@utopian-io: Contribution/Score/Moderator/Vote Analysis - 13th - 19th April 2018

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)

This is an analysis of the Contribution types, Scores, Moderators, and @utopian-io votes for the 13th - 19th April 2018 inclusive.


General / Assumptions

  1. Contributions Summary

  2. Categories in focus

  3. All contribution Types

  4. Contribution Scoring

  5. Category Vote Weighing

  6. Moderator/Community Manager Statistics

  7. Summary Analysis

  8. Tools used to gather data and compile report



@utopian-io is the open source project for open source projects, housed on the Steem Blockchain.

Currently, @utopian.io holds 3.6 million Steem power through delegations from its kind sponsors.

To become a sponsor and view the current standings visit https://utopian.io/sponsors

This report is an analysis of the number and type of contributions sent for review, and the success/fail rate of each contribution type. Also included is the Scoring, Vote Weight, and Moderator/Community Manager review statistics.

Recent reports of this type are listed here.

OCT 2017: October 2017

NOV 2017: Week 1 - Week 2 - Week 3 - Week 4

DEC 2017: Week 1 - Week 2 - Week 3 - Week 4

JAN 2018: Week 1 - Week 2 - Week 3 - Week 4 - Week 5

FEB 2018: Week 1 - Week 2 - Week 3 - Week 4

MAR 2018: Week 1 - Week 2 - Week 3 - Week 4

APRIL 2018: Week 1 - Week 2

I will aim to provide this report on a weekly basis, with a look at the previous weeks data and more historical data to compare and contrast.

This will allow contributors and employees of utopian.io to keep in touch with how the platform is progressing, such as the approval percentages and number of Contribution Types being submitted.

It is hoped that this analysis will provide information that can add value to decision making processes at utopian-io.

1. Contributions Summary

For the week, 13th - 19th April 2018 inclusive, the SteemSQL DataBase holds a total of 691 potential contributions to utopian-io. This is 72 fewer contributions than the previous weeks' total which was 763.


256 of these contributions have been approved, 54 fewer than the previous weeks' total of 293.

2 contributions were approved but did not receive a vote.

The approval percentage of 37% is a 1% fall from the previous week.

The Contributions offered can be any one of the following types:


Note: 'Translation' contributions are currently on hold.

This weeks data, split into Contribution types is shown in the pie chart below:


The 'Bug-hunting' category remains the largest this week and retains 37% of all contributions.

'Suggestions/Ideas' holds 2nd place but loses 9% of the contributions share from the previous week with 22% of all contributions this time.

'Graphics' contributions regains 3rd spot after 'Development' took its place last week, and holds 15% of all contributions.

These three largest categories account for 74% of all contributions offered- Down 5% from the previous week.

2 Categories in focus

In this section we take a look a few of the individual contribution types of interest.

A full list of contribution types is listed further below with associated figures and analysis.

'Graphics' - Approvals / Rejections

'Graphics' has become the 3rd largest contribution category this week with 88 contributions produced for review.


As we can see from the chart above, the category has been met with a steady decline in contributions over the past 3 months and has lost over 80% of the numbers seen contribution wise, since the beginning of February.

This week however, the number has improved over the previous week and could mark a change in fortune for this category. However, the approval percentage suggests there is still plenty of room for improvement with regards to the quality of the contribution submitted.

'Ideas/Suggestions' - Approvals / Rejections

'Ideas/Suggestions' has held its position as the 2nd most contributed to category this week, but as the chart below suggests, not everything is rosy here.


The total contributions have fallen around 85% since the end of January, and it seems this category is quickly falling out of favor. Perhaps the reduction in contributions is down to stricter moderation of the category as the approval % has also fallen dramatically over this period. Less than 10% of the contributions to the category were approved this week- only 14 successes from 153 submissions.

3. All contribution types

The following table shows all types and totals of contributions submitted, with their approval percentage in the end column.


The 'Development' category received fewer contributions and fell with regards to approval percentage. However, it still stood out with an 81% approval rate.

'Video-Tutorials' came out with the best approval percentage again this week with 84%, as only 5 from 31 contributions were rejected.

4. Contribution Scoring

Following an issue with the utopian-io central databases during this week of data collection, only 114 contributions hold a score (including 0) from the 256 approved and so it has been decided not to analyse the data collected for this period.

5. Category Vote Weighting

A new chart this week to assess what size of vote is given to each category. Once additional collections have been made over coming weeks, the averages will be viewed over a larger range.


