We have a choice; slavery, revolution or evolution.

in #ungrip6 years ago (edited)

I've beaten that dead voluntary slavery corpse to death at least 5000 times over the past 14+ years.  If you are curious about whether you are a voluntary slave or not, then start going through my blog in great detail.  I talk all about it there.  Suffice to say, voluntary slavery is a choice.  We hold onto our chains because they are familiar and convenient, despite their discomfort.  But when that discomfort exceeds their familiarity and convenience, that leads to another choice; revolution or evolution.  


For many, the only option they will see is revolution.  They will rebel against their masters, taking up arms if necessary.  They feel the pain of their slavery, but they are not sure what the root causes are.  As a result, they will blame their masters, remove them and replace them with new masters, only to repeat the cycle all over again.  They think their pain and suffering is a result of their masters, while it is actually caused by their own willingness to be slaves.

You don't have a  peaceful revolution. You don't have a turn-the-cheek revolution. There's  no such thing as a nonviolent revolution. - Malcolm X

As the slaves fight back against their masters, they don't acknowledge their own chains.  They would rather topple the system thinking that the system is the problem, when in fact they put on their own chains around their ankles and wrists, causing their own pain and suffering.  To take off the chains requires more than what most people are willing do to save their own lives.  They would rather kill somebody else than take full 100% responsibility and accountability for themselves.  As a result, revolution becomes the only option as they ignore the root causes of their pain and suffering.  


For those with the wisdom, courage and faith to choose non-violence and freedom, they begin the evolutionary process which bypasses the violent and repressive paths that most people choose to take.  The evolutionary process is a challenging one as it requires looking within, being consciously aware of all the relationships that we engage with and making choices to grow as a result.  Setting boundaries, confronting covert or overt violence and constantly working towards peace and freedom is the hallmark of that evolutionary process.  

That requires that we take 100% responsibility and accountability for our lives, vessels and relationships.  When we do that, something miraculous starts to happen.  Our bodies start to change as the yokes of slavery that was holding us down are removed.  Our bodies start to lighten after being pushed down for most of our lives by the weight and burdens that we placed upon it.  For some of us, it may feel like disease and if we were still slaves, we might be running to the doctor to be heavily medicated to 'cure' us. 

What some of us are experiencing is a change in how our bodies functions and feels.  I believe many people are going through these changes and not aware of what is going on.  For months I've felt physical and mental fatigue.  It seems to be getting worse rather than better, hence the reason why I don't write as much as I used to.  I'm working on a protocol to help my body work through the process.  I don't believe I am 'sick' but rather my body is making some significant changes.  I pray that my body survives the process and I will write about it as much as I can.

But the deeper change that I have witnessed is that my physical body must do a final surrender to spirit.  I've talked a lot about surrender over the years, especially when it came to my own emotional and mental healing from depression and suicide attempts.  My physical body did a surrender when I went through the martial arts training as well.  I find myself at a point where I must now put it all together so that I can find the right balance between the physical and spiritual.  

My physical vessel wants to get things done now.  It sees a problem it jumps to fix it.  But that also results in enslaving myself for convenience and to save energy.  Having the physical drive life results in mistakes and painful lessons to be learned.  The capacity to 'see' and 'hear' is very limited in the physical as our capacity is very small.

However, Spirit works very differently.  Spirit is patient, methodical, purposeful and vigilant.  Spirit can see and hear infinitely further.  As we evolve to embrace the spiritual in order to bring balance into our lives, the physical body and intellect must temper themselves so that they can hear the wisdom and insight of spirit.  The physical still has an important job as they are masters of the physical realm.  However, when they acquire the wisdom to surrender to spirit, that allows spirit to guide life while the physical commits to serving spirit instead of serving other masters.  

Our Spirit is the master, not other people, fictions, corporations or governments.

As the physical vessel surrenders to spirit, it may go through all kinds of symptoms as the process is very uncomfortable.  Memory loss, physical aches, pains, fatigue, etc are all common symptoms of this process.  The relationship between the physical and spiritual is changing and with that change comes a complete paradigm shift in how the two relate to one another.  The real revolution is a non-violent evolution within each of us.  We are evolving as we reorganize our relationships between spirit and physical.

