Tales of the Urban Explorer: Rock Nook Mill

in #urbex5 years ago (edited)

It’s a while since I wrote about anything Urbex; this solely due to lack of material and story. There are only so many places to explore in my local area and most have already been visited.

Starting a new role in a town 25 miles away presented more opportunities, and so having discovered Rock Nook Mill via www.28dayslater.co.uk, I pinned down the location and made plans for a visit.


I now work alongside @goblinknackers, so he joined me for this one. A mill solo would be a daunting experience as they can be really creepy places.


Rock Nook Mill is big and walking down the front of it presented no opportunities when it comes to access points.



All the windows were boarded up and doors filled with solid concrete. I struggled to gain a good panoramic shot of the building as between the mill and road there’s a canal and train line.



It was either too close or too far. @goblinknackers kindly let me use his zoomed photograph from the roadside (cover shot) as I can't zoom on my iPhone unless you want a pixelated mess.

Like many of these old places, Rock Nook Mill has suffered an arson attack, this one in 2015. The link has some dramatic shots of the place up in flames.

Built in the 1840s and acquired by Forthergill and Harvey in 1910, as a cotton yarn and cloth manufacturer. Rock Nook Mill is an odd-looking stone building and quite unique in appearance as far as cotton mills are concerned.



We walked up these dilapidated stairs and looked around the back.




That's Mr Knackers thinking about going in or not

I won’t disclose the access point but will add that you need to be really careful or multiple injuries may occur when heading in.


The first thing we noticed was a huge gap in the floor with a 15-foot drop, and was that the sound of crunching glass, and some barely audible conversation?



There was somebody down there, likely other Urbexers. I thought nothing of it at the time and started looking around.


The view of the mill from the first floor was similar and yet different from the Bradford mills I visited in February. The sight and image presented here was one of ravage and devastation.



It amazes me that more homeless people don’t shack up in these old mills. The windows are gone but it is better than getting soaked in the rain during our many wet nights.



The offices contained little in terms of personal belongings. I did check the file on the shelf but it was empty.


I took this photograph of the stairs leading up and then somehow suffered from memory loss and didn’t notice it again until I arrived home. Sometimes, things work in strange ways and for your betterment. Read on.




Walking through the first floor of the mill we saw evidence of machinery and some signs which were almost comical.


Please keep these premises tidy', right on, of course, we will!



There was a decent amount of graffiti and vandalism but no more than what we usually see at these kinds of places.


This bottle was covered in shit, and despite @goblinknackers' attempt to clean it off, we could only partially read the label.


Tygaflor’ appeared to be a company who possibly rented the part of all of the mill at some point. It was hanging off a notice board and required a finger to hold it up to take this photograph.




The far end of the floor revealed some Fallout style toilets, and despite the question mark on the door they really were what they appeared to be. I will spare you the photographs.


At this point, we were looking for the stairs to go up or down and failing to find any.



I love this panoramic shot of the floor with the large pipe in the foreground. The more you do of these, the more you appreciate the beauty in decay. Yes, I know that sounds strange.


As we started to make our way back to the access point I noticed a figure moving at the opposite end of the floor space. It was a teenager around 19 years of age or so and he appeared not to have noticed us.


Perhaps he was a fellow explorer? It really didn’t matter to me at this point.


Disappointed at not being to gain access to the other floors we left and scrambled up the bank on to the road.


We then saw four teenagers exit behind us a few minutes later with a strong aroma of weed, one carrying an air rifle. They did not seem interested in us, but I engaged them in conversation.


How did you get on the bottom floor’, I asked casually trying not to come across as some authority figure about to bust them.

There was a pause and then one chirped up, ‘It’s just left of the big hole when you enter

Still my memory didn’t register, even though I had photographed said steps when entering.

Was there anything good down there?

It’s quite bare, just some machinery and stuff’, he replied.

There was no friendliness nor was there hostility but this was certainly not the Urbex club, or we were not invited.

The guy with the air rifle started shooting at something, fortunately not our heads.


I left it at that after saying thanks and we departed.



Sometimes things happen for specific reasons. Why did it not register to me about the stairs?

Another scenario that may have played out was that we discovered the stairs, descended and caught these guys smoking weed and shooting pigeons.


Their party would be disturbed and it could have turned unpleasant. What made me forget that I had seen those stairs?

Sometimes it makes me wonder if there are forces at work that we are unaware of.





Drooling Maniac.JPG

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Oh my you never know who you may encounter in these old vacant buildings. I'm sure you're very careful.. The landscape shots you have really make this building look huge, castle like. Really cool, too bad it has fallen into disrepair.

It's rare to encounter anyone, and that's the way I prefer it to be. I can't say I have ever come across another true explorer yet. That, I wouldn't mind at all.

It seems to have been a while, but I vaguely seem to recall drinking a little beer, testing some herbal concoction and blazing away at pigeons in abandoned buildings. Imagine that.

There was actually a time when you could make $1 USD per live pigeons for dog trainers and live bird shoots. Then we put the guns away and used netting on windows in abandoned barns to catch them. Night time with flashlights worked best. Between 4 or 5 of us we could make $100 per week which paid for the refreshments. Very early 1970s.

I just had the thought that some of the places I used to frequent and live would be UX candidates today. I think I'm depressed.

Not because of your article. I really enjoy your UX exploits and this is no exception.

Thank you!

Ah, it would be not socially accepted to kill even pigeons in today society. They do tend to hang around in these places scaring the shit out of you by flying off when you get too close.

I'll be doing some more shortly, I hope though finding them is getting harder.

From the first photo (on the Discord)... I thought that it was a castle that you had explored!... anyway, I'm curious... what is the policy with squatters or homeless if they occupy these buildings? I'm not sure, but in The Netherlands, there is some passing of ownership if the original owner doesn't do anything and the people live there for long enough... don't quote me on that, I do have to double check that... but for that reason, there are these "anti-squat" organisations which offer cheap or rent free housing for people.... and the owners of the properties use the "anti-squat" agencies to protect their ownership.

It does like like a castle at first glance, it's the turrets I suppose.

About squatters? I really don't know.. but do know they can be hard to evict and need court action here.

I don't think this passing of ownership applies here.

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It looks really impressive from the outside. Just out of interest ,how or do you check to see if the floors fall through before wander around ? Just thinking of that drop you mentioned

how or do you check to see if the floors fall through before wander around

LOL, you tentatively feel with your feet, or if there's a gaping hole.. give it a wide berth! Health and Safety are out of the window in places like these.

The scale of that place is pretty impressive. That shot from the outside is pretty awesome too! This one seems like it was a pretty successful trip even though you weren't able to get to the other floors for whatever reason.

I keep thinking, 'should I go back again'. I wonder what that 2nd floor is like with the open air above it.. or even if I can get to that point without killing myself?

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Yeah it was probably a good thing it played out as it did. These posts are always facinating

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You do have to be careful of scummy little bastarts. Perhaps you should carry around a big iron hook which you have spent years practicing throwing and that will give you comfort in a potential sticky situation? ;0)

@goblinknackers was quite certain they were not explorers and there just to smoke and shoot pigeons. They left in a car, so had travelled. Why go to so much effort? Was it the shooting perhaps?

Defecting a bullet flying toward your balls would be quite tough, even with a big iron hook!

It is a bit weird actually driving to such a place to smoke dope and shoot pigeons.

Bloody neds!

I always think engaging them breaks the ice a little. They were as wary of us as vice-versa. I had my cop jacket on and it didn't really help.

Oh man, yeah, that jacket might not help. Lol!

Unless of course they went there specifically to harvest the souls of urbexers?

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