Time for a 'Following' audit? - Some thoughts on User Authority

in #userauthority6 years ago

In light of recent discussions around User Authority, I decided to have a look at the list of accounts I follow. A very brief introduction to User Authority, some personal thoughts, and 'not another list offering'?!


User Authority was discussed here yesterday, and his post explains what it is, and the potential benefits it could bring to Steem.

The first posts on the topic, as far as I am aware, are here and here and were written by @scipio. There are not for the fainthearted, but with enough patience and slow reading, I think most should be able to grasp the concept.

Basically, User Authority (UA) could be used to replace 'Reputation', which clearly doesn't define a users real reputation with regards to quality of content, service to the community, or just about anything else really!

I've taken this from @scipio's 2nd link above, as I think it explains how UA works very well:

... The more followers an account has, the higher its UA. Every additional follower improves the UA-score of the followed account. However, not all follows are weighed equally! If @stellabelle for example (who is followed by a lot of accounts) would follow my account @scipio, that one follow by @stellabelle greatly improves my own @scipio UA because @stellabelle's own UA is high. If my @scipio account is also followed by a new account, that one additional follow also improves the UA-score of the @scipio account, but not very much.

So each account is given a score, based on its followers, and their followers, and their followers, and so on. This is a proper number-crunching operation, do not try this with a pen and paper!

UA could also be extended to use other metrics, pretty much anything you can compute. I like the thought of this as new metrics could be 'easily' and 'quickly' introduced, perhaps following open discussion by the community as a whole. Perhaps a higher UA would have the most 'weight' in the argument? :)

In the comments of @cryptoctopus's post yesterday, newer accounts were concerned with UA, as they would clearly start with a low UA score. However, all accounts start here on Reputation 25, and so I don't see a problem with this at all. Potentially, a new user could create a really awesome piece of content and be rewarded little first time out. This may lead to a growth in Reputation to 30, but they could have earned a good start to their UA score. The example I can think of is that curation team members have spotted this account and followed it ready for future work. These team members themselves may not hold a lot of Steem Power (low vote, low Reputation increase), but may have plenty of Followers themselves.

Driving 'Reputation' via a UA score has a fair few interesting side effects, probably more than I can think of right now, but I'll focus on engagement, and connection to a community.

The requirement of accounts, under the UA scoring mechanism, to engage in the community seems fairly obvious to me. You need to be seen, and what you produce will need to be good/interesting. Networking will also be important, and together as a community, each persons UA will increase.

It also seems that binding one's account close to a community with larger accounts heading it up will be a good thing as far as UA score. Working closely with @utopian-io (10105 followers), or contributing top notch video content to @dtube (74160 followers - 2nd highest) and recieving a follow from these accounts is likely to boost an accounts UA score greatly. Well done (in advance to UA becoming a reality) if you are one of the lucky 34 accounts to be followed by @dtube!

So what else could happen with UA in place? Tactical following/un-following? Maybe!

Better management of ones account with regards to who they are following?

I'm certainly going to look into the accounts I follow should UA become a reality. And well, I couldn't resist a look at my 'follows' from the database side. (The steemit.com user interface for viewing/managing 'follows' is pretty poor if I'm being honest - That would have to improve if UA arrived.)

I looked at the accounts I followed, ordered by the last time they produced content. Some of the accounts I follow have never produced content, but I follow them mainly, just in case they do. There are other accounts in my list who used to produce content and have stopped, a fair few of those haven't submitted a top level post or comment in 2018, and perhaps these accounts would be a fair place to start.

Need a list? 🙈

I'm wondering if a personalized list of some of your most inactive followers might be of use? For some of you, following 5000+ accounts, a list of the 50 most inactive isn't going to help you out too much - but it's a start I guess!

I can include such things as 'last_post_date', 'last_vote' (to anyone), and perhaps even Steem Power would be useful too - An account with next to no SP who's not posted/commented this year would seem to suggest they were no longer with us.

Following such accounts could potentially lower your User Authority score (@scipio to confirm but I think I'm correct in saying this!)

Personally, I think there is huge scope for User Authority, and someone else seems interested too.

