Mischief Makers Day 22: Glitter the House Elf

in #undefined6 years ago (edited)

Previous Story (Christmas Caterpillar)

Nim let out a big yawn. “I thought they would never go to bed.”

“Well, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is a looooong movie.” Lil stretched.

“And the boys LOVE it.” Glitter flexed.

“And Mom and Dad fell asleep on the couch,” added Figgy. “The boys took full advantage.”

“Which gave Figgy and I an idea,” Pixie danced on her toes. Lil, Nim and Glitter looked at the pair expectantly.

“A re-enactment of the best scene in the movie,” said Figgy with a flourish of his hands.


Nim stretched like a cat. “And what’s the best scene in the movie?”

“Dobby’s freedom of course!” Pixie smiled.

“Oooo,” said Lil. “Can I be Dobby?”

Pixie shook her head. “Nope, you are Malfoy Sr.”

Lil slumped. “Why do I have to play the villain?”

Figgy fluttered over to Nim. “Nim will play Harry.”

Lil scowled. “Why does Nim get to play the hero?!”

“I am playing Ron,” said Pixie.

Lil glared. “Why do you get to play the sidekick!??

“And I’m Dumbledore,” finished Figgy.

Lil crossed her arms, playfully huffing and puffing.


The elves smiled, excitement in the air.

“Wait, aren’t you forgetting someone?” asked Glitter. “Who is going to play Dobby?”

Pixie and Figgy smiled with a mischievous gleam in their eyes and turned to Glitter. Nim and Lil giggled when they realized who was going to play the house elf.

Glitter the house elf
was a jolly happy sprite!
With a pillow case and a dirty sock
And a face filled with delight
Oh Glitter the house el---

“Can it,” grumbled Glitter. “I’ll play the little gremlin, but I would have been a better Dumbledore.”

“Hey!” protested Figgy. “I am going to look great with a beard!”

The group threw themselves in to making costumes and setting the scene. After several small skirmishes and a few huffy tantrums, they had the scene set up perfectly.

“Why couldn’t we have started the scene when they are all in Dumbledore’s office?” whispered Nim.

“My arm is going to get sore pointing this wand at Harry all day,” Lil groaned.

“Shhhhhh!” hissed Figgy. “I hear them. Places everyone!”


Next Story (Christmas Clue)

Stories in Order
Day 1 Broken Bones and Promises
Day 2 Tinsel Town
Day 3 Snowmen at Night
Day 4 Cookie Clutter
Day 5 Elf in Trouble
Day 6 Scrooged
Day 7 Night Ninjas
Day 8 Googly-Eyed
Day 9 Snowglobes
Day 10 Hot Air Balloons
Day 11 Holidathlon
Day 12 Christmas Climb
Day 13 Nurse Nim
Day 14 Gingerbread House
Day 15 Sugar Cookie Showdown
Day 16 Sizzling Snowmen
Day 17 Gnomes at Home
Day 18 Snowballs
Day 19 (Birthday Party)
Day 20 (Believe)
Day 21 (Christmas Caterpillar)
Day 22 (Glitter the House Elf)

Coming Soon!!!
Day 23 (Christmas Clue)
Day 24 (All's Well That Ends Well)
Day 25 (Epilogue: Breaking News!)


Thanks for your entertaining story, @apinchofhome! 😉

Thank you for all your support @trincowski!

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