dead-scared and paralysed hiding behind the squirrels fluffy tail. He came closer to me and sniffed me. As I started to feel his alien drewling dripping on my hair, @trumpman had managed to get up and come to my rescue. He had another can on his hand and had to improvise. 

With all the courage he had he opened the other can and pointed it to the monster from another planet. He showed the creature how to do the same and said: "Beer, friend! Cheers!" 

The creature did not know what to do. The soldiers had seen what was happening and were all aiming their laser throwing weapons at us, ready for their chief's order for ultimate elimination of the pety beings that dared to touch their leader. He sniffed and some more drewling fell on my face (great, now I was  surrounded by an alien army I couldn't see, at least in horror films I cover my eyes but leave a tiny little peeping hole with my fingers. Now I would die covered in alien saliva)

@trumpman repeated his words: "Beer, friend! Cheers!" and the creature looked at the strange object in his hand. @trumpman showed him again what he was supposed to do. The alien followed his instruction and opened his can. Some foam started getting out and the alien got scared but @trumpman calmed him down: "Relax. Beer." and put his can close to his mouth. The alien was still suspicious but did the same. 

Once he took a sip of it, his whole expression changed. His body relaxed and his face seemed to enjoy this weird taste he had never tried before. With big gulps he finished his can and then a loud burp came all the way up his throat. It seemed he had never had that awckward feeling before, he growled and I gave him some more from my backpack. "Friends, beer" I told him. He snarled, but he didn't sound aggressive this time. He ordered his soldiers to put their guns down and drank another beer. Then, he turned to his army again and ordered them to get back on the ship. @trumpman and I were looking at each other in wonder, what did this mean? Were they to abduct us, kill us or turn us into their slaves or guinea pigs?

Hopefully, it turned out none of the above were on the chief's mind. He just loved this drink so much that changed his opinion about people and decided to let the Earth be. The only thing he would return for was some more beer. As he was getting ready to board the spaceship, he pointed at the empty beer cans on the ground and then back at him and moved his head, a gesture we interpreted as a promise to come back for more.

We waved goodbye and then the ship's gates closed. The alien army was taking off and we felt so relieved as we had just managed to save humanity from slavery and deterioration. The casualties? Several cans of beer.

Doubting Thomases

Now, some ignorants would go tell you that this thing in the picture is not a huge alien spaceship, but just a strange cloud formation. They would even go through a bunch of legitimate sources and start explaining that what we saw was just lenticular clouds and the whole alien story was made up. They will present you with a series of arguments and made-plausible explanations like this one below:

Lenticular clouds are stationary cloud formations of the troposphere, aligned perpendicularly to the wind direction resembling a saucer or lense. The clouds are not moving, but air can flow through them. There are three types of lenticular clouds depending on the altitude they form at:

  1. Altocumulus standing lenticular (ACSL), 
  2. Stratocumulus standing lenticular (SCSL) and
  3. Cirrocumulus standing lenticular (CCSL).

In my case, they would start saying that they formed because of the mountains, because that's how they are made. The humid wind meets obstacles (any high protrusion of the ground like mountains, hills or buildings) that cause it to create a series of standing atmospheric waves (disturbances in the atmosphere) on the downwind side of the mountain and if the temperature at the crest of the waves reaches dew point, the humidity in the air will condense to form lenticular clouds.

In order to try and cover the fact that these condensed vapor spaceships appear and disappear relatively quickly, they will tell you that it's the condensed vapor to blame. As the humid air starts falling it may evaporate again and begin a new cycle. Oh! And they will tell you that they sometimes might look iridescent because of the water droplets in them, which are very short-lived and act as prisms. They have a gallery with photos of "clouds" from different places here:

And of course, they will even tell you the argument that under the "perfect" conditions the wave after wave of lenticular clouds will form a "wave cloud", a cloud made of internal waves that causes the air flow to uplift and decent and any moisture in the air will condense upon meeting the coolest crests of these waves. But I don't believe it's true, after our past encounter with the alien army, I think they are just dewed exhaust fume trails from their spaceship.

You choose what to believe

That was my version of the story, now it's up to you to decide which theory suits best. I hope you had fun reading today's tribute to insanity. I was supposed to get a phenomenon post today, but this was a story worth being told. Phenomenon tomorrow! Have a great week!



*Original fiction and images by @ruth-girl - Steemit, 2008

Thank you so much for your time!

Until my next post,
Steem on and keep smiling, people!


LOL!!! :-)

That is so typical for @trumpan to slip on some juice!
Thank you for some good laughs and telling the brightness & silliness of life.

Next time they come ask for a tour and get on board :)

Haha! Ok, I'll keep you posted if our close encounters continue... ^_^

Conclusion: beers are dangerous (for squirrels at least :D )

That's why only people drink them... and aliens :P

especially aliens... indeed :D

You choose what to believe

I choose to believe @trumpman is the final evolved form of Gyarados.

If you believe it strong enough, then it's the truth

@ruth-girl thank you for saving our world . Not sure if we worth it ...

I believe the ones worth it shouldn't be sacrificed for the unworthy...

You are so gracious @ruth-girl.

I believe this is the 7th time I save the world, almost as many times as that damn Kakarot!

They must be more if you come to add the stories that are still kept secret ;)

You said it best!!
You choose what to believe 😉! !!

Hehe! Exactly, keep the truth that you like better :P

A small question ? Before you fight the aliens with the beer cans ... Did you drink a lot of them? (Cans not extraterrestrials huh). @ruth-girl, I died laughing there ... Too good your story, I would not have imagined to use the cans to hit them ... Fortunately, it was rather followed by an attempt at peace which was successful ... At the same time, funny story and always accurate information about the clouds. I just love it !

Hahaha! No we didn't drink much, what do you mean? Do you think I was just drunk and making this story up?! 😂😂😂

Hum... Thinking about it. But no, I just know that you have a lot of imagination and it is very important to write stories and you make that very well @ruth-girl

Hehe! Thank you! I love to joke around and sometimes we all need a good laugh!

Haha some people are always doubting thomasses.

That story is worth reading because in it I see a great opportunity to believe for the incredible.

Thanks for sharing

Hehe! Thanks! :)

wow so good so good and so good your photographs and your writing

Hey :) I nominated you for the #sevendaybnwchallenge :) See my last post Black and white photo challenge => Day 7 for more information :) Have fun if you will do it.

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