The #usesteem billboard - rev 002steemCreated with Sketch.

in #usesteem8 years ago (edited)

Please welcome the second revision of "The #usesteem billboard", in the aims of promoting the use of STEEM directly (not relaying on exchanges).

This time we got the superactive @williambanks dominating the billboard with three positions, including the one at the very top of the list. Last time we had @anwenbaumeister with two positions, unfortunately this time there is only one position under this username, repeating as first runner. The last position belongs to @alechahn who enters the billboard for first time, yet with a very low payout compared to the others. Try harder next time!

Are you ready for the billboard? There you have it!

Following the Top 5 posts (since latest billboard) sorted by payout:

AuthorPostFirst payout
@williambanksHavin! The game that allows you to spend steem dollars in the real world. Huge Update!362.83 SD
@anwenbaumeisterReminder for the Peerhub's Buying Raffle! // And the Peerhub Catalog Issue #5249.18 SD
@williambanksSTEEMBUX is here!237.75 SD
@williambanksHavin! The game that allows you to spend steem dollars in the real world. Update!213.75 SD
@alechahnAnimation of the Steemit Logo: Smoke Reveal with Dubstepglitch beats = My little present to the community!!77.51 SD

Big thanks to everyone helping spread this cause, whether with posts, comments or upvotes! Thank you! :D

Last but not least...

Don't forget the most important thing ever: #UseSTEEM or we all loose!.

Want more? follow the #usesteem tag for more like this.

NOTE: All of the rewards from this post remain with the author, yet you can reward the posts above and their authors with upvotes, comments, reblogs and maybe follow them. Also, use their services, buy their products and let me know if you find more ways to #usesteem!

I'm @develcuy and my mission in steemit is to foster #UseSTEEM for the good of everyone. Join the cause!

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