Building Muscle -- As a Fruitarian!!

in #vegan7 years ago (edited)

Today, I am the strongest I've ever been!

Now that I have experienced gaining significant muscle as a fruitarian, I feel sorry for people who are playing around with protein powders and strenuous exercise routines.

My Muscle-Building "Past" (in the distance)

Ah yes, I remember the old days of working out intensely to gain muscle. I was in my mid 20s, and I built myself up to being able to do 10 half-assed pushups. When you consider the fact that I was a "relatively skinny" guy and worked in a sitting position for most of my life, this was an accomplishment.

For the rest of this blog, it will be useful to know that I am about 5'8" (172 cm).

Starting workout and diet specifications.

In Mid-January 2017, my weight was at its lowest: 112.2 lbs. I believe I even got down to 110 lbs. If you saw me, you may have thought I was anorexic. If you knew me, you likely thought I was orthorexic. If you were my family members, you were very worried and upset. If you were my cat, you'd care less because you knew I wasn't eating your food. If you knew this journey, you'd already know that this is what it takes to significantly clean your vessel from years of abuse on the highly-polluting Standard American Diet (SAD).

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It wasn't until a couple months later where I began to continue the basic "beginner routine" from the Bar Brothers workout. Below is a great illustration on how to do this routine strictly; however, my version contained the following adjustments:

  • I only did a single cycle of these exercises. This meant that my workout time was from 5-10 minutes. This is because I know that more is absolutely not better when you are signaling to your physical and mental body to change its muscular frame.
  • I did the 5-10 minute session of exercise once every other day.
  • I did these exercises with the best form possible. And WOW: the push-ups and leg raises were very tough!
  • The maximum plank I could do was 1 minute, and that was hell.
  • I didn't always do the mountain climbers or pike push ups :)
  • My diet was mainly salads and fruit. I ate twice a day, and usually I would do a dry fast (no food or water) on Saturdays.


Progress Today: 12+ lbs of muscle!

I am now 130 lbs. I've gained at least 12 lbs of muscle, 2-4 lbs of fat/waste, and maybe another 1-2 lbs of colon and water weight from some junk vegan foods I've eaten. The junk food is due to coping with difficult emotional times :) I gained this muscle on a primarily raw vegan diet--fruit based! I did have some moments of cooked food in late January and this month of July--this is where the extra 5-6 lbs of junk come in. And believe me, you don't gain muscle quickly enough to say that those short periods of eating "more protein junk" are when I gained 12+ lbs of muscle.

My exercise routine today: in early July (at 124.7 lbs) I realized 2 very awesome things about my progress: I can finally do diamond push-ups, and I can stand on my head with my legs straight up in the air! My typical exercise routine still consists of the basic "no equipment" Bar Brothers beginner's routine! These are new modifications of mine:

  • I still exercise for about 10 minutes every other day.
  • I have begun doing double the amount of exercises with full form: 16 squats, 2 minute planks (when I do them!), 16 regular push-ups, 16 leg raises.
  • I rarely do the following exercises because I don't care much for them any more: leg lunges and pike push ups.

I also do these additional exercises:

  • 16 diamond push-ups
  • 16 straight-arm push-ups
  • Head-stand with legs straight up in the air for as long as I can!
  • Some other exercises that I do not know the name of :)

Btw, I never experience muscle soreness with this routine. If I would've done even 1 minute of those exercises in my past, I would've been sore all week. That happened to me many times. Today, I am stronger than I have ever been in my entire life!

The Beginnings of this Journey

Before you can understand what I do today, you've gotta understand what I did in mid 2016. I was eating mostly fruit, and I found myself somewhat interested in calisthenics. I came across this website:

I was way more newbie than I thought! I couldn't do a chin-up, and the only way I could do 10 push-ups is if I did improper form. However, I still "looked relatively healthy". Check out a picture of me in late May 2016 clocking in at 150 pounds:


I may look like I have some muscle, but it wasn't long until I realized that I didn't have anything for muscle. If anyone thought they saw muscle, what they were really looking at it small, inflamed muscles with a bunch of sub-muscular fat. This is where I first started things like "push-up" challenges, squat challenges, and even the Bar Brothers routine. I did that full routine. It took an hour. There were benefits...but nothing like the benefits after I cleaned out my body and went 100% raw.

Fruitarian Muscle Inspiration

Here are fruitarians who have been a great example. They've made me question everything a personal fitness trainer would tell you.

  • Ted Carr: @tedcarr ... check out his Fruit Living page on YouTube:
  • Mike Vlasaty: watch him pull up 510 lbs twice. In a past video I've heard him say he weighs 148 lbs--this is pulling up more than triple his body weight! (Ted! How do we get Mike on here??)

There are others, but my laptop battery is about to die :) Remind me to edit tomorrow! Good night!

