
in #watercolor7 years ago

The ingredients: watercolor, patience, ink, precision, water, joy, creativity, pinch of musical bits and time

What’s the difference between those who do the randomness versus those who know what’s in their cupcake? It is not about delicious, melting on tongue pastries. If you take time to think about what is it you wish to put out there, what is your craft and strengths end result will always be way more authentic, giving you room to have fun and play. More you and less what random piece of information would please the crowds. Own yourself not the upvote button!

Can you answer this question for yourself - what is that you do here on Steem? Even better, imagine answering this question in front of Ned or group of core developers of Steem. Freaking  out yet? I am sure some of you have nothing to worry about.

What’s in your cupcake?  

Song of the day: Sam Tinnesz - Even If It Hurts
Thought of the day: Be awesome
Tiny happiness of the day: Sore muscles 


My cupcake has a bit of beer in it. It's intentional.

Really nice painting as always !

Thank you @beercake!

You know you could do some beer reviewing too some time not just rum. ^^

The problem with beer reviews is that they are very local. Rums of certain brands can be found across the world.

I guess my cupcake is made with unmarked ingredients - it's a pretty mixed bag. I like the variety though. Even if some stuff 'performs' better than other stuff, I think I'm at the point now where I just post whatever I feel like trying at that particular time, as long as I feel like I did it as well as I could.

Thank you for your comment @elliotjgardner! ^^

Yeah, I know what you mean. Trying different things is great for growth. As long as the result makes you happy, it is all worth it.

My cupcake is full of life. Many little souls that push me to each next day of playfulness, randomness, nothingness, smiles and a thirst for what's next. I am grateful that my cupcake is never empty.

Thank you @erodedthoughts your comment and support is much appreciated! Interesting thought. To always make sure there is stuff to put in there. I am glad you have never ending supply :) Maybe we all do, just don't always realize it.

We all often over look the simplest of things in life. Experience is in every action and reaction throughout each day, embrace them all and your ingredient list will never be empty.

Once again a wonderful piece :) I quite like the fact that you didn't make a solid border all the way around the top, it's a nice mix. I also really like the way the colors mixes, especially the pink and the blue in the very top right.

Have you considered mixing in some thicker outlines as well? Maybe using quite a thick marker could add an interesting dimension. I don't know if it would be more cartoonish, but it could maybe be cool to try out. For some reason i just feel like the top of the cupcake could benefit from a harder outline (except for the part that has no outline), but i really can't explain why :)

Thank you @emilclaudell! ^^

Yes, I also thought that all around line would be too heavy. What I love about dots is that they enhance some parts, but in more fluid, less forced way.

I think I will have to pay a visit to my little artist boutique to look for some fun tools to experiment with. My current arsenal is shameful.

You can ALWAYS use more tools :P I think the next tool i'll buy is a new compressor, so i can get started with airbrushing. I agree with your point about the dots, it's a whole lot less harsh :)

What a difficult question.. really. What's in my cupcake? Well, I think I have several cupcakes. I just can't put everything in one cupcake. There is so many areas I'm interested in - science, art, sports, traveling, outdoors, people, architecture, career, food... I think/know that I'm good at some areas, but I'm constantly trying to develop myself in everything. Well, maybe that's my true strenght then - desire to evolve, to be better. I'll put that key ingredient in my every cupcake.

Thanks for making me think about this! And I your watercolor cupcake is beautiful. :)

Thank you @lindiry for taking your time to think about this :) That was exactly what I hoped for.

I think wanting to be better and constantly evolving is amazing key ingredient.

Love the blueberry :)

My cupcake is filled with everything and anything that is worth thinking about at the moment and each bite leads to the next bite that may taste completely different from the last. My goal is that it tastes good but, it is also nutritious enough that it will never run out of ideas of what to put into the next cupcake.

Thank you @tarazkp!

Nutritious part is vital. If it consists of sugar only sooner or later you will begin to feel sick of it. Cheers to never running out of ideas! ^^

Wonderful piece miss! :D
Great use of color and black.

Why I am on steemit? Quite the easy question... 2 MAKE AL DEM MONEYZ!!!
Haha no I have been looking for a nice place to start blogging show my art find like minded people etc but that is not FartBook.
That combining with my interest in for the blockchain technology made Steemit the logical place to be

Thank you @wolv ^^

Aww. I felt the same way when I got my first look on Steemit. My reaction was along the lines - this is so cool! I had looked for this kind of community for a while. Not consumers, creators! People encouraging to be creative, think, grow and learn! Moneyz is just a nice bonus while doing what you love, because with Steem possibilities are endless! :)

Exactly my point! Of course there are plenty that are doing it for the money sadly enough... But you will find those kind of people everywhere...
When I started I thought most people would just be blogging and writing. So I am happy to see that I was wrong, there actually are a lot of artist.
It is a very inspiring place to be

I try to bring a small part of my life to steemit; To share some of my personal journey. I blog about all sorts of things, some of which may not interest everyone, however I feel it’s important to be me and not simply write content because it might get me a 0.01 vote. I finish most of my blogs with design and create your ideal life, don’t live it by default and I believe in applying that “ownership” to every aspect of my life.

Letting go of blame, doubt and excuses are a part of my life. I think sometimes people need to learn those things have no value the hard way though? Being true to oneself is a valuable asset.

Anyway, I believe in being tolerant to others, to be patient with them and understand that their “story” is just as important to them as mine is to me. The story of life, not a steemit blog I mean. I’m not sure if my cupcake is appealing, interesting or “tasty” but it’s all I have so I might as well respect it right?

Teal!!! I love teal and the combination with the dark red is great. I hope you bake draw more of this little gems.
And my cupcake is perhaps a megalomaniac Torte, filled with art, music, crafts and the wish for neverending fame and praise :-D

That cupcake is beautiful!! I love the galaxy-like icing :D! Great picture, if only I could paint with water colours like that...

Thank you @ahmedelakehal! I avoided watercolors for a very, very long time, because I just did not know how to work with them properly or at least in enjoyable way, because of how unpredictable the results can turn out by color bleeding and mixing. Now I find this element really fun and like a little surprise for me as well. Sometimes it does not work out and it is easy to mess up though.

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