The warrior from out of the blue

in #warrior6 years ago

The true test of a warrior of light comes in the vulnerable moments when the heart is open and the armour is off.
The perceived subversive energy comes to disturb in such a way it tags its shadow within you to pull you to fight, to react, and if acted upon rashly then the limited mind of panic thoughts takes over and you’ve already lost.
The advanced warrior understands this and sees it for what it is and becomes calm, no thought, until the moment comes to diffuse the opposing energy and return the disturbance to its natural order.
But some energies are like a volcano and boil over and keep doing so until they have vented all of their power out, and until they do so, calm is upset and patience is needed.
A wise man of course, moves away from an exploding mountain until it is prudent to return.
“Which part of your existence do you not understand?” asked the warrior from out of the blue.
“All of it,” I said without looking around to see where he was; he would appear when he wanted.
I was staring down at the pavement as I walked along and being mindful of holes that might suddenly appear and swallow me up.
“What belief pronounces that in you that you choose to believe it so?” he said, appearing at my side.
“Slip me into this where I breathe for all I’m worth, I would breathe that and not lose a moment where I can’t be found,” I mumbled, still thinking of black holes.
“You’re mumbling,” he said as we trudged along together.
I glanced at him and wondered how such a huge being could fit into a body like any other.
“I don’t know what I believe anymore,” I said, and realized how empty that sounded.
“Buried deep with you are your core beliefs, you may not be aware of them or remember how they got there, but they drive your life. They are the foundations of your thinking; your reactions to all you encounter are motivated by them; change your beliefs and you change your life,” he said as if I knew what he was talking about.
“Look, it’s like this,” he went on with perhaps more patience than I deserved, “in the beginning you inherited your belief system from those closest to you: your parents or guardians, the ones who raised you, the schools you went to, your friends and all those who had some influence over you; and you, like a sponge absorbed them all, and then they became yours, and then you lived by them.
The beliefs grew stronger in you until you became them; and now it seems you can’t differentiate between your beliefs or reality.”
“But...” I began to say.
“Listen,” he said almost impatiently at my interrupting him, “somewhere along the line you inputted something that is causing a conflict in you belief system. You are going to have to dig as deep as needs be to find what this is and then resolve it.”
With this said he was gone leaving me confounded as usual and thinking that the hole may be bigger than the sum of its parts.
I abruptly turned around and went home to see if my computer had any answers to the problem.
Rushing in through the back door that is always left open I shouted out to see if anyone was at home, but I had the place to myself, so I set to work.
First question: does one belief lead to another?
Second question: what do the waves sound like when you’re not on them?
It was a hole within a hole peeling back the layers of an onion that opened up more questions with a thirst to know that would be astounding if only the answers would come in a timely fashion and that I could understand them.
The computer was so slow turning on that I lay down on the couch to wait for it to warm up and fell asleep or what seemed to be a sleep for I was aware and yet not fully conscious and I found myself on the borderline in the quantum of consciousness where all answers were available to me.
I was in myself and seeing from me and as I looked I saw many things, but just as I began to understand something profound my wife and kids came home and I was suddenly awake, and although I wanted to go back there, I found I was living in the moment without any explanation and that my family were my lifeblood and just being with them was the most important thing in my life, and all I wanted was to express how much love I felt for them.

Images from Pixabay

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I certainly will, thank you very much...

Hi @wales. I enjoy this story. I love how you describe the 'natural order' of the warrior within. So true. Isn't it always the case that the one moment you think you will finally reach 'enlightment', you are interrupted from getting there? Of course, sometimes we just have to look at the loved ones around us to see we are already surrounded by this profound light.

Thanks for sharing!

thank you for commenting...

I'm part of the #newbieresteemday initiative. One of my teammates found you before I did and highlighted you on our @newbieresteemday account. We're all volunteers giving some time to help newbies as they are starting out with Steemit.

You have many great stories you've shared. If you have questions on post formatting or would like some mentor help from more established steemians, @goldendawne does a weekly post with @davemccoy on the 'Dear Dawne' series. A lot of newbies have found her posts helpful.

Here is the last one with guest host @davemccoy:

Here is one with @goldendawne:

We also have a discord room where newbies can ask any of our team members questions they may have. Feel free to stop by!

A new post is also coming out tomorrow and we will be having a special edition coming out midweek just for formatting. Hope to see you there

Thanks @goldendawne. I will have to check that one out too. :)

Are my posts not formatted right?

They could use a little cleaning up to make them more aesthetically eye appealing. This post was good and as I was reading it, some of the first images are not centered, no spacing in between to show change of topic, bolding the title to show the reader a division of the text.

One quick example of spacing, text, bold text, etc is here in my post.

Thanks; I'll look at the article now and see where I could do it better...

Thanks @beeyou I will look at all you've put above. I certainly could do with some help right now to get my posts seen...

Hi, thanks for following me! I have looked at several of your posts and find them exceptional! You are indeed worthy of my attention. I hope to cultivate a mutual relationship with people of your character, and I'm glad we found each other. I am always here to support my Steemit friends!

Hey @beekerst. Wow, your rep level surpassed mine so very fast! I swear it was just yesterday I found you in the introducemyself page! Great going.

Does it? Well, it does! But I can't imagine why! ​You are so much more outgoing than I......that has to be a mistake!

I don't write quality content like you do @beekerst. One curie upvote...and your rep level goes sky high! Way to go with the curie upvote. It was bound to happen sooner or later. That bee post from the beginning showed how invested you were in writing a great post. It shows!

Thank you @beeyou, your admiration is humbling. I think you are more deserving of praise than I.​

Awww, such kind words...thank you. We always love to see a success story, and you are one! :)

Thanks; I'm looking for people to follow that have posts I'm interested in and so will look at yours now.

A wise man of course, moves away from an exploding mountain until it is prudent to return.

Wisdom is profitable in all we do. Staying away from a proposed danger when we are raged is the best option. Because our rage could hurt us more when we are upset
Letting the dust clear before we proceed keeps us safe.

Nice story... Enjoyed all the way.

Thanks for the good comment; there's always something good to find in anything if one looks for it

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