in #writing6 years ago (edited)


You're your own worst critic and it's fucking up your life and it's fucking up the world. Swallow that for a second. How do you feel? Are you reacting to the words? Your words so much so define the makeup of your world.

Imagine that - each one of us is creating the makeup of our collectively shared reality here. Lots of parts communicating that is for sure.

Have you ever considered how many quick, fleeting thoughts you have throughout the day? Have you ever tried counting this phenomena? This is your very own self-personified data. It's the shit that influences your living and the choices you make.

The mind is so much so the master throughout humanity and it's a real problem. It's a real problem because it's like in operating this way you are like a self-driving car that just kind of goes according to it's intruction...and the mind becoming the master instructor - when it's really suppose to be the exact opposite. The body is the Master and the Mind is the servant. The mind is the tool to assist with most awesome and excellent navigation and positioning of yourself in your environemtn. It's the software gps system.

Introspection is going inward. To investigate your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. It's a point of questioning. It's a boldness a courage to examine the tiny little bits of discomfort and instability that cause subtle movements within ourselves as the ripplying of our waters.

Each and everyone has an individual relationship with themselves. We human have an independence and an interdependence here as creators.

If we're not actively investigating our life creation here - which to an exten entails self-relfection and self-forgiveness into our pasts as our pasts so much so have shaped our charater here today. There's bits and pieces of the past that we are holding onto that is causing intsability within our waters...this happens all the way to a cellular level.

Thus it's a matter of fine-tuning - like a great muscian - always playing with refinement as like the fine wine just getting more fine with time.

Introspection is a way for you to substantiate yourself in your words. It's in your words that you substantiate the creation of you place/space here.

Make Introspection a fun and easy thing where you are your own detective.

I will help you get started if this is new to you.

What does Responsibility mean for you?

What does Happiness mean for you?

Introspection is critical to growth, development and maturity - because it is the very questioning of yourself - you take the first step on creating change for yourself.

  • To fear change is to fear yourself.

  • The only certainty we have is change itself and the nature of change itself is always uncertain - yet the one thing we know for certain is that change is always here.

  • Become the Change You want to See.


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I believe in the importance of the mind and introspection. In fact I think that the mind must be cultivated as the intellect is cultivated. Taking care of our mental health, our thoughts, our attitude towards life, can make the difference between a sad life or a full life. regards


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