in #vaccination6 years ago (edited)

“Belief in immunization is a form of delusional insanity” - Dr Herbert Shelton.

Supporters of vaccinations repeat what they have been programmed to believe - that they are for the greater good; that parents who choose not to vaccinate are selfish, and a threat to other people’s children.

But for a public health policy to be for the greater good, the policy needs to be safe, effective, and the best way of achieving the aims

Many people argue about whether are really dangerous, but the risks are well proven.

What is less often discussed is whether they actually work – ie. do they reduce the spread of diseases? I say they don’t, and not a single properly designed study has ever been done that proves otherwise.

So why do pro vaccine interests claim the dangers are worth risking for “the greater good”? Their position seems indefensible. But there is an elephant in the room to consider:

Follow the money

Vaccinations have a lot of money promoting them. They are also making a lot of money for many commercial interests, including the drug companies, the medical (sickness) industry, and the foundations who appear to be giving them away.

Vaccines are prescribed for everyone, not just sick people. It is a goldmine when you can sell something to the entire population. And there are lots of diseases out there.

Vaccinations are now even being prescribed for what were formerly considered as non-communicable conditions like cancer, diabetes, and obesity. It is possible to connect ANYTHING with an immune response and prescribe a vaccine for it.

This means that, in future, people may be told to take thousands over a lifetime. If vaccines are safe, then the manufacturers would be able to engage in proper debate and still convince the people. They wouldn’t need to indulge in character assassination or destroying the careers of scientists who report side effects.

It would be more ethical if vaccine companies paid compensation for injuries from their own funds, not taxpayers funds; if they were not given immunity from lawsuits; and they didn’t fill regulatory and legislative bodies with their cronies.

If vaccines were first given to top executives of the vaccines companies and the media advocates/politicians who prescribe them, they might not be so keen on promoting them.

Have vaccinations ever actually reduced disease?

These graphs below show the levels of six diseases that were prevalent in the past. Often people point to the decline in these diseases and say that they declined because of vaccinations. But it’s clear that the incidence had drastically reduced before the vaccines were introduced.

Meanwhile they have certainly increased a bunch of other diseases like autism but that will have to be another post.

For a hell of a lot more vaccination information and a truckload of pictures too, see my webpage -


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One thing that really pisses me off is when people post those memes or whatever calling anti-vacc people stupid and ill-informed and perpetrators of spreading outbreaks and all that other stuff designed to belittle and shame those who have actually done research and made perfectly informed decisions.

We certainly aren't the sheeple.
I don't mind people doing their own thing IF they've done their research and have come to an informed decision AND don't go around sneering at those who have made different choices.

Just look at this list of scheduled immunisations:

Seriously, why is someone who has vaccinated their child who is supposedly now immune from an outbreak, then so freaked out about said outbreak? What should it matter if they come into contact with a non-vaccinated child?

Believers believe!

On this account I have decided I'll post some vax truth stuff from time to time, but I'm not going to argue with vaxxers - any complainers will be getting a muppet pic:

Thank you for the post. I'm glad you are going to be sharing more information in future posts and I'm looking forward to seeing that.

I myself am not immunised (I'm so thankful for my mum who saved me from it) and our daughter (almost 2 years old) is not immunised. She is the healthiest toddler and I've had many comments on it. I believe it's because her immune system has not been compromised and nature is doing what it knows best.

I'm going to check out your website for some more information. Thanks for sharing.

That's great to hear - even in NZ so many people have been programmed to believe all the immunisation lies

Vaccines - the big pharma con to ensure an 'ill market' for life.

Dead is no good, but perpetually ill is a massive revenue source..

I'm vaccinated but yet haven't need to see a doctor since I broke a bone a number of years ago. Im 52 and don't even need to pay for healthcare.

Dead is no good, but perpetually ill is a massive revenue source..

You're suggesting by this that kids dying of treatable diseases is better than vaccinating simply to stop a pharmaceutical company making money ? nice....

You're suggesting by this that kids dying of treatable diseases is better than vaccinating simply to stop a pharmaceutical company making money ? nice....

You're suggesting by this that kids dying of injected pharmaceutical chemical concoctions for a drug corporations desire for profits is better than simply improving nutrition and health, which is the best defense against infectious disease?

All the above graphs correlate reduction of communicable disease to improved nutrition and health in a society/population.

Do you think there is a reason that big pharma company vaccinations are legally exempt from criminal prosecutions?
....Or is taking legal responsibility simply a way to stop pharmaceutical companies from making money?

All the above graphs correlate reduction of communicable disease to improved nutrition and health in a society/population

and in a society that can't afford improved nutrition or to pop down to whole foods for a bag of organic quinoa?

Of course improved nutrition is the most important goal, but the majority of the world does not have this luxury, unfortunately. This is where the battle should be fought, in empowering people with impoverished lives, to help lift them up and in doing so improve their health and nutritional intake. Not telling them to sacrifice their kids in an unwinnable war against pharmaceutical companies just so a bunch of first world get cheaper medicines.
So your answer is what ? to outlaw pharmaceutical companies? stop research? Is this going to help the millions who can barely afford to put food on their table let alone afford a decent standard of healthcare?

There is a huge old world out there that doesn't conveniently fit into a first world perspective

There is a huge old world out there that doesn't conveniently fit into a first world perspective

Yeah, - I have lived in poor/ third world countries for most of my adult life... (20 years or so).
I know the differences...

Superb post, and yay I have a cent vote again, and you just got it.

Thanks - I've been holding back a bit on vax posts, but there seems to be a lot of interest

Vaccinated kids in India dont become customers for life, they cant afford medical care so can you explain Dr Sherri's quote please ?

When you go to the pharmacy for medicines they tell you to read the leaflet. When you go for an injection with a baby, they say nothing. Babies are protected by nature and it makes me angry that they shoot vaccines (poison) straight in their blood. Normally it is almost impossible to reach the blood vessels.

This is ghastly and worse than many diseases. Keep up the good fight.
Liked and Resteemed

Many thanks

Idiot Meme....what about the 500,000,000 cases of that arent paralysed ? or the figures before and after. You're just a fake news and lie spreader. Disgusting

Vaccinations hold risks, not being vaccinated can hold risks. Private medical decisions should be private.

Project 7_5-01.jpeg

But views are posted so there is also a right to respond.

Sure! I totally agree. That's what I was doing also, presenting the idea that nobody owes a community immunity via risking their own health. Regardless of the safety of vaccinations they are a medical decision and shouldn't be subjected to hysterical debate.

If you don't like the current coverage capability of vaccinations complain to the manufacturers. Not the rest of the population who may or may not be opposed to being injected.

It's a manufactured debate. Most of the Pro-Vaccination Yellers haven't even realized there isn't a single full study of the current vaccinations in combination and using the current schedule.

Take a chance ....images.duckduckgo.gif

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