Applied Philosophy Of AnarchysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #anarchy6 years ago

All information shared in this is post is shared with love and hopes that humanity will join together to effect positive change in the real world. Please read the entire post and take what I have presented in consideration in it's entirety.

Photo By: Jay Anarchon "Use freely with credit!"

Lies Are Always Based In Truth

Mariam Webster Definition of anarchy
1 a : absence of government
b : a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority

ex: the city's descent into anarchy

c : a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government
2 a : absence or denial of any authority or established order

ex: anarchy prevailed in the ghetto

b : absence of order : disorder

This definition was copied and pasted from their website. Notice the very intentional leading towards a negative perception of this concept. Nowhere did they include an original etymological definition of the word anarchy. Definition c comes close, it is however attached to the idea of a utopian society, which makes it sound like some sort of pipe dream. They even go as far as to state that anarchy is the absence of order, and in turn disorder.

Let's check out the google definition, or "let's Google it!" (Please boycott Google)

noun: anarchy

a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.
"he must ensure public order in a country threatened with anarchy"
synonyms: lawlessness, nihilism, mobocracy, revolution, insurrection, disorder, chaos, mayhem, tumult, turmoil
"conditions are dangerously ripe for anarchy"
antonyms: government, order

absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal.

Wow. Quite different than the dictionary definition. Why the smear campaign on anarchy Google, what's up? Still directly associating anarchy with disorder. Notice how they really put a bad taste in your mouth then give you the true definition at the end? Now when you hear "absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual", which is true freedom, it is associated with "lawlessness, nihilism, mobocracy, revolution, insurrection, disorder, chaos, mayhem, tumult, turmoil". This is mental programming at it's finest.

The list of synonyms is ridiculously not applicable to the true definition of Anarchy. Mobocracy Google? C'mon, can't we do better than that? A mobocracy would imply mob rule, which implies a ruler or the recognition of one, which is not synonymous with even the Google definition of anarchy. But let's focus on the truth hidden within the lie: All of the words are synonymous with each other but not with true Anarchy. Notice how revolution is in there? A revolution is a circle, it brings you back to the same place. Definitely part of the chaos and insanity cycles of today.

spain_riot_10.jpgSource:, Reuters

Let's dig into the antonyms, which are government, and apparently order. Antonyms are words with opposite definitions. Example: up and down. I will then agree with Google that government and anarchy are antonyms, here is your truth. Followed by an outright lie - that order is an antonym for anarchy, as well as leading in the direction that government is somehow synonymous with order. If government is synonymous with order, why is government the main cause of death on planet earth? What's with all the wars and conflict and disparity? What the fuck about all the human trafficking and pedophilia and murder in the name of god? This is order? Well maybe we should give chaos a try then folks.

Truth Is Easily Understood

Today Anarchy has an enormous amount of undue stigma attached to it. Just like cannabis, Anarchy is the victim of a century long propagandized smear campaign funded by every government on earth. And with good reason. One only needs to study the etymology of the word Anarchy to have the true definition, and reason it is feared by every ruling class on Earth, come to light. Why has the word Anarchy been smeared, distorted and definitively changed from its original meaning? Why is it so abstract a concept that you can get a different idea of what Anarchy is from any demographic you speak to? Why is there not another English word representing the original meaning in it's stead? Let's take a look.

Etymologically Defined

Etymology is the study of the root origins of words and their meanings.

I will begin with what Anarchy is not.

True Anarchy is not

  • Lawlessness
  • Chaos and destruction
  • Violence
  • Evil, wrong or bad
  • Anti - everything
  • A Punk/Rock/Metal fashion statement (All genres of music I love by the way)
  • Dark or unhappy

When we break down Anarchy in an etymological fashion we can uncover the true meaning and why the word and concept are under such vigorous attack.

Superman breaking chains by: Gavin Slayer

Anarchy begins with the Greek prefix a or an meaning without or not, and the Greek/Latin word archon, which means ruler or to rule. When the two are put together you get the original intended meaning of the word Anarchy, which in no simpler terms means NO RULER. The suffix y simply means characterized or made up of. Putting the more detailed definition something closer to: the state of no, or existence without a, ruler. Or in other words, FREEDOM.

Truth In Truth

We've come this far, let us continue defining Anarchy by analyzing the words which make up it's definition. The word no, according to Mariam Webster, is an adverb which is "used as a function word to express the negative of an alternative choice or possibility". Ruler is defined as "one that rules; specifically : sovereign".

