Alexis Daimon, A Slave in Space — Erotic BDSM Sci-Fi Novella — Chapter 6 (Serialized)

in #writing7 years ago

But something was wrong. I still felt the bite of the rope cutting into my wrists and ankles, and I definitely still felt the ache in my extremely aroused pussy. Then the realization hit me. I was still in the simulation. I hadn’t woken up.

And I got the feeling that I wouldn’t be waking up any time soon.

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WARNING: This post contains sexual content! Read at your own risk ;)

Hello, and thank you so much for reading! This is the sixth chapter in a serialized novella I'm writing here on Steemit. If you'd like to catch up and read the first four chapters, you can find them here:

Alexis Daimon, A Slave in Space — Erotic BDSM Sci-Fi Novella — Chapter 1 (Serialized)

Alexis Daimon, A Slave in Space — Erotic BDSM Sci-Fi Novella — Chapter 2 (Serialized)

Alexis Daimon, A Slave in Space — Erotic BDSM Sci-Fi Novella — Chapter 3 (Serialized)

Alexis Daimon, A Slave in Space — Erotic BDSM Sci-Fi Novella — Chapter 4 (Serialized)

Alexis Daimon, A Slave in Space — Erotic BDSM Sci-Fi Novella — Chapter 5 (Serialized)

Thank you! I hope you have as much fun as I'm having :)


Dr. Masterson stroked my head softly, delicately tidying a few strands of my hair. I felt tears begin to well up again, and I swallowed them back, trying not to think of the gag in my mouth and my vulnerable position, the inevitability of what was to come.

Something was very wrong. How was Dr. Masterson here in the simulation? Was this real or was it some kind of nightmare resulting from a drug-induced coma after the accident?

“Are you afraid, Alexis?” He sounded so gentle, even genuinely concerned.

Despite not wanting to play into his games, I felt myself nodding. Then the tears came, turning into sobs as I realized that I would not be able to stop them, and that I would soon not be able to breathe at all if he didn't remove the gag.

I didn’t want to die. Not here. Not like this. Even if it was just a dream. But the panic only made my sobs come more violently. Breathing was already becoming difficult, and I desperately tried to maneuver the gag from my mouth. It was no use, however. It wasn't a ball gag. Instead, it was shaped like a phallus, and it filled my entire mouth. I gagged as I became more aware of it and its increasing hindrance to my breathing.

To my surprise, I felt a the gag suddenly loosen and slide from my mouth in an eruption of choking, coughing, and saliva.

“There,” he said, stroking my head again. “Now you can breathe.”


I took several deep, ragged breaths and felt the soreness in my jaw magnify as the muscles retracted from being stretched so far for so long.

I'd been momentarily distracted by my newly freed mouth, and I'd lost sight of Dr. Masterson—or whoever this man was—but in an instant I felt the shock, pain, and pleasure of penetration from behind me, and I let out a startled cry.

“You are so tight,” he said, his voice soft. “This is just one finger.”

He held his finger all the way inside me and cupped my flesh with his hand. I could feel my body tense around him, and it took everything in me to tell myself to relax again.

Until he began to slowly pull his finger out of me.

I bucked and moaned again, my body ready to explode at any moment, desperate for release. My pussy ached and my breathing was shallow, irregular.

Please, just end it, I thought. Then I realized that this is what he had meant. He's going to try and tease me until I beg him to let me come.

Well, I’m not doing that, I thought, suddenly smug. He may be able to force me to come, but he wouldn't be able to keep me from coming. I didn't need to beg for it.

I knew I wasn’t thinking all that clearly, but it did seem crystal clear what he wanted me to do. And I wasn't about to do what he wanted me to.

He wanted to get his rocks off on delaying my gratification and hearing me beg to come. So, by my logic, the sooner I allowed myself to come, the less satisfaction he would get.

I decided to try to have an orgasm. Or rather, I would just relax and let it happen—stop struggling, bite the bullet, and let me be over with. I was so close now anyway, it should be easy if I just gave in to the pleasure. Then he would send me back to my “wing” of the palace, and I would have some time to figure out what the fuck was going on. Or, maybe I would just wake up from this nightmare.

Either way, I wouldn't let him have complete control over my body or my mind.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a deep chuckle, as if he could hear what I was thinking and was making fun of me.