You can find that comment here

Soo yeah, a list anyone? (I'm dreading this already!)




Thanks for bringing attention to UA @abh12345 ! Your article is creating awareness among people regarding who they follow, who follows them, and makes people think which effects those follows could have on their own UA and other accounts' UA.

I've read all comments (up to now) in the comments thread. Indeed, most seem positive, some are more concerned about what would UA bring, and - indeed - it's pretty hard to comprehend, let alone predict in advance, all possible angles regarding UA.

Firstly, I'd like to say that me "inventing" UA back in November 2017, was merely an idea I had to improve the Steem experience, for most people, genuine users. To get community support, I stepped back from UA for a while, in an attempt to let others build it. If that would have happened, it wouldn't have been "a @scipio product". I talked about UA to many people, via DMs, but apparently developing UA seemed (too?) difficult, for most.

So, I decided to develop UA myself, together with my friend @holger80. It's an extremely complex endeavour. To do it right, we have streamed all blocks in chronological order, to check for account creations in chronological order, and to check for follow broadcasts in chronological order. Currently, that's around 150 million follow operations, and every minute more are added.

With that, we can re-construct, also in a chronological order, how the entire Steem follower graph has been built over time. And from there, we can compute every account's UA historical progression over time as well.

This is a situation "as-is" right now. If UA were only "a fun number", then interest would fade away. If UA gets used in various ways, then we have a new situation: some people will use UA as it is intended - an"influence" metric where "publishing interesting content & doing good for the community, are assumed to get you more followers hence a better UA score. UA could reflect each account's behavior and intent.

But some will try to game UA, and I know how they will try to. Currently, we are in the process of simulating virtual attacks of all sorts we can think of, some real, some far-fetched. But we're trying ourselves to "break UA" and to see how we can harden UA against those "attacks".

Please remember that Google is for 20 years now trying to harden PageRank, and it has a staff of thousands of very intelligent PhDs. Those people are pretty much all brilliant, not something "a @scipio and a @holger80" can outperform in a few hours of brainstorming. But we still try to do our best.

Any system can be gamed to a certain extent, provided an "attacker" doesn't care about time nor costs. We're trying to make UA as resilient to those attacks as we can, and in order to do so, we must put in a tremendous amount of effort (and server & bandwidth costs as well, in order to compute everything).

PS, as a primer, I've also been working on various presentation aspects of UA, including brainstorming and working with others.

In cooperation with designer @fabiyamada this has been created as UA's logo!

You like it? :-)
Cheers, @scipio


Those people are pretty much all brilliant, not something "a @scipio and a @holger80" can outperform in a few hours of brainstorming. But we still try to do our best.

If it's not said, thanks for atleast trying to fix the broken reputation system. This is the best solution I have seen so far. And all the great systems had their uncertainties of how it will play out! Important is that we test it out, upgrade and repeat until it is proven that it works (or not)!

I will use UA for my community (@promo-mentors) for sure. I think it be a big help in filtering spammers.

I like the logo btw :)

I love this project! I prefer things to be real, I want numbers to mean something! Reputation now is just a number. I hope it really counts soon!
And thanks a lot for inviting me to be part and contributing with design.

@Scipio- Keep it up, you always come with something new innovative idea and it is one of the example.Thanks Scipio. Waiting for your next blog.

Don't thank me, it's you guys that deserve the credit :D

Please remember that Google is for 20 years now trying to harden PageRank, and it has a staff of thousands of very intelligent PhDs. Those people are pretty much all brilliant, not something "a @scipio and a @holger80" can outperform in a few hours of brainstorming. But we still try to do our best.

Hopefully people will read this and understand just how complex UA is.

Respect to you and @holger80 for work you are doing here!

Also @abh12345

An account with next to no SP who's not posted/commented this year would seem to suggest they were no longer with us. Following such accounts could potentially lower your User Authority score (@scipio to confirm but I think I'm correct in saying this!)

While every follow broadcast on the entire Steem network changges each and every UA score of every account, following 1 specific account has an extremely low significant effect on UA scores, on average.

