Don't Belive Everything You Hear - Educate Yourself About VaccinessteemCreated with Sketch.

in #health6 years ago

What The Heck Is That?

The ongoing debate on whether or not vaccines are safe, or even effective, is a tough subject for some. Myself, I wouldn't put anything into my body without knowing and understanding what it is. I have decided to put together some links to information that will help the average person make an informed decision about whether or not vaccines are a good choice for them and their families. Let's look at the facts and stay away from opinions in this one. At the end of the day I am not hear to make a decision for you, nor to do your research. I will however point you in the direction of the information required to make an educated decision. Shouldn't you at least know what you are accepting or refusing?

I recently conducted some independent research on vaccines, specifically looking at three important factors;

1. Ingredients

2. Product Testing

3. Vaccination Schedules

I Don't Care - I Inject What I Want!

The fact of the matter is most people have not done the research required to intelligently make a decision on this matter, and I can see why. Wading through the pools of propaganda blended with uneducated opinions can be daunting and very confusing. We can't just look at pro/anti posters and pamphlets all day and make an informed decision. When push comes to shove I stick to facts. Who needs an opinion or a sales pitch when you have all the resources available at your finger tips to make an informed decision?

Let's take a look at some of the facts regarding vaccines;

Vaccines contain many odd, toxic and apparently unnecessary ingredients

I was actually very surprised when I started looking into this myself. The list of odd and toxic ingredients listed by the manufacturers in their own products could be as long as your arm. I'll scrape the tip of the iceberg and suggest you do some additional research on this subject to come to your own conclusions. Some of the ingredients used are;

  • Bovine (cow) blood and gelatin cells
  • Chicken blood and egg cells
  • Cells from (aborted?) human fetuses
  • Patented toxic chemicals with proven negative biological effects (e.g. Triton X-100)
  • Other toxic substances such as formaldehyde and thiomersol

Proper clinical studies are not conducted prior to release of vaccines

I have found that the test groups for all of the vaccines I have looked into are insignificant in number to accurately predict the varying effects of the vaccines on large populations. The vaccines are not tested on all potential patient sub-groups (such as pregnant women) and much of the research related to vaccine effects is conducted post release through submission of information to the vaccine manufacturers by doctors or patients directly. You are the test subject. I have even found vaccines where the clinical trials on infants are conducted at 1/2 the highest recommended dose, and even then side effects of varying degrees are highly prevalent. If the vaccine expresses negative financial repercussions (lawsuits) to the point of no longer being profitable it is then recalled. Some vaccines are released without any pharmacokinetics testing done. Pharmacokinetics tests the fate of substances administered to a living organism. This would help in determining if, and how quickly, substances could be metabolized by the organism exposed. Although the vaccine manufacturers are not conducting these tests the information on many of the chemicals used in vaccines is available.

The current vaccine schedule is very aggressive and is injecting children at a rate that seems to be gaining momentum by the year

It varies by global location, in the 80's a child's vaccine regimen consisted of about 10 vaccines from infant to adult. Today that number is between 50-70 injections from birth to adulthood. Check out the map below which lists the suggested vaccine schedules in Canada by region. You will notice that Quebec, the only province with a vaccine injury compensation program, suggests around 30% fewer vaccinations than the other provinces and territories.

Source: Vaccine Choice Canada

Teach A Man To Fish

As I was saying, I am not hear to do all of your research, form your opinions, or to make the decision of whether or not you will get vaccinated. I do have a responsibility to present the information I have come across to allow you to come to your own conclusions.

I will suggest the following resources for your own reference;

  • Sanofi Pasteur This is a vaccine manufacturer releasing many of the more popular vaccines. Through this website you can access each of their vaccine's information leaflets, which will give you specifics on clinical trials & testing, side effects and ingredients. All of this is 'from the horses mouth' and is the most accurate source of information regarding each individual vaccine.
  • Many of the vaccines will contain substances and chemicals you may not be familiar with. I would suggest researching each of these individually prior to making a decision to inject. A great way to search is to type the name of the substance you are looking for + MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet). This will bring up the toxicology information of the substance in question. Example search: formaldehyde MSDS


Governments and corporations of the earth are paying out billions of dollars per year in compensation claims while somehow maintaining no liability (aside from monetary) for damages caused. This leaves the responsibility with us - the consumers. Vaccine companies make billions and your doctor gets a kickback for every needle pushed. No one has as much interest in you and your families personal health than you do. If you do not care enough to look into the substances you are injecting and make a decision purely based on health, how can you expect someone who doesn't know you to care that much on your behalf? Especially when they stand to gain financially by turning a blind eye. But hey, don't take it personally - it's just business! Realize you are part of an aggregate statistic to the government and pharmaceutical companies. You only matter on an individual level to yourself and those your life directly effects.

On The Level

Our responsibility over our own physical bodies is undeniable, but our responsibility to our children to protect them by making intelligent decisions is sometimes overlooked and assumed to be well manged by authorities and regulating agencies. Unfortunately this is not the case in a financially motivated society based on greed. Just as the grocery store sells food that may not be the best for you, doctors and corporations are making bank on drugs and vaccines that have horrendous side effects, including death.

I am suggesting you take the time to thoroughly research ALL of the ingredients and their effects prior to injecting yourself or your children. I will close with one opinion after all: This is sound advice.

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