The sound made my blood boil, and I wanted to blurt out, “What’s so funny?” but I held my tongue. I didn’t want to do anything that would make him put that horrible gag back in my mouth.

“I’ve been spending some time getting to know you,” he said, thoughtfully, walking up toward my face. “I think maybe it’s time for you to get to know me a little better.”

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My head was turned to the side, away from him, my cheek lying flat against the table where I was secured. I could hear him behind me on the other side of the table, and I closed my eyes. Then, I heard an unmistakable sound.


My eyes popped open to see his large, erect penis in front of my face.

“Open your mouth,” he said quietly, but firmly.

I hesitated. I knew I had to obey. There was the threat of that fucking collar that I could feel now pressing into my neck. And there had to be other ways, I was sure, that he would punish me as well if I didn’t obey.

But I didn’t want to. Aside from the fact that my jaw was already tired and sore from the gag, I didn't want to give this sadistic bastard any extra pleasure.

I clamped my mouth shut, but he used his finger and thumb to hold my nose, making me open my mouth to breath. In a second he had shoved his hard cock into my mouth. It filled my mouth similar to the way the gag had, only it was much bigger than the gag.

He held the back of my head steady with one hand as he thrusted his dick into my mouth until I was slobbering and gagging and unable to breathe. My mind temporarily shut off as my body had to focus on its basic functions. I could feel myself getting more aroused, but was helpless to the fact. I no longer fought it, but welcomed it, hoping I would come soon so my agony would be over.

After a few minutes of fucking my face, he stopped and used his cock to slap me several times. I did not resist, and simply lay there, trying to calm myself down again. To regain my mental composure.

Then, to my dismay, he began again, this time harder and deeper into my throat, making me hold my breath for several seconds at a time as he shoved himself into my mouth over and over.

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Another break, then more cock slaps to the face, then another round of face fucking. This went on for several minutes. I lost track of time, and my mouth and throat began to grow even more tired and sore. I now only cared about breathing. I wasn’t even gagging as much anymore as I grew used to the sensation of his cock sliding in and out of my mouth and throat. My face was covered in saliva and it ran down my neck, covering my breasts and making them slip around on the table beneath me as I squirmed.

Then, finally, he stopped without warning and walked around to the other side of the table to get something. My head was turned away from him, and I could not see what he was doing, but I didn’t much care anymore. I knew I was about to come, and then it would all be over.

Something rubbed my pussy, and I moaned again. After having his cock shoved in my mouth, I was even wetter than I had been before. He continued to rub my pussy, teasing and prodding, poking but never penetrating. I cried out, I screamed, I made inhuman noises that I didn’t even recognize. Still, he continued ruthlessly. I knew if he penetrated me I would come instantly. Why didn’t he just get on with it? I refused to beg him.

Then, slowly at first, he began poking a little harder, prodding a little deeper. I could tell now he was using a large dildo; I could feel the rubbery, semi-firm length of it, and it seemed to be ribbed or textured in some way as he slid it all around the sensitive flesh between my legs.

He continued to tease me, but ever increasing the depth of his penetration with the rubber phallus from just a fraction of an inch inside me to a couple of inches deep. He did this slowly and rhythmically, but never allowed me to get too close to coming. It was as if he knew just how to keep me at the threshold, never letting me get close enough to take myself the rest of the way over.

I squirmed in frustration, and I realized that I was unconsciously trying to rub my clitoris and bring myself to orgasm.

I did want to come. I wanted it more than anything right now. I wanted to come so that it would be over.

Still, I was unable to do so. He continued to use the dildo to tease me. I wanted nothing more than for him to shove the length of it inside me and allow me to have my release. Perhaps if I asked him…

But, no. I would not give him the satisfaction. I was stronger than that. I could hold out.

Then, he stopped.

My eyes, which had been tightly shut before, now flew open.

“You’re doing remarkably well,” he said, sounding pleased.

What?? He wasn’t supposed to be pleased. He was supposed to be frustrated or discouraged that his techniques weren’t working. He wouldn’t ever force me to beg, he should have seen that by now. He should be giving up soon. How long had it been? An hour? Maybe two? Surely he'd lose interest any time now.

He patted me on the bottom familiarly as he stepped away from the table. I heard him shuffling around again, and my heart began to pound in my chest.

Maybe things were going exactly to his plan. Maybe he was still in control after all.

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I felt something cold drop onto my ass, and the viscous liquid slid down the middle, causing me to shiver.