Now we're getting somewhere. Mariam Webster defines sovereign as "one possessing or held to possess supreme political power or sovereignty". Let us briefly look into the etymology of sovereign. Sovereign is made up of the combination of the word super, meaning above or over, upper, higher, and the word reign meaning "the dominion, sway, or influence of one resembling a monarch". We are now left with the original etymological meaning of the word sovereign, which is: above dominion, sway or influence of a ruler or master.

This etymological study of the words and concepts attached to Anarchy has served us well in not only defining the original idea meant to be conveyed by this word, but also through deeper study has brought us to the state through which true Anarchy (freedom) is achieved. True Anarchy can only be applied with success by SOVERIEGN INDIVIDUALS who have mastered themselves to the point of having NO EXTERNAL MASTERS. This is the core philosophy behind true Anarchy.

I will now reference a table developed by Mark Passio, one of the best sources of information relating to improving the current state of the world. Please check out his Great Work. The table below outlines the non-debatable progression of internal and external expressions and how they manifest in our reality.

Natural Law Expressions.png

For a deeper understanding of Natural Law and it's application in the reality we currently co-create, please check out Mark Passio's lecture on Natural Law.

Pretty simple:

  • Fear leads to ignorance, which leads to confusion (no internal ruler), which leads to the opportunity for an external ruler to come in and manipulate us, which ultimately generates the state of chaos in which we live today.
  • Love leads to the acceptance of knowledge, which leads to sovereignty (internal ruler-ship due to an acceptance and understanding of Natural Law), which leads to freedom (Anarchy) and ultimately order.

Let's Be - Anarchy

We need to recognize the fact that a populace who ultimately knows the difference between right and wrong, and can not be swayed nor corrupted by any external influence, will ultimately result in freedom and abundance for all. Being a true Anarchist is developing an uncompromising set of ethics based in the reality of Natural Law. Not requiring an outside influence to tell you what is "right" or "wrong" and also having the courage to stand for Truth, Freedom and Justice, ultimately opposing slavery!

The next time you hear a false authority figure say: "We can't have that, it would be total Anarchy!" Remember, what they are actually saying is: "We can't have everyone knowing the difference between right and wrong. They would then be able to rule themselves. We could fool them no longer, they would see they have no need for us!"

Through a greater understanding of Natural Law, we may acquire the tools necessary to better ourselves and in turn improve the world around us. Coming to terms with truth leads us to discover that to change the world we ultimately need to change ourselves.

source: Wikipedia

“We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change."



I really enjoy this topic. Thanks for the link.
My initial reaction is "what's in a name?" I appreciate etymology and overstand the significance of word usage. In this case though, it seems to focus on labeling and defining while missing the actual deeper point, which is to ask "what do YOU believe on this topic, and how do YOU live your life in this regard?"
Rather than figure out what 'true anarchy really is', and then seeing if you fit that definition or not.... just tell me! You did that eventually more or less.
If you pressure me to label my current position on anarchy, I'd say I'm more agnostic than anarchist! Ideally (and eventually) we will be essentially anarchist, through evolution of our consciousness. Government will play no role over our lives. How we get there from the current situation of large and intrusive government is up for debate. I'd like to do it without any major catastrophes for the people (like population dieoffs, fascist control systems, etc). An instant "cold turkey" transition would likely be the source of incredible magnitudes of human suffering. Still, I favour as quick a transition as safely possible. Ideally, we can get there soon, without anyone having to miss their daily hot shower. :)
I see widespread cannabis and hemp use (and the end of prohibition it would take to do so) as one of the quickest and most likely to succeed things we can do. I think it would be no less than another renaissance. And (ironically?) a gateway to even greater advances.
I'm going to read this again and think more about it. Thanks!

Thanks for the feedback!

The main topic of this essay is about defining the term and philosophy, as this is one of most misunderstood words in the English language. The current definitions are also used to show the intentional camouflage of the original concept.

It's not really so much about trying to "figure out what 'true anarchy really is', and then seeing if you fit that definition or not..., but rather about exposing language manipulation, how it is used to skew our perceptions and most importantly; bringing up concepts that provoke deeper thought!

I am very weary of labeling myself anything, especially Anarchist, as labels are only as accurate as others current perception of the idea.

Whatever you want to call it, the reason we have "rulers" is because we don't rule ourselves.

Thanks for kicking up the convo!

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You rock!

Thanks @commonlaw, I really appreciate the comment!
I will look forward to checking out more about how informationwar works.

Thanks again!

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