[EN] Algol – Demon Light

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

Algol – Demon Light


You once said, there were shadows moving behind my eyes. So much locked away. So much hidden in them. You were not mistaken. They are there, without a doubt. Lurking, waiting, a second pulse beside my own.

I sense them in the wind shaken treetops, I feel them in my appetite for strangely exquisite things. They are with me when anger fills my sails, when I tiptoe among the trip mines of life and when I want to rip apart this very flesh and give it to the big nothing.

But do not fret, these demons are mine. They are known and appreciated. When the world crumbles and the safety line's fringes greet the gale, they catch my fall and keep me going. Even through hell they keep me going.

Time and time again they make themselves known. Clawing their way to the top of my mind. With feline eyes they shine a demon light into the most obscure corners of my consciousness. When I find myself in terrible places, their hisses are singularly pleasing to my ears.

"It's okay, we've done that before.
B r e a t h e.
We will guide you through this. And you will feel lighter having handed over the reins."

I am well aware of their desires, as they are of mine. They know oh so well which buttons to push – or do I push theirs? The line is blurred. I don’t mind.

We are all the same. Kindred from beyond. Entangled in a webwork, so mindfully composed and so carefully ruined. In a way that is only known to mystics, death and creation itself.

My demons.
You were speaking directly to them.
I trembled, you sighed.

And now they recognized you as one of their own.

This is my entry for @mdbrantingham's contest The Muse of March. Participation is still open until the end of the month. Rules are given in the post. Enjoy!

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