WRONG ADVICE - Jacobite's Show's (Story)

in #writing6 years ago
Joy sat on the bed in the hostel cogitating on how to clear the school debt when her room mate Edith walked into the room breathing hastily.

"what's the problem?" JOY asked but Edith ignored her and jumped on the bed.

"please l want you to do me a favour" JOY said.

"what is it?" EDITH asked, after much silence.

"Lend me 24,000 let me...."

Edith cut her short immediately.

"Lend you what! Joy you are a girl like me. What am using to make money is there with you. Use it!!! You are an orphan likewise me, you have someone supporting you unlike me. Now That your uncle cannot help you, use your body and help yourself!"

"I cannot give my body to a man who is not legally married to me!" JOY shouted.

"So l will give mine and then lend it to you. You are very stupid!" Edith Insulted.

Just Then, their room mates walked into the room and met them staring at each other as if ready for a fight.

Will be back after the break...
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"What's happening here?" Grace one of the girls asked.

"ls this nonchalant idiot!" Edith said pointing her index finger towards Joy.

"stop it!"

Grace shouted at Edith when she called Joy an idiot. Joy started crying and then turned to Grace who pretended to be nice to her.

"please help me talk to her. l have only four days to clear my debt. PLEASE" Joy pleaded with tears.

"Joy listen..." Grace began.

"None of us here can lend you such amount of money not even me when you can make even more than that in one night." "oh o!" Edith chipped in.

Grace stared at her scornfully and then turned to JOY and continued advising her against her wish.

To Be Continued...

Background Image Source Edited By @jacobite

If you will like to use any of my piece either in parts or as a whole, I will appreciate it if you contact me personally first to avoid legal implications. Thanks

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Hmmmmm......bad company
It's painful

Indeed it is...

Tnx for the comment

one of these situations in life when you have friends who dont understand, and when you have to choose either to keep your dignity, or be care free


We must be watchful of the companies we keep.

Tnx for the comment

Nice story @jacobite. That's the more reason we have to choose our friends and not let them choose you. I hope Joy makes the right decision. I was also in a similar situation while in school, it was very duffucult.
Waiting for the remaining part of the story. Wanna see how Joy survived/payed her debt.

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