#DolphinSchool Boot Camp

in #writing6 years ago

- DAY 1 - Making Friends -

@markrmorrisjr is hosting the first #DophinSchool Bootcamp and today is Day 1! I encourage all my friends and followers to share in the journey by following along, commenting, participating at will, upvoting, and resteeming freely! This should be pretty fun and an invaluable opportunity to learn. I have already begun to grow from the process and I have met some very cool people along the way.


Before I go on and try to execute the goal for today... I wanted to share something I learned with you. There is a much better way to keep up with your followers than trying to keep up with them directly on the platform here at Steemit or on the https://steemd.com site. There are some cool tools in the App Center from the drop down "Hamburger Menu" at the top right next to your icon.

One of the apps is called UpVoters and It can be found by clicking THIS LINK HERE or going to the drop down menu, then through the app center, and then typing Upvoters in yourself. Once you get there you can type in your user name and the quantity of your posts to review the stats on and Voilà... You can see some really cool stats. This will show you who engages with you by votes. This information can save you a lot of heartache and help you build better relations with those who are connecting with your posts.

I will share more of the tips and information I learn along the way to encourage you to Keep On Steemin On, and to do it in a more efficient way. As we all grow, we can all lead by example in what it is that we expect in the level of quality to find value. We all understand the learning curve is steep here on Steemit... but that's what friends are for!


I titled my post here Making Friends and today's mission was to write about our Ideal Follower! We had a lot of freedom in how we could approach the topic which made it more tricky than you would think! I have been blessed to come across many wonderful people so far on my journey here at Steemit! Many of my friends I made from Introducing myself and others from my Mushroom Photography posts and now from my art posts as well. @andyjaypowell @GoGoGadgetUpvote @jist @artlover @steemitadventure just to name a few that come to mind. Each one of these Steemians have been motivational, inspirational, and very encouraging along the way. These folks have been the ideal followers and I have tried to be a good friend back!

I know that I interact with a few people regularly that are not following me yet. I don't take that personal... and for today's challenge I think I would like to take a moment and share with you all two Steemians that are definitely worth a look!

@suesa who is really into Science, Fiction, & Science fiction! She is a part of #SteemSTEM which is a growing part of the Steemit community. Suesa has some awesome writing skills if you like creative writing. She also has a background and passion for the sciences. Her blog is worth a peek for sure! I would love to make her a follower of mine at some point... but that is a goal that will take hard work to achieve. She has only followed 15 people since I have known her... so breaking that 16 spot may be hard. I will have to brush up on my microbiology in that case! hahaha

@tarazkp is also another blog that would well be worth your time checking out. His photography is spectacular, in my humble opinion and he has some very interesting perspectives on life. I am usually provoked to thought and inspired when I finish reading one of his posts. He covers all kinds of topics which I enjoy as well. Taraz is someone on Steemit that I admire, appreciate, and respect. I would like to win him over as a follower of mine... even though I already consider him a friend!

I will try to engage with those two in particular a bit more to try and win some hearts over... but I won't spam them because I am merciful! There is a fine line between winning friends and being influential and annoying the crap out of them! I plan on doing some of the research methods taught in today's morning Boot Camp post to select my third Ideal follower to go after. I want to find someone that has some of the same goals I have which I will share in following posts.

This leads me to a closing thought. I think sometimes I have feared OverEngaging with people on Steemit, especially folks bigger than myself. I also know it's because I don't want to come off as seeking attention or votes. I think that it really takes a while to get comfortable here on the platform and even then it can ebb or flow in either direction. Now, at times I am afraid of UnderEngaging! This is FUD of the worst kind in all areas of this spectrum. Finding your place and your voice here is challenging at the least. I hope that my experiences can help others as I am hoping @markrmorrisjr's experience and wisdom helps me in this #DophinSchool Boot Camp!

We are all in this together... so we better make the most of it. You don't have to FUD with your FRIENDS! I leave you with a last image I took of what I call the "Brownie Mushroom!" I wouldn't eat it like a Brownie... but it looks Fudgy to me!

I posted the other two pictures of Mushrooms that were shaped like hearts... since I made so many friends today!

