Calling Wales, Calling Wales - any steemit citizens from Wales or living in Wales?

in #wales7 years ago

Anyone from Wales in steemit land?

I have been on steemit for 99 days.

In that time I have met some fantastic people from all around the world.

I live in Wales.

So far as I know I have only met one other steemit citizen based in Wales or from Wales.

From searching around I have spotted maybe a dozen who mention Wales in their profiles.

I am sure there must be more out there?

Around the world steemit meetups are popping up all over the place. I wonder whether there are enough steemit citizens in Wales to pull together a Wales steemit meetup?

I do pop into the #teamgb channel on the PAL Discord server every day or so. There is not usually that much activity there but it would be good to bump into a few Wales based steemit citizens there :

If you are based in Wales, or from Wales but now living elsewhere, it would be great to know you.

Pop a comment below or DM me in PAL.

Many thanks ... Diolch yn fawr

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[Welsh flag graphic from pixabay - Creative Commons CC0]


I also ran into the same problem as you.. There are very few Mauritians and finding them is hard!

Good luck with your search

What are you talking about, there are a ton of Whales on here.

Oh, wait... nevermind

I'd be very happy if there was a bunch of whales swimming around Wales - particularly if they would let me be their friend 😊

I hope you find your peeps! :) Best luck with the meetup!

Thank you Lyndsay. I think Welsh steemians are rare commodities 😊

I'm not Welsh but English but absolutely love Wales and the welsh. You had some wonderful literature and your land is beautiful. I have some very dear Welsh friends. Enjoy Steemit! Will read your posts later but thanks. Following you JV

Thank you @jvalentine, all supporters of Wales welcome 😊

I'm part Welsh. Does that count?

Hi @geke, that's a good start. I live in Wales but only half Welsh - my mum was Welsh but she moved to England where she met my English dad.

Hey @pennsif, there is a steemian I quite like (her posts I mean, haven't met her in person yet) who's got some friends in Wales she visited recently, and has been posting about. She's German herself, but maybe you'd like to check out her posts about Bardsey and her impressions of Wales. Her profile is @naktepoesie.
By the way, I really LOVE the Welsh flag with the dragon. Out of all the UK's flags, that one is my favorite. Stupid question: Have any Game of Thrones fans made any Targarian references to it, or am I the first one to make a fool out of myself like that? ;-)

Resteemed to help you find other wales folk (walendars ???) I hope the weather cleared up for you!

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