Development tops the vote weight chart, with Analysis, and Graphics close behind. These weights are almost double those of the 'Tutorials', 'Video-Tutorial', and 'Copywriting' categories,

The average vote weight of the 'general', non-task related categories was the lowest for 'Ideals/Suggestions', which may be a clue to the falling number of contributions to this category, as detailed above.

A 20% vote from @utopian-io in this week of analysis is estimated to be worth around $125.

6. Moderator/Community Manager Statistics

This section first appeared in the previous weeks' analysis and in future, a wider data range will be available for assessment.

Moderator Reviews


Two Moderators approved 100% of the contributions they reviewed this week (four previously), and one of these moderators passed a total of 10 contributions.

Three moderators passed fewer than 10% of the submissions they looked over (two previously) and the strictest moderator passed 0 from 23 contributions - all of which were 'Ideas'.

Moderator Contributions


18 out of 23 contributions put forward by moderators were approved this week - 78%

Community Manager Reviews


No Community Managers approved 100% of the submissions they reviewed within this data set, and the highest approval percentage by a Community Manager was 83% - 5 from 6 contributions.

The strictest Community Manager passed 0 from 6 contributions.

Community Manager Contributions

The 2 contributions submitted by Community Managers this week were approved.

7. Summary Analysis

This week, the number of contributions has again fallen against the previous week and continues the downward trend in recent months. This marks yet another year low in totals, both submitted and approved for 2018.


As the chart above displays, the figures are nothing like those of earlier in the year, and perhaps this level of contributions and approval percentages is the new norm for utopian-io.

Over the past couple of weeks, the price of STEEM has more than doubled from its recent lows, but this has still not been enough to spark a revival in contributions to the platform.

This weeks' approval percentage is only slightly lower than the previous week, and is the 2nd lowest, at 37%, since the beginning of the project.


It has been a month since the approval percentage for each week analysed has topped 40% and it is clear that the review procedure has become more strict. While this may be off-putting to some contributors, the off-shoot is that utopian-io is likely to be gaining respect in the Open Source area, as quality levels increase.


Another decrease in contributions and a slight decrease in the approval percentage this week.

'Development' performed excellently along with 'Video-Tutorials' which both gained approval percentages of over 90%.

'Ideas/Suggestions' Showed a further noticeable fall in contributions and the rate of approval was less than 1 in 10 contributions.

The upside to this is that approved contributions (bar the two that did not receive a vote) will be rewarded well.

8. Tools used to gather this data and compile report

The charts used to present the data were produced using MS Excel.

The data is sourced from SteemSQL - A publicly available SQL database with all the blockchain data held within.

The SQL queries to extra to the data have been produced in both SQL Server Personal Edition and LINQPAD 5. Some of the code used for these results is as follows:


Declare @permlink Varchar(2000)
Declare @author Varchar(50)
Declare @contributionType Varchar(50)
Declare @moderator Varchar(50)
Declare @reviewed_approved Varchar(50)
Declare @flagged Varchar(50)
Declare @score int
Declare @influence int
Declare @staffpick Varchar(50)
Declare @utopian_vote Varchar(50)
Declare @sql_vote Varchar(50)
Declare @weight int
Declare @created datetime


SELECT [permlink]
      ,JSON_VALUE([json_metadata],'$.type') as contribution_type
      ,JSON_VALUE([json_metadata],'$.moderator.account') as moderator
      ,JSON_VALUE([json_metadata],'$.moderator.reviewed') as reviewed_approved
      ,JSON_VALUE([json_metadata],'$.moderator.flagged') as flagged
      ,JSON_VALUE([json_metadata],'$.score') as score
      ,JSON_VALUE([json_metadata],'$.total_influence') as influence
      ,JSON_VALUE([json_metadata],'$.staff_pick') as staff_pick
      ,"Utopian_vote" = 
     WHEN JSON_QUERY([active_votes],'$') like '%utopian-io%' THEN 'Yes'
     ELSE 'No'
  , null as SQL_VOTE
  , null as [WEIGHT]
FROM [SQL.STEEMSQL.COM].[DBSteem].[dbo].[Comments] WITH (NOLOCK)
created BETWEEN '04/13/2018 00:00:00' AND '04/19/2018 23:59:59' 
and parent_author = '' and depth = 0 and category = 'utopian-io' and JSON_VALUE([json_metadata],'$.type') IS NOT NULL
order by contribution_type, [created] asc

