Chapter 1: Quarterlife Crisis: TWB First Chapter Challenge Entry
Happy Sunday Steemians! So, on Thursday's PYPT, I was excited to hear about The Writers' Block fantastic First Chapter Challenge. I've bitten the bullet and decided to post my entry today. I hope you enjoy it!
Quarterlife Crisis
Chapter 1
Dear Reader . . . Journal . . . Diary . . . whatever . . .
I feel like such an idiot writing this. Supposedly it’s going to help. As if! I’m a twenty-seven year old professional, not an angst-ridden teenaged kid. Okay, so maybe I’m a twenty-seven year old who acts like an angst-ridden teenaged kid, but still . . .
Let’s try this again. Dear reader, prepare yourself to be bored to death. I’m just not that interesting.
Truth is, it’s been a long time since I’ve felt like myself. Hmm, that makes it sound like I’ve been a bit off-colour for a few weeks, struggling with the usual shit life likes to fling around from time to time. Well, this particular shit has been airborne for almost ten years.
I thought this writing bollocks was meant to help, not make things feel worse. I can’t believe they’re making me do this. Okay Cara, don’t complain. Keep writing.
The fact is, there’s nothing wrong with me. I’m not ill. My family and friends aren’t ill. We’re all fairly well balanced . . . ish. You know what I mean. There are no great dark chasms of despair lurking. I have a job. I can afford to waste money on completely random crap on Ebay from time to time. I have friends. I’m not lonely.
And yet, I don’t know who I am. I don’t know what I like, what my dreams are. In fact I have no dreams. No ambitions. No real hobbies or drive. And there’s something even worse. I don’t particularly care. Actually, that doesn’t cover it. The word ‘care’ makes it sound like I’ve spent time thinking about things. Worrying about things. I haven’t. ‘I don’t mind’ is actually nearer the mark. An insipid lack of care. A feeling of Blah.
According to the professionals this is a major issue. Frankly, I just don’t get what’s so wrong about it. Sure, I don’t have those mad urges and strong desires that some people have. It doesn’t bother me though.
Take Jess for example - she’s so full of hopes, dreams, fears, and worries that a conversation with her is a bit like trying to ski over the Hebrides. With me, someone has knocked the top off the peaks and used them to fill in the valleys. I’m smooth and safe. It’s the way I like it. And that’s what I’ve been trying to explain to Jess for ages.
“Safe? Bullshit. Your life is stultifying.”
“I prefer a safe and easy ride compared to the never-ending emotional rollercoaster you’re on!”
“Easy ride? You’re not getting any kind of ride right now, easy or not - that’s the issue! And this easy, safe thing that you keep going on about is the whole reason for that.”
“What, so you think that guys prefer an emotional fuckwit like you?”
“In a word, yes. And stop being such a bitch, it doesn’t suit you.”
“Thanks for the advice.” I roll my eyes at my friend.
Yes, Jess is my friend, though you’d never believe it based on this conversation. In fact, she’s my oldest friend, which is why I have no worries about being rude to her. She’s not going anywhere. Her being my oldest, most trusted friend is also the reason I’ve decided to tell her about my – erm – dry spell.
“Look,” Jess continues, stealing a handful of M&Ms from my bowl, having decimated her own stash ten minutes ago, “blokes like women who have something to say for themselves. Women who have dreams they can share in and demands they can help to fill. If you’re too easy-going, there’s no hunt in it. No way they can demonstrate their manly prowess, their hunter gatherer skills.”
“So you’re saying men prefer drama-queens to someone laid-back?”
“Laid-back is fine. Cara, I say this with love but you’re not laid-back. You’re dull. You have nothing to share, nothing to offer because you don’t know what you want.”
“Yeah . . . but . . . not in a needy, mixed up way.”
“No, you’re even worse than that! At least needy and mixed up means that you know there’s something out of place. You’ve become a complete nothing.”
Jess stops talking and just watches my face. I say nothing. I don’t really know what to say. I’m waiting for what’s next. I know it won’t be an apology. That’s not her style.
