Witness Server Updated from 0.19.10 to 0.19.11

in #witness-category6 years ago

This was the quickest update from one version to another I've had. Everything replayed quickly within a few hours. Great job Steemit Inc. on a good bug-fixing release.

Steem 0.19.10 had some bug issues apparently, which the new release mentions:

There was a bug in how witness nodes were heuristically calculating the block size when generating a block that could lead a node to produce a block that was too large. (#2632)

Authority membership size was not being enforced and is now checked.

Fixed a bug in the logging config that could inadvertently lead to the data dir being wiped. Also added a more generic log-appender option that can specify a either a file or a stream in the same option (#2614)

The write processing thread was started to early in the steemd startup process which lead to nodes being pegged at 200% CPU during reindex. Reindex was not parallelized and one core was busy waiting. This thread will now start at the correct time and reindex will only consume the needed 100% CPU. (#2613)

I had only noticed one myself, as I saw steemd running at 200% CPU usage when I was trying to update to 0.19.10 two weeks ago. I'm glad I didn't get the logging config bug where my data dir was wiped.

Not much has changed for the account fee or any other parameters for me. Price feed is being auto-published based on market value as per usual, thanks to @someguy123's price feed.

Thank you for your support. Peace.

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My goal is to share knowledge, truth and moral understanding in order to help change the world for the better. If you appreciate and value what I do, please consider supporting me as a Steem Witness by voting for me at the bottom of the Witness page.


Dear @krnel,

I just realized that you are a witness and thus just voted for you.

You have been posting some amazing and very pertinent pieces recently on what seems to be a daily basis; I love your articles.

As a witness, I will ask you a question I've been asking other witnesses who have yet to be able to answer it. So here it is:

Why the heck has Steemit removed the VIEW COUNT on posts? (that little eyeball icon next to the other post's things (such as number of votes, comments).

This was the only way we could tell how many people were viewing our posts. Hence, I see no logical reason to remove this feature (and in my opinion whoever decided this was really stupid and lacked judgement).

Anyway, if you can investigate with your contacts as a witness about these - and even get the eyeball count feature reinstated that would be very much appreciated.

Thanks my friend!

Thanks for the support. I don't know why they did. It might have been extra bloat they don't care about, since they aren't focusing on the front end much anymore, mostly backend dev. I don't have many contacts as a witness ;) Steemit Inc. will mostly be about Steem the blockchain now, not the front end steemit.com...

Ok thanks; this is the most info I got on the subject.

If ever you guys have a witness meeting to relay info to the front end developers, pls forward this request (to restore the view count).


Glad things are updated and went smoother than it could have. Now we just need to get you in the top 20 so you can get paid what you are worth to the site.

Thanks. Hehe, that will never happen (don't think so). I garnered too much dislike in taking on the powers here and don't do enough or anything in the eyes of most who have SP. No reason to vote for me. Even if I made a better site or something, then I might or might not get into top 20. Will see how things go ;)

don't do enough or anything in the eyes of most who have SP.

You mean like tricking newbs out of their little stake here by providing them with a bidbot vote machine that can act as a profit machine for idle SP, or talking shit about Steeminc.

You do a lot to help keep this interface going, interacting with the low riff raff (like myself), actually using this site as it was designed to be used, much more than many of the top dogs are doing. I imagine many who leave do so after handing over all the Steem they earn to the witness vote bots, in effect paying all their earning for visibility on lists no one even peruses.


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