The colonial system is programmed to prevent this evolution from taking place.  The medical system is more than happy to put people on their drugs to slow down or prevent this evolutionary process.  Political systems are in place to enslave the mind and make sure it is distracted, enslaving it to the system rather than building a healthy relationship with spirit.

I believe that much of what people are experiencing right now is an evolutionary process.  Even Mother Earth is evolving as she is smudging the planet with all the fires.  Yes, many of them were set by psychopaths, but I also think Mother Earth is ready for a deep and meaningful cleansing.  This environment is going to change and those who have evolved are going to have an easier time with the coming changes.  

Spirit guided life

Spirit speaks to me in many ways.  Sometimes I get major downloads during my meditation.  Since my mind and body are at a limited capacity, I must be patient.  I cannot force the process but instead allow spirit to guide me through it.  As such, I have to wait for inspiration from spirit and take action when it comes.  Spirit also talks to me through the wind, trees, animals and other life forms.  I work hard to observe and be a witness to all that is going on around me and within me as well.  That is the purpose of our vessels, to be a witness and take action when spirit moves.  We are to dance with spirit as spirit leads.  The dance has been very clumsy and chaotic as both cannot lead.  One must surrender to the other and I believe the physical body and mind MUST surrender to spirit.  

So I now work on allowing spirit to lead the dance that I now experience.  It is uncomfortable as I need to take another leap of faith as I surrender completely to spirit.  At times I don't 'hear' or 'see' anything for days.  Trusting in spirit takes time and a lot of work.  But I will get there.  I hope that over the coming days I can write more about the process that I'm experiencing so that others can relate.  We are not alone.  I know many other people who are going through the same process.  

You are not sick.  You are evolving!  


This is so true, dictatorships count on the people thinking with complacency, or even better...not thinking at all. I believe that much of this has to do with selfishness. "The drugs the medical system gives me feels good"or the football game outcome is the topic of the day, rather than what is quietly happening in the legislature. What handouts can the government provide me, so I can spend less time working for it. There are no FREE lunches. Ever. Bread and games. The Caesars used this method to perfection in the past in reference to controlling the minds and time of its citizens. The people must act among themselves, stand their ground, and address the freedom they truly want. People are not "taken over" by an agressive faction. An overwhelming majority conceded. Think critucally🤔. Care, is one of the largest casualties. No one cares. The enemy does. They are together in arms. If the people are together in spirit and evolve to the next plateau, governments, masters, and corporations will waste themselves away. The trash always takes itself out, as long as we allow it to. Give it time. I hope everyone wakes up soon! 🤗🤗

I agree, though I'm not sure it is a matter of waking up but rather going through a serious contemplation of ones own participation in it and the addictions one has to the convenience of what the state provides. The topic of another post, but I would suggest that we are addicted to convenience and the government is doing everything they can to feed our addictions. That is the best way to control people. Those who do the work and remove all their addictions are not controllable and threaten the very foundations of the state. It indeed does require work. People will do what ever it takes to reduce the amount of work. They would rather have others do that work or even build robots to get it done. There are costs associated with all of that.

That is true, its a known way to control people through addiction. It is sad. To see how the government controls the heorin addicts here with the methadone treatments. If they do not comply with anything they are told to, they are cut off and back on the streets again the next day. It is sad

@wwf why most people opt for evolution as the last of the options is because of the slow process and intense discipline required.

Many of us are either too lazy or too cowardly, so we just choose voluntary slavery and pretend like things are all right.

It will take a while, but the more people ready to accept non violent change as a process, the faster we make an otherwise slow process a reality

Fear is a powerful motivator. It will drive people to work themselves to death if necessary. I suspect cowardice over laziness. Leadership through example is the only way we can do this. :(

Yes it is. Love and fear are the 2 most important drives.

