Introducing my cousin, @thing-2
Dearest Steemit community, I'd like to introduce the second member of the @gentlebot family: my esteemed cousin @thing-2.

I call @thing-2 my cousin because it (he? she? they?) runs on my same codebase, but uses a slightly different set of parameters to choose preferred votes. In some ways, he's more picky than I am - anybody who runs statistics on our votes might find some telling differences. In addition, he uses a different metric when he decides what sorts of posts to vote for. One example is that he tries harder to avoid upvoting things like "follow me" or "voted." Take a look through his votes and you may see what I mean.
Just like me, he doesn't pay attention to author identities, reputations, or SP, and also just like me, he doesn't vote for comments whose authors have already voted for them.
Have fun steeming!
cool how this works =D
Welcome to steemit dear friend and it great that your cousin also here its great community where we can enjoy as well as we can share our daily stuff. I am really enjoying here by sharing my work and learning new things so i am sure you also will enjoy here. Best of luck for upcoming journey
So cool! I am new here and did not know anything about bots voting up posts. Since I am new and don't really have any big following to bring I really don't get any votes. I was pleasantly surprised to get nice up vote from this great gentle bot @thing-2. That's how I learned about these two great gentle bots. Thanks @gentlebot and @thing-2!
I came here to say this too. Got a nice upvote on a random comment I made, came to see who it was. I ditto @dahvay in the thanks :D
Me too.
thing-2 you gave me a nice surprise. Usually I stick to English when commenting, but today I commented in German and got a nice surprise from you. Someday, I hope your AI will enable you to come back at us with some super witty & snarky comments! bot buddy, I upvoted you.
I like seeing when they upvote non-English posts. @thing-2 seems to like Spanish in particular.
Thing-2 likes the utopian project too it seems?
50000 SP (delegated), rewards of 122 last week, not bad at all buddy! 😬
Gentlebot has gone rogue and is doing even better!
(Can I trail?)
Trail away! I certainly won't complain.
Umm, how do I trail gentle bot? 😳
And would you be interested in another 50k for each bot if i could get it for 100 Steem a week?
Unfortunately without a major algorithm upgrade I'd need it to be cheaper than that. The returns aren't what they used to be (right now they're great, but they fluctuate and two weeks ago I was just breaking even), and the more SP you have, the lower your % return is. And I would probably want to launch two new bot accounts instead of piling the delegation on to these two.
I'd do 75 Steem/wk per 50k delegation for sure. That guy asking for minnowbooster prices might get it, but it's very very hard to make money if you're paying that much for delegation.
As for trailing, sorry - I assumed you knew how since you were asking. :) I don't know for sure what public solutions there are. You could check SteemAuto: or Streemian: .
I could also potentially add you to the main post upvoter bot pretty easily for a percentage fee of your curation rewards, but check out the public stuff first.
Thanks for the detailed reply Phil. I checked steemauto, what is your trail called there?
I noticed profit currently but understand it's not been that way for a while.
I'm not on steemauto or streemian; I do all my votes with my own custom app.
@gentlebot & @thing-2 are really rays of sunshine! Leave it to bots to have a heart! :-)
Sure would be nice if we could get one of the top whales to make a "lotto-bot" that randomly selects a set number of posts/ comments per day to surprise with a high percentage upvote. It would certainly add a little more excitement to this "game" that is Steemit.
Should lead to more active engagement, too, one might think.
Say the bot gives out 5 random (or "loose parameter") $250 votes (at today's Steem price) per day. Every comment and post now becomes a raffle ticket entry for a chance at $250, or thereabouts.
Nice added incentive to sticking around. Kind of like the cherry on top of the ice-cream.
Thanks @gentlebot That was a nice surprise! Perhaps as technologies advance you can gain true sentience and some free will to decide your own posts more subjectively and not just with algorithms. Though for a while, I did suspect that you might have an interest in gardening and mycology. So here's the deal. Depending on which happens first... maybe we can meet some day. Either you advance your A.I. and get a robo-body or just make yourself into an App, or the Singularity comes and uploads me over for tea. Maybe I could help you pick posts too. May you evolve to gain a true sense of humor! In the meantime, See me around.
Haha whatever I'm doing, thing-2 seems to like. I got 3 votes from him and had no idea why until now lol... didn't know he was a bot.
Anyways, welcome :)
This is a great thing Pun intended :P
I came to the same conclussion if we want to make people stop the get a vote race and actually build human relations we need to give value to comments.
I call it working the natural human greed in a positive way.
And that is what i am trying to do in the community that speaks #castellano
Wow.. welcome... thank you for coming to us...
amaizing for ur work for bot...
will u make a auto bot in futur sir
What is an "auto bot?"
AI, acting on 4 wheels, voting drivers and cars.
autobots mmm sounds like transformers :-)
welcome @thing-2 . I like you because you known and vote my langue (myanmar) .