So You Think You're Vegan?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #vegan6 years ago

Photo: Jay Anarchon

Vegan, Meat The Truth

Many of us are moving away from a flesh based diet in favor of strictly plant based sustenance. But have we taken the time and done the research necessary to ensure our good intentions are met with intelligent action? The truth of the matter is that many of the products you would least suspect contain animal products. I'm going to run through a few of the most surprising ones, just to get your gears going. It is my intention to spur you on towards more thorough research regarding your own personal health.

Now Meat Some Culprits

1. Toothpaste
Glycerin is a popular ingredient used in toothpaste and many other cosmetic products. Glycerin can be plant or animal based so it important to do your research when choosing products within this realm. Coincidentally most toothpastes avoiding fluoride are typically vegan friendly. Talk about killing 2 birds with one stone... or not killing?
2. Candy
Yes, unfortunately those with a sweet tooth looking to avoid animal products will be hard pressed to find a gummy candy not containing gelatin. Many candies of the hard variety may also be contaminated. Realistically most candy contains high-fructose corn syrup, refined sugars, toxic dyes and strange chemicals. I would say these are best avoided by anyone health conscious.
3. Potato Chips
I am a huge chip fan. It has been a rough part of my journey finding my favorite salty snack in any flavored fashion that is free from both animal and other questionable ingredients. Many of the popular brands include whey in their seasoning blends, which is a by-product from the manufacturing of casein and cheese. Two flavors I didn't suspect were Dill Pickle and Salt N' Vinegar, both right at the top of my list for faves.

Would you consider human cells to be included in your vegetable based diet? I sure as hell don't!
Photo: Getty Images

4. Vaccines
Sorry to break it to you... if eating animal products isn't vegan, I doubt main-lining them is. Most vaccines contain bovine (cow) cells, chicken & egg cells and some even contain cells from aborted fetuses. Don't 'shoot' the messenger, I don't produce vaccines. Sonofi Pasteur does and they are more than happy to tell you the ingredients in the products they offer!

5. Pepsi Products
Cells from aborted fetuses are used to develop flavor enhancers which stimulate the brain into liking the flavor of a product - much like MSG. There was a huge scandal over Pepsi using such products in their beverages, which really isn't the main point. The evidence is available on the web for you to research this one. Based on what I have found Pepsi may not currently be using these products. These types of products do however remain in development and production on a commercial scale, so where are they being used? Just another reason to stay away from processed food all together.

Knowledge Is Power, But Only Through Action

Over coming addictions to some of the foods we eat is the main part of the battle here. Armed with the truth we can begin to use our knowledge to make choices in the every day world that make a difference. If people stop supporting products which are questionable these products would disappear from the grocery store & pharmacy shelves. Invoke your true power to control our reality! I hope this knowledge will assist you in leading the healthy life we all deserve!

If you appreciated this post please check out my additional posts on other freedom related topics such as;

And many other cannabis and health related posts such as;

Peace Everyone

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