Lube?! I thought, frantically. Why did he need that?

He took one finger and began to gently massage the lube around my ass.

No…I thought, panicking all over again. Not this. Anything but this.

He continued to rub and massage gently, adding even more lube after a few minutes. Then, I realized he was slowing beginning to penetrate my ass, just as he had done with my pussy. He went so slow, and he was so gentle, that I almost didn’t notice until he slid his finger in a little deeper.

I squeezed my eyes shut again as I tried to think of anything other than my helpless, exposed ass. My ass that he was currently caressing, but that at any moment he could begin brutally violating.

He teased my ass for several minutes until I was moaning uncontrollably.

Then, he stopped again.

After a brief pause, I felt something else touch my ass.

“It’s just a small plug for now,” he said as he rubbed it around, pushing it slowly into my ass just a little, then pulling it back out again, repeating the motion several times.

I moaned again, my eyes rolling back in my head. Would this ever end? How long had I been here? It felt like hours, but I had lost track of time somewhere…

Finally, he inserted the plug all the way into my ass. I felt so close to coming right then and there, but somehow he knew exactly where my limits were, and he kept me on the edge. He pushed and pulled on it, teasing me some more as I squirmed and cried out.

“You’ve got some willpower,” he said. “I’m impressed.”

He did sound impressed. But—I wasn’t trying to impress him! I wanted to fucking come so I could be out of here. So I could go take a hot shower and scrub him off of me.

But he wanted me to beg. And I wasn’t going to beg.

He left me there, and I heard his footsteps fade and then disapear as he walked away.

I pictured him sitting down to a fancy dinner and leaving me there for hours. I couldn’t decide whether I wanted to laugh or cry at my predicament. The irony of the situation was that I'd always dreamed of finding someone who would do this to me. But the men I found never took it far enough, never seemed to get into it as much as I wanted them to. And now, here I was, taken against my will. I didn’t want this, though. Not this way. And to make matters more confusing, I didn’t even know if this was real or part of a virtual simulation program.

Had I even gone to the hospital? Had my VR chip been somehow hacked? Was all of this just some hallucination or delusion caused by a massive brain hemorrhage? There were so many questions that needed answering, but I didn’t seem to be able to get anywhere with any of them as I lay there, distracted by my current physical predicament.

Dr. Masterson did come back several minutes later, and he began rubbing my ass again, wiggling it and jiggling it, spreading my cheeks and lightly slapping it. I didn’t think I could take much more.

He started again with the dildo—from scratch. Teasing, poking gently at first, then more firmly until it parted the flesh between my legs. Shallow at first and then deeper, but still keeping me just at the threshold. I came close, and I began to grind into the dildo, and he stopped.

Any time I would begin to grind, begin to try and bring myself to orgasm, he would stop. Then he would resume when I relaxed and calmed down again. He was tireless, and I began to think that I would go mad. I screamed, I cried, I moaned, and grunted as I pulled and struggled against my restraints. I no longer noticed the pain in my wrists and ankles, and I was only dimly aware of the pressure of the ropes.

I ached, I burned, I longed to come.

And finally, I cracked.

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“Please…” I whimpered softly.

He ignored me.

“Please,” I said more loudly, my voice desperate.

Still, he ignored me.

“Please!” I was sobbing now.

He did not reply.

“Please, let me come.”


Please let me come.”


He began to increase the speed and depth slightly with the rhythmic thrusting of the rubber cock. I began to grind into it again, and he stopped. I cried out.

“Please!” I yelled.

“Beg me.”

He was thrusting slow now, but had begun going deeper. He hadn’t fully penetrated me—not all the way inside. I wanted him to. I wanted him to give it all to me.

“Please!” I screamed. “Please, let me come.”

He continued to thrust slowly, deeply, and my body began to tremble.

“Keep begging, or I’ll stop.”

“Please,” I said again. “Please, let me come.”

More thrusting, deeper, still slowly. All the way in, then all the way out, then back in again.

I was shaking all over now, my legs quivering uncontrollably.

“Please!” I screamed.

He continued thrusting slowly and deeply, but used his other hand to wiggle the butt plug in my ass.

I squirmed and convulsed, feeling as though I would explode at any second.

“Keep begging.”

“Please,” my voice was now a whimper again. I was so close.


