Writing 101: Pen and Paper Vs. Computer - Which Do You Use? (Part 7)

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Pen and Paper Vs. Computer/Laptop

Writers are sentimental beings, filled with emotions, traditions, and ethics. 

Among all the good traditions and emotions there is a sentiment attached to writing on paper with a pen.

People will advise you to start writing with a pen and try to avoid the computer.


Because with a computer it is easy for you to correct spelling mistakes and grammatical mistakes and with this benefit, you will forget spellings and totally dependent upon technology. 

Honestly, the people who say this stuff are absolutely right, I have been using my computer to write for over a decade now, and I have often found it difficult to remember spellings. 

Once I almost forgot the spelling of words as simple as “tomorrow” and “tomato.” I was so dependent on grammar and spell checking tools that I was losing all the contact that I had with words. 

As of now, I do use Grammarly tool to proofread my work, but then I do make a point to use my laptop only for professional use and any personal stuff that I write, such as, short stories or poems I make sure to write it down on paper. 

So what should you do? Should you use a pen or type away on a computer?

The choice is yours, you can either use paper or a computer, that doesn’t matter. What matters most is what kind of content you produce? Does it help someone? Does it help you make more money and get connected with like minded people?

I believe that pen and a computer both are a means to an end, then justifies it all. 

What do you want to gain with your writing? Name? Fame? Money? Awards? Whatever it maybe, just keep writing interesting stuff.

If you enjoy reading my posts then do make sure to follow me @imransoudagar 

If you find my posts interesting then do read my other posts too:

  1. How to write and make huge money with Steemit? (Part 0)
  2. Writing 101: Why and How I became a Writer (Part 1)
  3. Writing 101: Who is a Writer? (Part 2)
  4. Writing 101: Types of Writers (Part 3)
  5. Writing 101: How to be a writer (Part 4)
  6. Writing 101: Skills required become a writer (Part 5)
  7. Writing 101: Tools used by Writers (Part 6)

When I Write, I write for me. I don't care if I get famous or even is some one else reads what I write, for me writing lets something out that I can not express with my voice.

I so much prefer when I am writing creatively or passionately to have pen and paper in hand over a keyboard on my lap and screen in my face.

Maybe that is just my age coming through a little. Growing up computers were always used for school work, and a few games. Anytime we had a writing assignment for many years it was all done by hand. I think that is why I prefer all creative writing by hand.

Good read!! Followed :)

@spikedgiraffe: That is great, people who are too focused on earning money, name and fame often end up wasting their time. The best thing is to express and let your work speak for yourself.

Another thing that I have observed that we writers find it difficult to express our thoughts with our voice but when it comes to writing we end up writing volumes expressing our motions.

Keep writing.

I think nowadays the answer is usually that you have to know how to do both. At least, if you are the kind of person who appreciates the old fashioned way of doing things, but you don't want to get left behind by new technology, it means you must learn and practice both ways. One is for yourself and the other for the outside world.

I think it is important for children to learn to write with a pen or pencil and to write in cursive. It's good for the fine motor skills and it connects them with a tradition that is unbroken for thousands of year. It establishes them within the continuity of civilization. Whatever other skills they need to learn to navigate the world today will have to be learned on top of that.

Yes we need both. And our children need to learn and practice the art of writing.

P.S: I am old fashioned and every poem and story I write, I write it on paper with a fountain pen.

Wonderful! I would love to learn calligraphy.

great article..i learnt alot from this..do follow @alasco and lets keep in touch

Hey Imran, great writing!

Can you please write about how to send Steem from steemit to bittrex? If you can write step-by-step instructions about it, it will really help newbies. Lot of people are asking me this and I have no first-hand experience.

Even I have never sent payments on Bittrex or any where else.

Here's a link that I guess can help you.

If I ever try, I will write a how to article.

nice post
please follow and upvote me i will do the same for u @piyushkansal

I admire a person who can easily take pen to paper. Any lengthy writing I do, it get done on the computer/ipad .

I write both on paper and computer. :)

Good article... Just upvoted....

Sorry I'm late.... upvoted...nice post brother...

Cool, thank you for your support. :)

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