INTO  @permlink, @author, @contributionType, @moderator, @reviewed_approved, @flagged, @score, @influence, @staffpick, @utopian_vote, @sql_vote, @weight, @created 


Insert into utopian_authors_april_2018_week3
SELECT @permlink, @author, @contributionType, @moderator, @reviewed_approved, @flagged, @score, @influence, @staffpick, @utopian_vote, NULL, NULL, @created

INTO @permlink, @author, @contributionType, @moderator, @reviewed_approved, @flagged, @score, @influence, @staffpick, @utopian_vote, @sql_vote, @weight, @created 





Declare @permlink Varchar(2000)
Declare @author varchar(50)
Declare @weight int

SELECT permlink, author, WEIGHT from utopian_authors_april_2018_week3 FOR UPDATE OF WEIGHT

INTO  @permlink, @author, @weight


UPDATE [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week3]
SET WEIGHT = (select TOP 1 [weight] FROM [SQL.STEEMSQL.COM].[DBSteem].[dbo].[Txvotes] 
WHERE [voter] = 'utopian-io' 
and [permlink]+[author] = @permlink+@author 
ORDER BY [timestamp] desc)


INTO @permlink, @author, @weight




UPDATE  [SteemSQL].[dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week3]

UPDATE  [SteemSQL].[dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week3]


select * from [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week3] -- 691 (763)
select * from [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week3] where SQL_VOTE = 'Yes' -- 256 (293)
select * from [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week3] where SQL_VOTE = 'No' or (reviewed_approved = 'false' or reviewed_approved is NULL)  -- 435 (469)
select * from [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week3] where SQL_VOTE = 'No' and reviewed_approved = 'true' -- 1 (Approved then unvoted) 2 Approved not voted)
select * from [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week3] where SQL_VOTE = 'Yes' and reviewed_approved = 'false' -- 0 (Approved but later rejected)

select contribution_type as Category, reviewed_approved as Approved from [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week3]
where contribution_type is not NULL
order by [contribution_type] asc

select contribution_type, count(contribution_type) from [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week3]
where reviewed_approved = 'true'
group by [contribution_type]
order by [contribution_type] asc



select contribution_type, 
max(cast(score as INT)) as max_score,
min(cast(score as INT)) as min_score, 
avg(cast(score as INT)) as avg_score 
from [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week3]
where reviewed_approved = 'true'
group by contribution_type

select * from [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week3] where ISNUMERIC(score) = 1

select contribution_type, avg(cast(WEIGHT as INT)) from [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week3]
group by contribution_type


Select distinct moderator from [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week3] where (moderator not in (select name from mods) and moderator not in (select name from cm))


 SELECT author,
    --  count(author) as total,
        approved = (SELECT COUNT(author) FROM [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week3] uto1     
        WHERE uto1.author = uto.author and reviewed_approved = 'true'),
        rejected = (SELECT COUNT(author) FROM [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week3] uto1 
        WHERE uto1.author = uto.author and reviewed_approved <> 'true')
  FROM [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week3] uto
  where author in (select name from [dbo].[mods])
  group by author


 SELECT moderator,
    --  count(moderator) as review_total,
        approved = (SELECT COUNT(moderator) FROM [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week3] uto1 WHERE uto1.moderator = uto.moderator and reviewed_approved = 'true'),
        rejected = (SELECT COUNT(moderator) FROM [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week3] uto1 WHERE uto1.moderator = uto.moderator and reviewed_approved <> 'true')
  FROM [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week3] uto
  where moderator in (select name from [dbo].[mods])
  group by moderator



 SELECT author,
    --  count(author) as total,
        approved = (SELECT COUNT(author) FROM [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week3] uto1     
        WHERE uto1.author = uto.author and reviewed_approved = 'true'),
        rejected = (SELECT COUNT(author) FROM [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week3] uto1 
        WHERE uto1.author = uto.author and reviewed_approved <> 'true')
  FROM [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week3] uto
  where author in (select name from [dbo].[cm])
  group by author


 SELECT moderator as Community_manager,
        approved = (SELECT COUNT(moderator) FROM [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week3] uto1 WHERE uto1.moderator = uto.moderator and reviewed_approved = 'true'),
        rejected = (SELECT COUNT(moderator) FROM [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week3] uto1 WHERE uto1.moderator = uto.moderator and reviewed_approved <> 'true')
  FROM [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week3] uto
  where moderator in (select name from [dbo].[cm])
  group by moderator

This data was compiled on the 25th April 2018 at 9:30am (UCT)


Asher @abh12345

Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


Hi @abh12345, excellent report as usual, approved!