Hi Friend! Are those cabbages from this year's garden? They look amazing! How do you keep the white butterflies/ worms away from them? It's really interesting to read your blog. And, to hear how you've been feeling this season and where you're at energetically. I have to say, that through the thick of this summer season, I have found that I am feeling this way too. Like the trauma of the past has caught up. I have been feeling SOOOOO tired, overwhelmed and just needing to be. I put "do nothing" in my calander for three weeks after I came back from holidays. It was such a relief. To have those days just off limits to appointments and running around. I even stopped going to physical therapy which was up to 5 times per week. To just rest. To just be. It was really hard. As I love to always be on the go doing stuff. But, my weight is increasing. And, I got in to see a dietition to get some help and through talking to her, I realized that I am facing 'burn out'. I mean not making coffee in the morning because it will mean washing the pot and cup in the dishwasher. Yeah, it was that bad. But, something beautiful came of identifying what was going on. And, I was so happily relieved that that "do nothing" was scheduled and is still scheduled for another week and a half. I mean one can never really 'do nothing'. There's so much to do in each day -- especially when you life is like yours on the land in the trees. I feel really hopeful that through it all good things will come. It makes me feel so sad though, that you have to power down now, when the prices are so low. But, such is life. It's friggin amazing that you've got this chance to access abundance and do the things that you need to to move forward in a good way. Best wishes Rob & blessings as you continue to grow & heal <3

yes, those are cabbages from this years garden. This is a first for us and how we did it is a family secret. We had some wire hoops put in over each cabbage and then covered then with a crop cover fabric. Works great.

A lot of people are feeling tired and I acknowledge it is not just you or I. I really do feel this is an upgrade that we are receiving, getting us ready for the next phase of our evolutionary process. However, parts of me must also acknowledge that the people are under attack and we must do what we can to protect ourselves and heal from that attack.

I too am sad about my powering down. I was rather shocked at how much emotional attachment I put on the success I had within this platform. I was able to support other people and soon I will not be able to do that from a cryptocurrency point of view. However, that is not why I am here. I know that my support is through knowledge and encouragement, not through crypto. So my work will continue on that level despite the powering down. I'm holding onto the crypto for as long as I can until prices recover. That will then fund our next project. If not, then I may just power right back up and continue serving people the best way I know now. Dealing with the emotional attachment has been an interesting exercise. I've found yet another fictional construct to attach too and in my view that is a dangerous position to take. I must acknowledge that it is only a tool and to use it as such. So I've worked hard to emotionally detach myself from the tool. It has helped.

Yes, it may seem like my 'status' has been downgraded as my avatar is no longer a dolphin. But if people are participating with my work only because I'm a dolphin then I don't want to continue that relationship. I pray that people participate because of the spirit and intent of my articles and the sharing of ideas that takes place here, despite the crypto. Given that I cannot be censored or blocked provides me with an open and free platform to share ideas in a world that does not want them to be available to others. That is the value of this blockchain for me.

Your presence is valuable. And, your message, ideas, involvement in this techy realm is quite a journey isn't it. I sense it will continue to bring youmysterious abundance!! I pray we all thrive ❤🌳❤

Thank you. I do what I can. That is all I have to offer. The value is what others see in that effort and most importantly, what I see in it all!

Yes. Indeed. Thank-you for lending me your family secret! Glad it works really well!! Well done 😊

