EP. 4: University Of Greatness – When You Are Broke and Can’t Afford the Price of Greatness – I Have an Idea

Yesterday I was confused and demoralized, my dad was in debt and I had promised to bail him out, but it seems I was going to fail him. The money I had trusted to use in that course wasn’t forthcoming.

He had got me informed early on Sunday that I would bail him out by Friday (today) when he will have to pay part of a loan he took a while ago, and I assured him I will do that. He came to me in the morning of yesterday and explained I’m his only hope, at that point I couldn’t tell him I might not be able to meet up.


How come have I become so broke to an extent of not been able to save my dad of shame? How come my journey to greatness is turning into worry over debt? How come have I been so broke that I have no option than to withdraw my steemit earning which I vow never to withdraw until I reach a set goal?

Both DAD and MOM are civil workers and the government owns them 5 months and 3 months’ salary respectively. This might surprise you only if you are not a Nigerian.

In some states in Nigeria, state government owns workers over 10 month’s salary and many workers don’t have a clue when to expect the next pay. This will give you a clue into how workers suffer in a nation like Nigeria and why there are more chronic poverty scenario here than in any place in the world.

salary palava

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salary issue

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Well, that’s not the focus of this post and it's a story for another day.

In my confusion I withdrew my little SBD and when I was about converting it into my local currency from bitcoin wallet, I realized my SBD didn’t reach minimum bitcoin conversion rate required by Nigeria exchanges. Then I became even more convinced that I was confuse. But I didn’t want to fail my dad, I said to myself.

Idea 1: Solution is not in confusion.

Confusion took away solution and made me think less as smart as I could; I discovered that my situation was thinking for me and getting me more confused. And this what happens when you become your situation, always remember that your situation is not you and you are not your situation.

The solution to every problem is right beside confusion, you need to knock out confusion to pick it up. So the first step to buying yourself greatness even when you are dead broke as me is to get out of confusion.

So I figured out a way to come out of confusion; by picking up my phone and calling a female friend who I took a walk out with and discuss something different entirely without remembering the mess I was into.

Shortly after the workout and getting back home, I got the solution.

Idea 2: start with something even If you have nothing (SOMETHING IS EVERYTHING YOU NEED)

I had already started with steemit which was what I had at the moment so I thought; steemit is the only thing I have currently, why can’t i continue with it?

Most times when we want to start something great we feel we have nothing to start with, but that’s a lie from the pit of our mind. The truth is; we always have something even if little, but we create excuses and roadblocks by our shortsightedness and refusal to accept we have something, using that to disqualify the little we have by concluding we have nothing to start with.

Begin with what you have and don’t think you have nothing. Something is what everyone has and thinks they don’t have. Knock out nothing and give something a chance. So I did it and got back to steemit and chatted up with a friend who came to my rescue and bails me out with a little loan.

I was happy to watch steemit acting as my savior twice in a day.

Idea 3: If you hate to do it, it’s a good reason to do it

I hated to ask people for financial help, even if it’s a little help I don’t feel confident asking, but I did yesterday and that became a saving grace.

Greatness is finding courage to do what you are scared of and feel happy that you did it anyways because it became a saving grace.

If you don’t do it, the default result is failure, confusion and costly assumption but if you do it, you have little to loss even if you get a NO that means Next Opportunity.


To begin the journey of greatness we definitely need finance, we need ideas, we need comfortable time, we need people around us, we need support and we need something to begin with. But what if we don’t have everything or most of the things we need to begin our journey into doing something great? Should we be handicapped because we don’t have everything we need to start something great?


How you begin doesn’t matter much compare to what you will do once you begin and how mighty you will end once you didn’t stop middle way.

Most great men/women have little and rough beginnings and to me that is a signal that the end will be great. If the road to greatness is such a straight one, don’t you think life will have less meaning?

If you like this post or feel I am doing something wrong that needs to be corrected, drop a comment below and if you enjoy reading this don’t hesitate to upvote and resteem

University of Greatness is a new blog series on steemit by @bania featuring combinations of motivational articles and stories of a young Nigeria boy sharing is experience and that of others as he journey through the school of greatness. Check out introduction episode here, episode 1, episode 2 and episode 3. You can support me by following, commenting, resteeming and upvoting this post to encourage me to strive more for the best and share great stories here.



I am really sry for the hard timse you have , i can only help with vote .

Thanks, i appreciate that so much

Hang in there!

Your courage and willingness to ask for help is so admirable my friend! Blessings to you!

Thanks @awarenessraiser

You've been such a good friend and i'm always glad i met you on facebook and followed you down here

for now I can only help with vote and resteem you. Whit yours mindset I'm sure you will have a bright future. You know, I live in Brazil, I know a little what you are talking about (corruption, lack of support from gov etc..) and what are you feeling about this...I will upvote later when my steem power backs, but will resteem right now. Im pretty new here, hope I can help more guys like you in future (Im passing through a tough situation also and I know that this will get better soon). Peace & Love mate :-)

Hello @raphavongal

Thanks for coming here on my blog and supporting me, i am grateful for your love and i hope i can do more better here to help my world and my family

I'm now following you man

you're welcome man. You going to succeed, that's a fact. keep doing what you are doing :)

Great post i'm sorry to hear about the bad times your family are experiencing,I had no idea Nigerian civil servants were treated in such an awful way.It's disgusting people have to wait for money they are owed,I bet the government has money available for weapons though.In the meantime people who provide essential services haven't got enough money to live.what's wrong with the world we are living in?
Thanks for sharing.

Yeah the world we are living in isn't getting better in many parts of Africa. Governments treat workers like slaves and a lot of people wallow in poverty while they have so much money hanging around somewhere they couldn't have access to.

Great story @bania!!! Some well spoken and true words :):) Upvoted and following :) Thanks to @stellabelle for resteeming

Thanks for your kind words, i'm following you too and yes @stellabelle has been so supportive

Oh, thank you very much and it's only a pleasure!!! I hope you'll enjoy what I have to offer as I've enjoyed yours :):)

Hope my vote helps a little bit...

Yea, it does and thanks for that

9ce one bro. 80% of Nigerians are currently going through this struggle, Life ain't easy in Nigeria atall. Buh. You just need to get started, No matter how little the Resources you've got.
-i loved that part bro.
-we will definitely get there. It's just a matter of time, determination and concentration.
-Post like this keeps me going .
-I know that i ain't alone.

Thanks for stopping by and dropping your little contribution. I'm glad to hear that my post got you inspired

Hey @bania , would love to offer you a slot on my podcast sometime.

It is about people doing remarkable things, whether entrepreneurs or not.
Where we talk about what you are doing, believe in and what difference you are making in the world.
It is part youtube channel where the mission is to help 1,000,000 entrepreneurs become remarkable, and the podcast acts as a way to share stories and connect with people.

Here is the playlist of the existing episodes: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5CpCNPna6p95oJfKPew0N3ZT0k-khdgg

It is audio only over skype. Would love you to come on the show and talk about yourself. Does this sound of interest to you?

I must say your posts are better than mine :) check mine anyways ;)

I'm already of your followers and you have good blog too

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