Before/After picture coming soon... soon as I am willing to pose for a picture :) I am not into posing, to be frank! However, I promise this in the future.


It is a weired feeling that I am excited to see a man posing for me....

But I am curious now for those before/after pictures

Even after this post I thought, "man, I want to see those before / after photos...." :D luckily I did take photos along the journey!

Nice post.. Need to keep fit and sexy

Damnnn this was powerful! Wow! You know I always believed that people were supposed to live off of fruits only, but it can take each individual time to be able to only eat fruits depending upon how serious they are.

This is true inspiration! So do you ever go out to eat? Are you ever still tempted to eat other food or has all the tempation left?

Oh and how do you get protein then?

Thanks in advance for your response Chief! :D @robertgenito

So do you ever go out to eat?


Are you ever still tempted to eat other food or has all the tempation left?

Usually I am not tempted at all--I have gotten over addictions. However, when I am detoxing emotionally, like lately, that makes it much more tempting. The body knows that non-optimal food drugs will slow detox, and this can make the human experience much more comfortable. Interesting note: I hear from long-long term raw vegans that it has taken them as little as 1 year (to as much as 5 years!) to get over the addictions of cooked food.

Oh and how do you get protein then?

From fruit. That's what this article is putting in bold: FRUIT HAS EVERYTHING YOU NEED. Fruit muscle is superior muscle.

Thank you for answering my questions :D

I find it is a lot easier to add muscle as a vegan, compared to non vegan.. I only do a few resistance exercises per day at most and in less than the first week of that I was already getting noticeably big. Veganism allows the body to operate in an efficient way since it does not need to break down the complex animal proteins and dense materials - leaving more energy for healing and generation. :)

upvoted and followed btw

Great!! The one thing that freaked me out in the past was noticing that I never got muscle soreness when eating raw. I'm honestly not sure if cooked vegan eaters get sore because I never worked out during the 6+ months that I ate a mostly cooked vegan diet. Do you get sore?

Also, it's worth noting that I'm pretty sure I would get sore if I did like 20X my capacity of exercises lol. I'm just amazed that doing the same exercise capacity (or double) today does not leave me sore at all--and that same exercise capacity in the past would leave me sore for an entire week sometimes!!!

as i understand the situation, the more clean the body is, the more efficient it becomes at clearing out cellular waste such as acid wastes which can be involved in soreness. so it makes sense that a raw vegan diet, being the cleanest possible (provided it is organic) will result in less soreness.
i am currently healing from dental work and other surgery following a car crash a while ago - so i am not in a position to really work out hard - but i do know that my stamina is higher on a vegan diet and that that is pretty standard for vegans :)

congratulations :) and your understanding sounds like what I have experienced. I believe that when you have these items pushed, buffered, or stuck in your tissues, you also "micro" damage your muscles from the pumping and internal blood/water pressure of the workout, the extra acid and items exciting the stored acids, etc. You'll also burn much less from the sun--it makes sense that these destructive, vibrating acids will break free from their mucoid / fatty buffers!

Thanks! Yes, Get Clean to be Lean :)

nice post
thanks For Sharing
Resteem & Upvote please
Thank you very much

Thank you for the re-steem! It is my wish that this will help that one person (or more) that is as desperate for this information as I was!

I've actually never heard of fruitarianism until now. I'm a personal trainer so anything health related I am interested in and usually know at least something about. Thanks for sharing something new with me!

Good work on your results!

Healthy body = healthy mind

Cool! Fruitarianism is insanely empowering. There's a lot of fear and doubt involved in it purposely. There are also a ton of positive results even from just upping the amount of fresh/ripe fruit in one's Diet. Have fun :) check out my previous posts, too, for lots of summary information on fruitarianism!



Nice post ,if you want to know that how to in crease weight than read this

Very inspirational for me. I am about to start training martial arts today and I've been always worried about energy when it comes to exercise and fruitarian diet. In the past every time I went to the gym I felt drained, and exhausted like am going to get a fever. Today I decided to fast, and go for a workout. Hope to see this habit form long term.

Drumsta, if you ever feel fatigued when eating fruitarian, it seems that you will only feel it while your body is still building / cleaning out old junk. Even though I had a ton of "energy", fatigue would come and go--and it didn't start going away until I started dry fasting.

I guess this is what happens after years of consuming stimulants and highly acidic diets! You eventually need to recoup, and by no longer eating or drinking those "stimulants", you will not feel as stimulated until you heal. Even after that healing, the stimulation you get is a very curious, gentle, and "self controlled" stimulation. I love it :)

Aaaa thank you for the explanation. Where did you learn about that?

I learned it from my own persistent experience, sharing ideas with others who are constantly observing and experiencing this, reading ideas from other masters of this subject in their books, etc. etc. More specifically, I do not censure information from myself--I take in all the info!

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