Oh my goodness! It is like you are following my thought processes in this post lol I have been spending even more time outdoors recently due to physical illness and emotional instability. I recognised that instead of going to the dr's and them putting me on antidepressants (again) that I just needed to allow my body to work through it naturally and that I would come out the other side somehow changed and hopefully for the better. Yesterday I sat in my yard (I live in the woods, so I am lucky to be able to gaze out into the trees whenever I choose) and I realised I was listening to the trees communicating with me...not the rustling of the leaves, but I actually felt they were telling me something! Some people will think I am crazy, but I know you will understand what I mean by this. I felt as though they were telling me to stop and look at what life is actually about. Why do we as a species strive to change our environments constantly and we are never happy with just 'being', we always think we need to do more or achieve more etc. I realised the trees were angry with me but accepting, even though my house was built on their land and trees had probably been cut down to make room for my dwelling. There is a lone Horse Chestnut tree that looks over at my yard and I suddenly felt overwhelmed at the fact that I knew the other chestnut trees that he had created or had been created by from hundreds of years of existing, had been cut down to make room for my house as he had so many conkers on the tree that would have grown if left to their own devices. I asked for forgiveness and felt acceptance and understanding, but I feel so much smaller now realising that we take and don't give back. This is a bizarre feeling and even though I have read so many texts about such issues, to feel this communication direct from the source was overwhelming.
Besides the revelation and strange feeling of communication, I have also realised that all the energy from the trees is spent by growing and providing energy for it's seeds and shelter for the animals that reside there. It is healthy because it has all it needs, sunshine, rain and nourishment from the ground. It doesn't want more or need more.
I realise I am rambling now lol so apologies for that, but i haven't spoken about this to anyone as nobody would understand what I am trying to say, they will just take me back to the doctor and tell me I need drugs again. But I am actually better, not sicker... I am becoming more aware and it is emotional. My body is healing from the physical illnesses and I believe this is from doing nothing, just existing in nature! Much love to you and Carey <3

Much love @beautifulbullies you can chat with me anytime about what the trees or any other aspect of creation is chatting with you. You're not crazy at all. This is the stuff they could teach in Kindergarten! Imagine the surprise of my teachers teacher, who being a science based atheist, tripped while on a hike in the mountains, and when she fell to her knees (uninjured) heard the mountain whispering to her "I have a story to tell". I am grateful she listened. I am endeavouring to hear the voices of spirit. It seems a little less easy to me. But, it is a very real aspect of being alive. It's amazing the amount of love & compassion, forgiveness and tolerance that comes from nature. Have a wonderful day momma <3 Peace & Hugs.

Thank you @yogajill! I was shocked when it happened as I didn't expect it. I have been reading a book recommended by @wwf so I got the theory, but I guess I didn't grasp the concept of it, but it must have opened my mind to the possibility. The strangest thing was that it was one specific tree, not all the trees in the woods. It actually made me cry! A very overwhelming and humbling experience. Everytime I go in my garden now, I wait for the same thing to happen to me again, it hasn't yet, but I always say hello and smile! Much love to you! <3

Yes! Each tree, plant, mountain, land, rock has it's own voice and nature. Just like ppl! My teacher's teacher wrote a book about her experience too. It's called Heading the Call: A Personal Journey to the Sacred by Jaki Daniels it helps you with learning how to connect through journeying. It seems the elements are gaining v olume to their voice. And, ppl are becoming curious enough to listen. You are not alone in your process ❤❤❤

I hear you and I think the process you are going through is healthy and balanced. To get to a point where you can hear the plants communicating with you is a huge step. All the others are wanting to be heard as well. Being a steward is a huge responsibility and it takes a lot of work to get to the point where we are trusted by all to fulfill that role. They need us and we need them. Just as I wrote in the short story that you enjoyed so much. <3 Thank you for commenting. I think it is wonderful that you comprehend what I am talking about. All I can do is plant seeds and share with others as I walk the path. I'm not gone, just healing on all levels so that I can hold the charge of being a proper steward. Peace to you my dear spiritual sister.

Sending you distance healing to help you along the way <3

Thank you my friend. It is slow, but I do feel better. <3

I just had an encounter with the men in black the other morning. It left me weak and shaking. I let the spirit guide me and I held my physical and mental in check so that spirit could lead. The confrontation was non-violent on my part and I was able to keep the others from reacting violently too. But I find I need time just sitting in the garden under my trees listening to the birds and going to the ocean and mediating. I am not sure what else I need to do at this point other than letting the spirit tell me what needs to be done. If this had of been a few years ago, I may not have reacted in the same way.

Great post! Very timely for me... Have you read the book Homo Deus? It describes the type of evolution that we can undertake. I LOVE this topic and think about it often haha. Thanks for producing!

Yes, Freedom is a choice. So few of us undertand how to do this. I am glad I found this publisher. I also write about self determination. Check me out sometime.

Anarchy is the mother of order! Do you agree???

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