She sighs. “Okay, Cara. You’ve just proved me right. Anyone else would have slapped me, thrown M&Ms at me, cried, screamed . . . anything but stare at me without saying a word!”
“What do you want me to say?” I ask. I’m not angry. Or shocked. I’m just me. Easy-going. Dull. Apparently.
Jess heaves herself off of the sofa and stretches. “I’m off.”
I raise my eyebrows. “Off where? I thought we were going to watch a film. I thought you were going to give me some advice. I need you.”
“No you don’t. What you need you need is a life.” She pauses and scratches her nose, a sure sign that she’s upset. “Get a life Cara, before you turn around and you realise that you’ve completely wasted your chance.” She gathers up her bag and her jacket. “I’m here for you when you get yourself out of this rut. Until then, don’t bother calling.” She walks out, closing the door softly behind her.
And, dear reader, believe it or not, I still felt nothing. Absolutely nada. Zilch. I just sat there staring at the back of the door for a full ten minutes. I’d like to report that I was in anguish, that my heart was breaking, that I was holding back the tears and desperately trying not to scream mad obscenities.
I wasn’t. I just sat gazing blankly at the array of coats and scarves hanging from their pegs. I only moved when I realised that I needed to pee.
I might not have reacted immediately, but that was the conversation that led to it all unraveling. To me unraveling. To having to keep this stupid, idiotic journal in the first place. That was the night I dreamt of the waves for the first time. And it just bloody keeps on coming back, night after night.
I’m standing on a hill above the shoreline, three children and their parents strolling on the beach below. I see a giant wave climbing to a peak and I know that it is going to come crashing down. I know that I’m going to have to turn and run and save myself. And yet I just stand there, enjoying the sense of peace and absolute stillness before it breaks. I should scream, shout out, give them some warning and a chance to escape. But I don’t.
It crashes around us. I turn and struggle to climb higher, the sound of the roaring surf in my ears, and a deep sense of loss and sorrow settling on my heart. Then I wake up. My face is wet with tears again.
I hope you enjoyed it!
Catch you all tomorrow,
Eveningart x

Oh... wow!
What does Cara decide next? This definitely draws me in.
I can't wait to see what's next.
Oh... wow!
Thank you so much @bluefinstudios- I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Crikey, and this rate I'm going to have to write the rest of it ;)
E x
SOOOOOOOO good!!!!!!!!
Oh my gosh love!!! Her apathy ... It was so unnerving hehehhee
I'm totally a Jess! 😂😂😂😂😂 And i know Cara people!!!! Hehhehee nothing phases them! You wrote her EXACTLY as they are in real life! Hehhehee
Im so looking forward to chapter 2!!! Hmm what's going in deep in her mind. The tears indicate something! Dying for her breakthrough...if there is one!!! 💗
Thank you so much, I'm really glad you enjoyed it! This is a standalone chapter for this contest... what d'ya mean chapter 2?! ;) Ooh noooo.... you mean I'm going to have to write it?
I've definitely been where Cara is in this chapter... but maybe for 30 minutes- or a day... but can you imagine a decade of Blah?!
I have a synopsis... looks like I'd better polish it up for the next bit :)
Thanks so much for the feedback - it means a lot. E x
howdy this fine Sunday @eveningart! I gotta ask is this total fiction? Because it is so real, it feels so real and I'm so involved that I want to kick your friends butt! lol.
I also need to go to the dictionary and online search to find out what some things mean like stultifying, bollocks, Hebrides, I think I know what insipid!
it's brilliantly written!
Good evening sir! Yes- total and complete fiction (I promise I'm nothing like Cara!!) but I'll take that as a compliment!
Haha- sorry if some of the wording is a bit too Brit!
Stultifying=complete lack of enthusiasm / epic boredom due to rigid/restricted routine
Bollocks= a rather tender part of a man's anatomy!!
Hebrides= rugged Scottish Islands - very hilly!!