Need help? Write a ticket on https://support.utopian.io.
Chat with us on Discord.


Congratulations @abh12345 :)


A big smile for the gentlebot! :D :D :D

Yes big smile for the gentlebot :D

Hey @crokkon, I just gave you a tip for your hard work on moderation. Upvote this comment to support the utopian moderators and increase your future rewards!

Woww this analysis needs alot of hard work and your article reflect your efforts.Its been my fourth month on steemit but i can't understand what type of articles we can post on utopian

Being one of Steemit's really "Big Voters," I appreciate the transparency and accountability that's presented here — so two paws up for that!

It's obviously a pretty specialized group; I expect most people would only be able to hope to contribute through the "ideas" area unless they were developers, but it does look like a good "incubator" for creating the future of our community.


Yeah utopian-io isn't everyone's cup of tea, but as an IT guy by trade, i'm happy it is around!

The early months saw a fair amount of 'abuse' and low quality posting in some categories. The reduction in approvals shows a marked improvement in submissions and the approval process.

There's guys coding their own open source games, enjoying it, and getting rewarded for it too - Happy days!

Sorry Asher, I don't mean to continually hit you with the hard questions... it's just that you're just so goddamn knowledgeable.

I really want to write great detailed user documentation for a few of the apps on Planet Steem... Devs are not known throughout the IT world for being good at solid user documentation.

I'd love to submit it through Utopian, but everything in their 'Tutorial' section is more of a 'How To' guide on how to create a thing. Does Utopian have a section for detailed User Guides... is it copywriting? I just can't really find where I would add solid User Doco in to...

No worries :)

I'm not good with the witness questions yet but can have a go here!

utopian Documentation guidelines:

Submissions to this category are limited to official documentation of Open Source projects on GitHub.

Only merged Pull Requests on the official repository or on a fork will be accepted, as long as the fork is not just a mirror of the original repository.

If the submission does not include the full documentation project, public links to it must be provided.
Unofficial documentation will not be accepted in this category.

So I would say that might not be the place for user guide? I will ask a moderator though.

Also, https://steemit.com/@sykochica has a link on her profile to a bunch of guides, I think she keeps it reasonably well up to date and I would say its the most complete re:Steem/Steemit I've seen.


Thanks dude!

Hmm, that's such a shame... we have all these incredible apps out there, with all these amazing features that no one knows how to use because the developers are too busy developing (as they should be).

If you could ask, that'd be amazing... but I'm guessing I might need to contact each developer to see if I could develop User Manuals for them and add to their Github repositories.

@sykochica's guide list is amazing...

Hi @aussieninja, the "Documentation" category should be the right thing for this. Getting in touch with the developers is certainly a good idea! You can only submit an Utopian contribution if your work is merged into the official Github project, so the project owner has to support your work. I'm not an expert on that category myself, but feel free to contact Documentation moderators and other contributors on our discord channel. Also see previously accepted contributions to get a feeling on what is expected.

Thanks @crokkon, this was hugely helpful, I've now spoken with the devs I wanted to work with and one of the Mods in the Tech-Writers channel is going to help me figure out the best way forward... I've been thinking about this for a while and you've totally helped bridge that gap between thoughts and action... thank you so much. ..

I am not very good at data analysis, if I understand about open source, I will definitely contribute with utopian ,,, but not discouraged, I keep studying, greeting for you Mr. @abh12345

Thank you :)

I hope the information was displayed so that you could understand some of the results.

I was not aware of @utopian-io it's really a good thing, you can earn by even giving suggestions. It's pretty cool.

Yes you can, although the numbers this week do not great for this category.

This is a very useful analysis for those who want to contribute to utopian. Strange downtrend in contributions though...

Thank you!

Yes the moderation process has got stricter, and I think that is due to utopian seeking to boost their reputation in Open Source land.


How can I determine the category of an utopian-io post?
Is it just a matter of looking at the title and the content? Or is there also an other possibility?

Good question. Probably by going to the website https://utopian.io and checking under the project drop-down.

Reading the post should give you a few clues also :)

awesome analysis as always / peace (-:

Still holding good from the last week great analysis :)

Just about, thanks!

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