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RE: Chapter 1: Quarterlife Crisis: TWB First Chapter Challenge Entry

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

I love it when women talk about what men want! It makes me scoff all giggly like! Secretly its fun to know how women think about how men think, even fictional women!

You have something here, something very exciting. I can already see the conflict emerging, the character development has momentum from the very first chapter! Me and my hunter-gatherer ways!

Is this something you will keep posting? Chapter by Chapter? Curie says you should!


Thank you so much for the wonderful feedback. Haha- it must have you rolling your eyes 😁, poor old Jess, she does like to think she knows it all!

Well Mr Huter Gatherer, I wasn't planning on it, i must admit... it was to be a one off post for the TWB comp and then finish writing the book behind the scenes. But I've already had a couple of lively messages from people looking forward to the next chapter... so... I guess I'll have to see how the competition goes and take it from there 😁

Thanks again for the lovely comment and taking the time to read my post. E x

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