Insipid = weak, lacking in flavour / character.
E x
ha! howdy eveningart on this grand Monday! thanks so much for the definitions, much appreciated. No the British tone is one of the wonderful things that make it unique. So glad that was fiction, do you have any friends that you can tell to go jump in the lake or be rude to and it won't matter because you're so close? lol
Erm... I might have one or two special friends who know how to weather my rare bad moods 😂
howdy tonight @eveningart! your rare bad moods huh? and your husband would agree with that assessment right? lol.
Stultifying!!!!!! Lololol I need to.look it up too! Hahahaha bollocks.... Hmm I know that one
And I loved the part about knocking the peaks off the mountains to fill-in the valleys! Perfect @eveningart!!!
Ooh that's not good that 2 people have had to look it up - it's one of our fave words in this house, so didn't think anything of including it ;)
Hehhehehe why??? How else will we learn new words???
I love it when women talk about what men want! It makes me scoff all giggly like! Secretly its fun to know how women think about how men think, even fictional women!
You have something here, something very exciting. I can already see the conflict emerging, the character development has momentum from the very first chapter! Me and my hunter-gatherer ways!
Is this something you will keep posting? Chapter by Chapter? Curie says you should!
Thank you so much for the wonderful feedback. Haha- it must have you rolling your eyes 😁, poor old Jess, she does like to think she knows it all!
Well Mr Huter Gatherer, I wasn't planning on it, i must admit... it was to be a one off post for the TWB comp and then finish writing the book behind the scenes. But I've already had a couple of lively messages from people looking forward to the next chapter... so... I guess I'll have to see how the competition goes and take it from there 😁
Thanks again for the lovely comment and taking the time to read my post. E x
I absolutely loved this @eveningart 😊 such a great story and you captured me from start to end. There are a few expressions and words that is new to me... Says the swede 😂😂lol
Amazing my sweet sister ❤️👌😊
Thanks so much my lovely- so glad you enjoyed it. 😁
My pleasure my sweet girl 🤗💕 it was Awsome!
Hi @eveningart, I'm sorry I'm too late to give this story an upvote. It's very powerful. I think you have a very nice story in the making, here. I'm not sure if it's a clinical thing, but I do personally believe that apathy can be a kind of depression. I also think that people who don't feel are very often either the victims of past abuse or oppression, and the apathy is the balm their psyche has produced to manage the psychological pain. I can imagine so many interesting directions for this story, and I would definitely be keen to read on!
I like your write style, It's original! Have a happy Sunday :-D
Thank you so much... and so sorry for the sllooooww response... finally here I am a week later- wishing you a happy Sunday back :)
E x
Hi eveningart,
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Thank you so much- what a lovely Sunday afternoon surprise! I really appreciate your support.
E x
This is fucking fantastic. Your voice is addictive, you've got me laughing, you've got me feeling... and you've got a big wave in your first chapter. There's a tsunami in the second chapter of the sci-fi I'm editing. Toying with the idea of submitting it to Pitchwars. Mine's a totally different story, of course, but that piece in your plot made me smile.
The way you play with emotion hooked me, and the characters you introduced are fascinating. Thank you for sharing this here! I'd love to read this book. DM me on discord if you're looking for a CP. ;)
And YAY!!!!! You got Curied! BIG SHOUT OUT to the @curie crew, for rewarding brilliance and outstanding original content posted on the blockchain!
Wah - my reply to you has gone awol... I do apologise for the slow response!
YAY! Thank you so much for the amazing feedback, I'm absolutely thrilled you enjoyed it. Hmmm yes, me and waves. They tend to find their way into my work... just like when I'm writing fantasy, any accidents that happen always involve people's eyes!
Oooh what's Pitchwars? I must investigate.
I might just take you up on the offer of CPing in the near future- might you read fantasy too?
The Curie was such a lovely surprise! I was quite nervy about sharing this, so it gave me a massive boost when this happened.
Catch you soon, and thank you SO much for taking the time to leave the amazing feedback. E x
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