Drudge [Poetry?]

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

It is a constant flow, just for show, the things I know run the show, excluding the rest from the flow. Pause then break, restart in dismay, the words I care about will betray, the thoughts I require seem to evade, instead. It's a blockade. The build-up sets the stage, fuck this rage, let in the sage, show me the way to find myself, but delay.

You dismiss what I say, I dismiss what I think, natural instinct takes me to the brink. The calm will reside in a corner it will hide, blackout your mind, lies you will find.

Words from the sage: "Direct the rage."

Where to go, you don't know, a sec of choice a lifetime of noise, inward you face, only fear in this place, darkness. Where is the rage? Fuck that sage, set fire to this place, shadow stories play on the walls of the maze, the blockade, increase the blaze, clear out the place!


Trapped thoughts roam freely at first fueling the blaze. You realise they were trapped for a reason in this neverending maze, consuming instead of fueling, a touch of taint. Using the light from below you look to the horizon, there are still parts untouched beyond this landscape of ash.

There is a corner with something dark hiding. It rises up and returns your gaze, your vision being suspended, the darkness flows out, lulling all thoughts, turning leaping flames to smoldering embers, before the last light flickers out embraced in darkness.

The Sage: "What the fuck man, why did you burn the whole place down?"

You: "You said to direct the rage, this is your fault asshole."

The Sage: "Use it as a searchlight, not to destroy everything, there was this one thought that I really liked, it was doing well all it needed was some rehabilitation and social acceptance you dumb fuck, now I have to start all over again."

You: "Next time be more specific, say hey! here is some light go find that thing over there and come back without BURNING everything to the ground."

The Sage: "I swear you are one of the smartest idiots I know."

You: "I am the only one you know fucktard, I am you."

The Sage: "No wonder you were an unwanted child."


The Sage:"Screw this. I am out. Needy prick."

You:"Fair enough. Grab a beer?"

The Sage: "Sure, gotta go wrangle me some nasty thoughts for tomorrow...and build a fire retardent maze, it is not enough that you are one."

Cover designed by me using the following resources
Source to Eye Image | Pixabay
Source to Flame | PNGTree
Maize Generator


Hi penderis,

This post has been upvoted by the Curie community curation project and associated vote trail as exceptional content (human curated and reviewed). Have a great day :)

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Thank you for your support, ;) I like how could also go see who was responsible and thanked them for considering my work worth this much support.

You have a way to get so honest it is arresting! It has beauty in the brutality of raw truth, and so deep in it's wisdom.

Not the word you would like, but it is how I feel - it's absolutely beautiful.

Can't not like the word when it is true... right? 😋 Let's agree to disagree but lean towards me agreeing but won't say so directly.

Thank you @kchitrah , you made my day.

And THAT puts a smile on my face! :)

This post has received a 100% upvote from @strongtower courtesy of @kchitrah. Enjoy the extra love! :)

The sage, ah, the sage.

The snarky sage who gives sage advice so vaguely none of us actually understands what he's saying, especially if we need the advice. I think all of us have one of him inside of us (I'll figure out the logistics and grammar of that sentence later). (No I won't).

(I really have to stop contradicting myself in these comments) (Unless I don't) (Ok, I'll stop now) (cue dramatic music) (see, I didn't contradict myself!) (Oh shoot.)

It is only a contradiction if you have made the decision? Until then it is just called choice... maybe

I don't mind the snarky but the shitty advice has to stop, unless I have it wrong and it is the jester and not the sage...

Trapped thoughts roam freely...

Sage be dammed burn the town but not today it's time to play stifled voice there was a choice some choose to lose fickle muse

This has perplexed me now for 3 days which is odd since I feel I understand the intention but can't explain my meaning ... haha think I just confuse myself at times. I really do like this line thank you.

Let's just blame this one on the sage. He probably had the hidden meaning all along.

Bit of a douche that guy. :)

I absolutely love the writing style. May have to give it a go myself one day.

mmm if it helps this started with the first line or two repeated as a rap. Not being dedicated to actually trying to write a proper lyric, I did stick to the feel I wanted hence my ten million commas, also considering that I may have a poem and someone told me commas speed things up and periods will make it slow.

You keep the train of thought and loop the beat run it to the end when changing the scene is as simple as dropping the base.

Slow it down when you feel drained a picture has been framed focus on the time from now and envision the end, scratch a bit as you add some details then play it out as you walk away. Pretty fucking chuffed with yourself.

But in honesty read some of @hyperboles freewrites it will get you in that freeflow space, which is just my personal opinion your flow might be different. Their posts are still amazing so regardless worth a read.

Hey thanks! Will definitely check it out. I do the 5min freewrites sometimes. So this could be something to add to the repertoire. I kind of enjoy the rhyming freeflow feel you created.
I have a couple of comment buddies to practice with so this could be fun.

yay. we'll wait with bated breath.

👋Well you will probably see anything I type since you seem to show up everywhere these days.

well headchange I think that in my mind at least, I don't see you very often so when I do I say something so that just makes it look like I'm where you are but I know I'm not because you are with another or other groups than me, I'm not with other groups.

A little bit of expressive whimsical satire mixed with a little frustration and a dash of sadness. I believe some of the best art and writing emerges out of these elements. I enjoyed you post. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you for reading, I like the description, haha, I have a soft spot for the word whimsical. I wonder if those who stumble on the fact that their works are good because of "bad" experiences try to chase their so-called muse to their own destruction.

Stop to smell a daisy in the middle of a highway, watching oncoming cars veer out , except for that one school bus always a damn school bus. But it was a pretty daisy and did smell mostly like something organic.

🤔 🤔

If you ever start a fire, make sure you're at the edge of it and not in the center

But you do find yourself in the centre, take the sage's advice: direct the rage or get consumed

If it was up to me I would find myself on the edge, I would also not be the one on fire. :) True though, sometimes you need to direct it depends on experience in the situation, other times you are probably being a needy little twat.

Dang it, if he didn't want you to burn it down, he should have kept his mouth shut.....
lol, that's a pretty awesome bit of double talk, full of inner turmoil, hyperbole.
Really interesting thoughts to verbalize.

Thank you, it was an interesting write up for me, I was going to just give up at a point where it felt I was trying to abstract things too much.

Where is the rage? Fuck that sage, set fire to this place, shadow stories play on the walls of the maze, the blockade, increase the blaze, clear out the place!

I do think I had a choice and it is odd to say seeing as I wrote it but , one of my decisions was that yes rage is fire for me at least but I added the question since this could be anything for anyone, in most cases it is destructive, mine I turn onto myself , others may turn their rage outward .

Thank you for reading. :)

@penderis, I think that was one of the interesting things about the post, it could actually mean different things for different people.

This is wonderful! Great job on the wordsmithing and putting this "prose poem" together! Fabulous! 💜

😊 Thank you.

Wordsmithing just sounds so cool.

I wonder if in the old days before presses they took blocks of wood to the blacksmith then he burnt the words on for them.... Probably the first signage companies started like that. How else did Asterix them always have those fancy wooden signs?

They hired a wordsmith.

The Sage:"Screw this. I am out. Needy prick."

My mom's exact words when I asked her for some juice in 1981. We still wonder how she's doing.

Haha, brilliant. Sad but maybe that moment she prepared you to be the comedian you were meant to be, a Mr Miyagi move or she fucked you up for all future relationships.

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