If you follow, say, 300 accounts, and decide to unfollow 1 (299 remaining), then depending on your own UA score, a tiny bit (in this example about 0.3%) more of your own UA is transferrred to the remaining accounts you are following, and the effect on your own UA is even smaller, but could go up or down, which is not possible to determine as a general rule of thumb. That all depends on how your account is connected to other accounts you are following, that follow you, and how they follow others and get followed themselves.

Sorry, I could not be clearer! :-) UA is pretty complex

Thanks for your feedback to the comments in this post @scipio!

and how they follow others and get followed themselves.

This is quite interesting, and no doubt is pretty complex to monitor and use. Hats off to you for the work so far, and good luck!

Yeah I think that would work better.

As as experiment I started a second account @frot and started using bots.

This, my real account, after two years is stuck on a rep of 64 that hasn't changed in six months - but my new account was up to 58 in under a month.

Anything has to be an improvement over the current set-up, this looks like the best idea so far.

@frot seems to have his head up is ass? Your alt will likely beat you to 65/66 in 2/3 more months then - less if you go hard on the bids.

Yes - rep is a buy-able commodity in the present system which seems wrong.

But "user authority" is such a bad name it's mind boggling - Steemit as Fascist Social Media...

"user authority" is such a bad name it's mind boggling

Hmm, should I change it to UA666 ?

I'd stick with "reputation: which is good, but if it has to be different how about "rating" - the word "authority" makes me want to go psycho...

So "User Rating" - UR

heh :)

I understand what you are saying, but I think UA will likely stick.

Mean image that one!

User rating? - Anything but Authoritah - that word is pretty aggravating!

The whole concept of "authority" is the opposite of what Steemit was originally about...

Google should've come up with that name!

It's totally them :)

I was going to reply to how great of an idea this is. (And I truly think it's a really frikken great one!) However, as I started my reply, and waited for the words on screen to catch up with what I had already typed...(and I type slow😁)I realized that we have a few other very basic "core" issues that really need to be addressed. People talk here of "mass adoption" of this platform. I can't imagiine trying to respond to this great post if we had a million daily "active" users. Plus......beta anyone? Just saying.
While I'm on this note, anyone been having a hard time getting comments to post and upvotes to go through today? It's killing me. 😀
I would like to take a second to thank you Asher for bringing this great topic to light for me. Definitely something cool and useful to keep an eye on! Also thanks for all you do, Captain Community!👍👍👍👍four thumbs up @abh12345(yeah, I had to use my toes too.)
Edit: After thought...how does this affect vote values? Being that they are currently based on your reputation score?

ha :) I have scratched replies so often as my thoughts drifted to other topics.

People talk here of "mass adoption" of this platform. I can't imagine trying to respond to this great post if we had a million daily "active" users. Plus......beta anyone? Just saying.

I think this is how the initial adopters felt when we arrived over the past year. A firm case for gathering 'your' community and steadily looking for others with similar interests.

While I'm on this note, anyone been having a hard time getting comments to post and upvotes to go through today? It's killing me.


After thought...how does this affect vote values? Being that they are currently based on your reputation score?

UA would not affect vote value, and reputation do not have an impact at present either. Vote value is based solely on Steem Power (in)vested, and the current price of STEEM.

Thanks for the kind response, I take no credit for UA, but I'm happy my post reached others who have missed the initial posts on the subject. Cheers!

It's the very first time I'm reading about UA, so thanks for that! :-)
Apparently, the reputation score as it was designed in the beginning, isn't really significant (anymore). You may buy yourself a bunch of whale votes and easily increase the score while you can't buy a following from such an account. It requires real social interaction, networking, lobbying to be followed by the big fishes.

Great approach! Resteemed. Hopefully we don't have to wait for SMTs to see all the good ideas to be implemented :-)

Ahh good. I'm glad I introduced a couple of new people to the topic, it's a big one potentially!

I take no credit for UA, but do feel it has the potential to be a great addition to how people are considered - anything is better than 'Reputation', for the reasons you state above. It would be nice to drop this in along side and see how the community feel about it.

Interesting times for sure :)

Thank you very much for the RS!

Actually, we're trying to put UA online ASAP! Just finalizing its initial release right now ;-)

Sounds awesome! So will this be implemented just for Steemit.com, or blockchain wide?

