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RE: We have a choice; slavery, revolution or evolution.

in #ungrip6 years ago

Hi Friend! Are those cabbages from this year's garden? They look amazing! How do you keep the white butterflies/ worms away from them? It's really interesting to read your blog. And, to hear how you've been feeling this season and where you're at energetically. I have to say, that through the thick of this summer season, I have found that I am feeling this way too. Like the trauma of the past has caught up. I have been feeling SOOOOO tired, overwhelmed and just needing to be. I put "do nothing" in my calander for three weeks after I came back from holidays. It was such a relief. To have those days just off limits to appointments and running around. I even stopped going to physical therapy which was up to 5 times per week. To just rest. To just be. It was really hard. As I love to always be on the go doing stuff. But, my weight is increasing. And, I got in to see a dietition to get some help and through talking to her, I realized that I am facing 'burn out'. I mean not making coffee in the morning because it will mean washing the pot and cup in the dishwasher. Yeah, it was that bad. But, something beautiful came of identifying what was going on. And, I was so happily relieved that that "do nothing" was scheduled and is still scheduled for another week and a half. I mean one can never really 'do nothing'. There's so much to do in each day -- especially when you life is like yours on the land in the trees. I feel really hopeful that through it all good things will come. It makes me feel so sad though, that you have to power down now, when the prices are so low. But, such is life. It's friggin amazing that you've got this chance to access abundance and do the things that you need to to move forward in a good way. Best wishes Rob & blessings as you continue to grow & heal <3


yes, those are cabbages from this years garden. This is a first for us and how we did it is a family secret. We had some wire hoops put in over each cabbage and then covered then with a crop cover fabric. Works great.

A lot of people are feeling tired and I acknowledge it is not just you or I. I really do feel this is an upgrade that we are receiving, getting us ready for the next phase of our evolutionary process. However, parts of me must also acknowledge that the people are under attack and we must do what we can to protect ourselves and heal from that attack.

I too am sad about my powering down. I was rather shocked at how much emotional attachment I put on the success I had within this platform. I was able to support other people and soon I will not be able to do that from a cryptocurrency point of view. However, that is not why I am here. I know that my support is through knowledge and encouragement, not through crypto. So my work will continue on that level despite the powering down. I'm holding onto the crypto for as long as I can until prices recover. That will then fund our next project. If not, then I may just power right back up and continue serving people the best way I know now. Dealing with the emotional attachment has been an interesting exercise. I've found yet another fictional construct to attach too and in my view that is a dangerous position to take. I must acknowledge that it is only a tool and to use it as such. So I've worked hard to emotionally detach myself from the tool. It has helped.

Yes, it may seem like my 'status' has been downgraded as my avatar is no longer a dolphin. But if people are participating with my work only because I'm a dolphin then I don't want to continue that relationship. I pray that people participate because of the spirit and intent of my articles and the sharing of ideas that takes place here, despite the crypto. Given that I cannot be censored or blocked provides me with an open and free platform to share ideas in a world that does not want them to be available to others. That is the value of this blockchain for me.

Your presence is valuable. And, your message, ideas, involvement in this techy realm is quite a journey isn't it. I sense it will continue to bring youmysterious abundance!! I pray we all thrive ❤🌳❤

Thank you. I do what I can. That is all I have to offer. The value is what others see in that effort and most importantly, what I see in it all!

Yes. Indeed. Thank-you for lending me your family secret! Glad it works really well!! Well done 😊

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