Now, I need to go catch up on comments and I saved some voting power for y'all's posts! I hope you all have had a good DAY 1! I know I have. You can check out the original #DolphinSchool Post and Join the Fun by Clicking Here. I look forward to learning and sharing some more tomorrow! Here in Sweden, we are about 7 hours ahead of my home state of Texas... so my times may be a bit different than may of you! I will try to keep up and spread the love as best I can! As always, I appreciate you stopping by and taking the time to check out my post!



Wow, great post, definitely a contender for the revenue share roundup post tomorrow. Good use of images, nice balance of white space, with space between paragraphs to make it trackable. Lots of links! I like that. it gives you reader something to engage in. You chose to put the #dolphinschool theme up front, which seems very natural in your post, but I'd like to see if you can roll it in, without hitting it head on, sneak it past your readers, by talking about the principles and mentioning it in a larger context. The other thing I would suggest is possibly editing your verbiage down a bit, I know, I hate that, but it made me a sharper writer when I was challenged to say everything in as few words as possible. WTH? You're thinking, that monster post this morning and he dares tell me to pare down? Well, I'd tell myself the same thing, LOL. Also, 2500 words was pretty concise for everything I had to cover. Also, use of headers or subheads might make it more scannable, another thing I hate, but works. Great post, loved, it beautiful images. Mushrooms are such enigmatic creatures. I like them, but some of them want to kill me, I've heard. LOL

Thank you very much for the feedback and constructive criticism! I often struggle with my word selection. I have too many to use! hahaha So, I am not surprised with that correction. My dad taught me, being the drummer he was, that sometimes Less Is More! I have yet to master that skill... but it's something I need to work on for sure!

My struggle is feeling the need to over or under explain things! Visually, as an artist, it's easier for me to grasp layouts... but writing is more difficult to access, for me. When is enough enough? I fear sharing too little or too much and end up less concise either way!

In the assignments coming in the days ahead I will be more subtle in my incorporation of the Boot Camp. I thought Day 1 would be perfect to introduce the program and give a foundation for the next ten days. The subtlety will be easier now that I feel I have explained what is going on! I may have been doing that mostly for my own sake! hahah

Looking forward to Day 2 and applying the knowledge and correction in the posts to come!
Keep Up The Great Work Yourself
Mister Miagi

You just named two of my fav steemians. @tarazkp and @gogogadgetupvote. Clearly for very different reasons. Gadget was the first steemian we interacted with on steemit and Tarazp is a machine I can't keep up with all the awesome stiff he posts but I try to read a post of his a day. I look forward to seeing you around #dolphinschool

@tarazkp & @gogogadgetupvote are both awesome Steemians for the platform! I really appreciate both of them, as you said, for different reasons! I am so happy when I hear that Gadget was one of if not The first person on the platform to interact with newer folks! I support his initiative for newbies completely!

Taraz is a beast of a machine when it comes to being positively prolific! Although he is very prolific the quality of his content is never compromised because of it! That is something I aspire to! One of yesterday's boot camp posts also had him in it too! It is looking like birds of a feather are starting to flock together! And I like our flock!

And I like our flock!

Me too!

I loved this post, and not only because I'm a huge mushroom fan! (Oooh, later, I'll try remember you when I post a piece of art I made as a gift for my brother, which included a fractal mushroom planet! Pretty sure you're going to love it.) I also discovered @suesa yesterday and am intrigued by their blog! I'm a big science and sci-fi fan. And @tarazkp in my assignment post too! Let's hope we earn their follow! ^^

Anyways, it comes through here that you're down-to-earth and self-honest. I'm very glad to have met you through our #dolphinschool experience and can't wait to see more of your posts. Here is mine if you haven't seen it yet.

Thanks for stopping by! I think you will appreciate my photography and art. I am so happy that you stopped by and commented! I did check out your post and it was super good. I would love to see your fungal fractal planet! Sounds right up my alley. There is a tag called #FungiFriday you can use on Fridays for posts with anything having to do with Fungi! I would encourage you to try that one out when you get ready.

Suesa and Taraz are both awesome! I also checked out the blog Taraz recommended from your comment section! They are both folks you can learn a whole lot from just by observing. They are also both pretty experienced on the Platform... so they are good blogs to draw wisdom from! Many of the folks from the Day 1 posts have been incredible!

Looking forward to catching up more with you and growing together in the DolphinSchool!
Steem On My Friend!

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