5G & Me - Top 3 Questions We Should All Be Asking
With the in-progress roll out of the 5G network and Internet of Things many people are failing to ask themselves the obvious questions we should all be asking.
1. Why are the proven negative health effects from radiation being denied and why are they refusing to wait for further testing of 5G?
- Check out this article in the LA Times . Why are we rolling out a radiation grid prior to testing the effects on human health?
2. Is there data on the health effects of MMW (millimeter wave) technology that is being overlooked or intentionally suppressed?
- It would appear so... a scientist working for the US Army & Airforce research institutes stated it as such;
“It is important to note that, even with the variety of bioeffects reported, no studies have provided evidence that a low-intensity MMW radiation represents a health hazard for human beings. Actually, none of the reviewed studies with low-intensity MMW even pursued the evaluation of health risks, although in view of numerous bioeffects and growing usage of MMW technologies this research objective seems very reasonable. Such MMW effects as alterations of cell growth rate and UV light sensitivity, biochemical and antibiotic resistivity changes in pathogenic bacteria, as well as many others are of potential significance for safety standards, but even local and short-term exposures were reported to produce marked effects. It should also be realized that biological effects of a prolonged or chronic MMW exposure of the whole body or a large body area have never been investigated. Safety limits for these types of exposures are based solely on predictions of energy deposition and MMW heating, but in view of recent studies this approach is not necessarily adequate."(Pakhomov et al., 1998)
This was 20 years ago, since then the research has been conducted, available for all who search to find. - MMW technology is currently weaponized and in use today. Have you heard of the Active Denial System ? It would appear they not only know the effects, they are intentionally utilizing them. EE Times
3. Are there any personal privacy or security issues involved with 5G, smart tech. and the Internet of Things?
- According to James Clapper the US Director of National Intelligence there is!
- Data is the currency of the future . Are you good with giving away the currency you generate with no compensation or consideration?
At Least We Get Faster Downloads
This is not a conspiracy, theory nor speculation. The data is in, the dangers are clear. If you had a child that was very irresponsible would you trust them with all your most valuable assets and give them full control of your health and environment? The governments and leaders of today have proven their corruption and lack of respect for humanity time and time again. They have destroyed the planet and have bled the nations people dry, but hey, at least we get faster downloads!
4 Ways To Unplug From 5G
Get rid of your smart phone
If not supporting 5G isn't enough of a reason, feel free to check into all of the negative physical and psychological effects of smart phones and their connection with social media. I myself just laid to rest my S5 and got myself a 2G 'dumb phone' for the exorbitant cost of $20.00 CAD.Get rid of or prevent the installation of 'smart' meters
The InPower Movement has started a mass action liability against the government and corporate officials involved in the supply and installation of smart meters. This action is holding them PERSONALLY and monetarily responsible for the harm they are or potentially may cause. Episode 1 by InPower blows this shit wide open and does an excellent job of explaining how our legal system actually works. Mandatory viewing. Get involved!Do not buy 'smart' devices or appliances
This is really the most obvious one... if you don't agree with the agenda DON'T SUPPORT IT!Make your home a wi-fi free zone
I am still in the process of this one. Many people feel it is taking a step back. Really you will find faster more solid connection through an Ethernet cable. There are a few mobility issues to get accustomed to - but hey, freedom over convenience in my world. If you can not manage wiring up you internet, step up your game by turning wi-fi off on devices when not in use to minimize radiation in your home.
Any information I provide is not meant to perpetuate fear, but rather to expose uncommon knowledge out of love and respect for my fellow earthlings. We need to unite in our true power and start saying NO! When you take your power back you can master your fear and use it for what it is; a radar telling you there is something you need to change.
Yes 5g does concern me alot.
Get on board! We still have a chance to stop it!