Walking In The Shadows of the Dam Busters....

Have you heard of the 1955 film 'The Dambusters'? Well it happened here first!

The walk today is around Derwent Dam in Derbyshire near Sheffield. This spot is where Commander Guy Gibson and his Dambusters practiced for their Dam busting flights in 1943. We walked around a famous Derwent Dam (completed in 1916) and up the into the hills for some spectacular views. Then back down around to Ladybower  reservoir (completed in 1943) which holds the villages of  Ashopton and Derwent below her depths. Apparently in very dry times of drought you can see the tops of the houses in the water, but not today!

Lets get going then; parked up and tea'ed and ready to go.

Wow there she is Derwent Dam! A cracking structure (lets hope there are no cracks).

Very British to have a commemorative board or two ...

And from the back, just a masterful bit of engineering! Could we build something like this now, with such beauty?

Were heading up here, well when we find the path!

Makes for some cracking scenery, you can imagine the Lancasters flying over!

You want a Panoramic here? 

I just love this part of the UK what a cracking views!

Still going up though!

Amazing landscape, I just love the ruggedness of it!

I spot the trig point.

Up more...

Another quick panoramic here too... 

And check out the views!

Off along the top now Derwent Way! I managed to find a bog here and went in up to my knee doh!

These views speak for themselves ...

Thats Ladybower  reservoir down to the left.

On the edge of the world!

Can you see the face?

Thats the way we came.

Spectacular don't you think? Kind of inviting but its far too cold today. It looks warm but its only 2 degrees!

And were down!

Lovely moon today!

And back along the path to the pub! Thanks for coming folks.

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Absolutely stunning photos. The rocks are so huge. That is so amazing. Thank you so much for sharing.

Hi Carey! Nice to cross paths with you here today🌹 Arn't these views and images stunning!!! Wow 💖

I have been meaning to reply to your comment on my last #walkwithme about doing yoga classes. I appreciate your imput! It's in the works 💖

Thanks. Sounds good ;) 💯🐒

Hey there @yogajill, I am so glad to hear about the yoga class. I will definitely be watching for it. I will get started on how I can watch it. We are on a low Internet plan so videos are not an option. Thank you for the update. So good to hear from you!

I was thinking about the folks like you where video is an issue and was thinking to include a typed version and images too. Lots of pieces to put together.

Thanks. I am sure there are many people like us. It would be nice to have the video though. Our boys live in the city and I get together with them so I might be able to download it that way. I am so grateful that you are making a video.

Thank you kindly. Yer there some impressive rock very weathered over the years! 💯🐒

Yes I have totally enjoyed looking through all of the photos. Seeing photos like yours helps me see other places. We are not able to travel so I thank you very much.

I am very glad to help. I love looking at shot of other #walkwithme and seeing the world its an incredible tag thanks to @lyndsaybowes 💯🐒

Yes I agree. I haven't looked at the walkwithme ones lately. Thanks for the reminder I will have to get on that again. :)

Right on, there great! 💯🐒

Oh my goodness vibeof100monekys, what a collection of amazing views!! breathtaking... just wow!!

Thanks. Yes first time i've been here is quite stunning hey 💯🐒

Wow Vibe! That is quite a #walkwithme!! Some incredible views and architecture. Holly Molly! Such a clear day too :) real nice to get out and about eh?!

Thanks a bunch for sharing that with us. Nice hiking! Going to be tricky to top that one!

Thanks @yogajill always a pleasure to have you along. Was a lovely day freezing though looks deceiving! And was it was very windy on the top 💯🐒

Oh yeah! Being from the praries in Canada, i know the wind and cold well! But, you're right! Looks are deceiving ---darn it.

Really breathtaking views you have there! Thanks for sharing!

Thanks! Yer a cracking spot never been before. Its amazing what you can find close'ish to home 💯🐒

Whoa!! Tremendous...!!

Those towers on the dam...surreal looking! The panoramic photo was so beautiful too. I love your walks and wish I could go with you IRL!!

Thanks! It was a wonderful walk that's for sure, I loved it. Cold thought💯🐒

What a beautiful walk around the damn. I saw the face. Took me a second to recognize it. Can’t believe it is only 2 degrees out. Hope it warms up soon. Thanks for taking us with you on your walk. 🐓🐓

No it -5 today, very cold for UK in March! Everyone's blaming ti on global warming, which amuses me no end! Thanks for joining me. Yey the face I see shapes in everything me, good to know someone else does too 💯🐒

Right it’s all about the climate change! I am starting to feel the vibe☃️☔️ 🐓🐓

I know the climate is changing but to say its Global warming with its -9 in March. I remember in my A'level geography they always spoke about El Niño and La Niña but thats never mentioned now. Instead it global warming and pollution. If we stopped mass farming, protected the oceans and stop bombing everywhere we'd see a change haha whoa too early in the morning for that rant haha! That amazing vibe of change 💯🐒

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