UA can be applied anywhere on the Steem blockchain!
@cryptoctopus wrote an article that explains a number of use cases for UA here

Terrific! Thanks for the link :-)

I need that list like right now.......... I have been looking to clear my following list for a while now. A list like you mentioned could be of help to those, who are looking for a internal/self audit of their following list. We should probably do this even aside from the UA issue.

As for UA, I think I understand the idea and I think we can benefit from it. As for now, the only reason I am saying this is because the reputation system has become kind of obsolete. It really tells you nothing about the account and overly bloated reputations and flag suppressed reputations are far too rampant for the rep scoring system to be a useful metric of position here.

I would need to read up a bit more to get to the bottom of it. Not really sure of how upvotes/flags would affect UA? Also not sure about if the user interactions based on comments would be a part of the process of calculation. And if yes, then directly or indirectly? Is user activity even taken into account? If yes, then what are the total number parameters taken into account to judge the user activity? If no, then wouldn't a system ignoring the user activity would also eventually prove faulty?

...... as I said, I need to read a bit more to get to the bottom of it. Thanks for sharing it man!


A list like that could save a ton of time cleaning up the follows manually. I have just started to get mine straighten out. I had quit using it entirely for a while keeping up by other means.
The UA sounds like it has the potential to be an improvement. Just hope to not end up losing too many points. Thanks for the heads up.


Good piece of knowledge, didn't know having more followers was this important and having all them very much active followers even more important. A list of the inactive followers must be provided in a way to help steemians.

It's not important at all, yet :) And it might never be, but I think it has potential as an idea and the developers are very much respected by me.

Developers better know what they are doing, but generally a new user will keep following whoever he would find alike and will never know if they have gone inactive already. There should be some help in that regard though

a new user will keep following whoever he would find alike and will never know if they have gone inactive already. There should be some help in that regard though

I agree. On the lists we have here, perhaps last post/last vote/Steem Power would be useful?

Exactly, and the list of followed people should not be in alphabetical order, but in an order where we can know who we recently followed and then check on them. Plus within the list their last post/last vote/SP could be mentioned. Would be a good help

Yep. The ability to re-order/sort/filter the list would be very handy!

Exactly, talk to the authorities about this may be?

I need to cogitate on this a little longer and look at it from all angles before I can make a useful comment...

That's fair enough. I don't think many, including me, can cover this conceptually from all angles. The scope is huge :)

I am finding that out! LOL

Wow, and I thought your list algorithms were impressive previously... this is a bit insane Asher! Haha.

I do like the idea of the UA concept because I feel rep isn’t truly a realistic representation of the value an individual adds to the platform, having it be partially based on their followers or the content they create is very interesting.

Well this is certainly not my idea, a smart chap named @scipio developed the idea based from how google present their pages, but here we have Accounts and Follows, and not websites and hyperlinks.

Would you support the idea, or are you happy with the current Reputation set-up?

Yes of course, I meant the insane lists you are about to run in these here comments 😜

I think it has its faults, like anything else, but I would be curious how it would look. I think that the same issue would still remain, votes from big accounts (like dtube) have enabled Individuals to quickly get very high rep that doesn’t really present anything they have added to the platform.

I think the same could be said about large accounts following certain individuals... not sure it really shows much of anything truly. The rating system is a number, some have a high number but because they have pulled every single penny they have made (probably from the dtube votes) out of the platform, they have no real standing. They have not invested anything back into the platform and couldn’t even make a difference really to “clean up” the platform by flagging plagiarism or anything else.

So, I guess I don’t really think the number is a good reflection of much... I tend to ignore it and look at what the author adds to the platform, through both content, investment and what projects they support. I have no ideas on how to reflect that into any sort of grading system though, so I am absolutely no help 😄

The dapp support regarding rep is OK I think, it's the 50-100 bid-bot sends that have really messed up the Reputation score. Anything would be an improvement, but we will have to see by just how much in the future :)

I tend to ignore it and look at what the author adds to the platform, through both content, investment and what projects they support.

This would be nice to be a part of the UA score eh :)

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