All at once, I felt him thrust the rubber cock deep inside me as starbursts exploded across my vision. I came in the most intense orgasm I’d ever felt—more intense than I ever could have even imagined. My body convulsed and shook, bucked and writhed, as I moaned uncontrollably. I had finally come. At that moment, I didn’t care that I had fallen into his game. I just felt relieved. I would have to deal with the shame later, but for now, I would just be glad to be on the other side—

But he didn’t stop.

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What the fuck? Panic began to seep into my pleasure-fogged mind once more, sharpening my senses.

I began to wiggle and squirm against the restraints more fiercely now as he continued to thrust the dildo deep inside me, faster now, and picking up speed. He pushed and pulled on the butt plug now, too, and I already felt a second tension building in the lower half of my body again.

I screamed at the sensitivity of the flesh between my legs, as he paused with the dildo deep inside me to rub his hand back and forth over my clitoris. I tried to get away, but I couldn’t. The sensation was overwhelming. I felt as though I might pass out—my vision went fuzzy and dark around the edges.

Then, back to slower thrusts with the rubber cock as he alternated his focus between my clitoris and the plug in my ass. He would wiggle the plug, then tickle my clit, then wiggle the plug again, all while still shoving the dildo slowly in and out of my pussy in a smooth back and forth motion.

“Please,” I said again. This time, meaning for him to stop.

“You’ll have to wait longer than that if you want to come again,” he said, half laughing.

“No,” I said. “No, let me go—“

I was cut off mid sentence as he shoved the dildo deep inside me again, causing me to gasp.

“I’m not done with you yet.”

“But you said—“

“I said we were going to get to know each other tonight—to test your limits. And that’s just what I’m doing.”

“But I already begged you.” I knew I sounded pathetic. I didn’t care anymore.

He wiggled the plug in my ass again and chuckled.

“I’m not even close to being finished with you yet.”

To be continued...

Thank you so much for reading :) This is the sixth chapter in a serialized, erotic sci-fi novella. I'll be posting a new chapter once or twice a week until it's finished, and then I will compile it into an ebook and give it away for free download here on Steemit!

Please feel free to leave your thoughts, feedback, constructive criticism, etc., below in the comments.

Much love,


I'm going to be late to work because I stopped to read this. Holy awesome damn. Expect a more robust comment tonight. This will be distracting me all day. Thank you for sharing this brilliance.

This was a wonderful chapter; it was lovely. I squirmed, I wiggled my hips, and it turned me on.

I ached, I burned, I longed to come.

This was masterful. The whole story is like pulling a thin thread in a blanket without worrying what the ramifications would be, and it lasts longer than expected; like "how could this thread be so long the blanket isn't that big."

I loved the teasing, the internal dialogue wondering what was happening. There is this balance throughout between Alexis' internal emotions and the concise description of what the Dr. was doing to her.

The part about the dildo and the teasing was expert. I long to write similarly to this. You are a model, an example, and an inspiration for me to write more effectively.

One thing of note, of which I'm guilty of too, some sentences like this one repeat the same sound or word and it throws off the flow.

I began to wiggle and squirm against the restraints more fiercely now as he continued to thrust the dildo deep inside me, faster now, and picking up speed.

"fiercely now," and "faster now." If possible avoid filler words like, "now," or "just" or "quite." I have words I need to watch out for, maybe "now" is one of yours.

Excellent chapter! I'm looking forward to more :)

Ahhh, I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I had a ton of fun writing it ^_^

Thank you for the feedback, also! I am so encouraged by your compliments on my writing, and I greatly appreciate the constructive criticism. I'm always striving to improve! I'm working on the next chapter right now, and I'm paying close attention to those filler words :)

I'm just catching up now. OMG OMG I fell behind for a while. My interest in Alexis has never waned. On the contrary, after this reading, I'm so fuckin' hot for her.
I think everyone should own a girl like her. In fact I've done a bit of what you've described back in a prior iteration of myself. Love your work!

science fiction, fantasy, erotica
haven't seen you around in quite a while, why not stop at my blog and check out some stories? Andromeda is progressing quite nicely. Hint: something major is going to happen to Anna in the next 2 or 3 readings.

Yay! Thanks for reading :) I had a minor life emergency that took priority for a while, but I think I'm back for now. I've got another chapter in the works today, and I'll be posting it sometime this weekend, after which I'll definitely be catching up on Anna's story!!

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