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RE: Chapter 1: Quarterlife Crisis: TWB First Chapter Challenge Entry

in #writing6 years ago

howdy this fine Sunday @eveningart! I gotta ask is this total fiction? Because it is so real, it feels so real and I'm so involved that I want to kick your friends butt! lol.
I also need to go to the dictionary and online search to find out what some things mean like stultifying, bollocks, Hebrides, I think I know what insipid!
it's brilliantly written!


Good evening sir! Yes- total and complete fiction (I promise I'm nothing like Cara!!) but I'll take that as a compliment!
Haha- sorry if some of the wording is a bit too Brit!

Stultifying=complete lack of enthusiasm / epic boredom due to rigid/restricted routine

Bollocks= a rather tender part of a man's anatomy!!

Hebrides= rugged Scottish Islands - very hilly!!

Insipid = weak, lacking in flavour / character.

E x

ha! howdy eveningart on this grand Monday! thanks so much for the definitions, much appreciated. No the British tone is one of the wonderful things that make it unique. So glad that was fiction, do you have any friends that you can tell to go jump in the lake or be rude to and it won't matter because you're so close? lol

Erm... I might have one or two special friends who know how to weather my rare bad moods 😂

howdy tonight @eveningart! your rare bad moods huh? and your husband would agree with that assessment right? lol.

Stultifying!!!!!! Lololol I need to.look it up too! Hahahaha bollocks.... Hmm I know that one

And I loved the part about knocking the peaks off the mountains to fill-in the valleys! Perfect @eveningart!!!

Ooh that's not good that 2 people have had to look it up - it's one of our fave words in this house, so didn't think anything of including it ;)

Hehhehehe why??? How else will we learn new words???

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