Clearing up the confusion behind slavery

in #ungrip6 years ago (edited)
 None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free -  Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I think most of us can agree that ownership of another is morally and ethically wrong.  I cannot say 'all of us' as I know there are people out there who actually believe slavery is okay.  I've had Christians tell me this and my spine shivers with the thought.  But what if slavery is not limited to ownership with a title but also through excessive dependency as well.  

Slave:  a person who is excessively dependent upon or controlled by something. -

I think we do ourselves a huge disservice when we limit our definition of a word.  When I speak of slavery, I am not talking about property acquired either through capture, purchase or birth, despite the fact that it applies in specific situations.  I'm also talking about the form of slavery where we submit ourselves by being excessively dependent upon or controlled by other people, specifically the state and corporations.  

Have we been down this road for so long that we have forgotten what freedom really looks like or how it even feels?  I've given this definition of slavery in my talks for nearly 10 years.  I've felt the brunt of those who are offended when I bluntly say that we are slaves.  

We have been feudal slaves for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years.  This feudal relationship fits with the first definition as title of the land, our bodies and all the lost souls are claimed by THE CROWN.  However, the layers go deeper in that being dependent upon others for our needs is also a form of slavery.  When our dependency runs so deep that the corporations and governments around us can manipulate us by threatening or manipulating the benefits or privileges we depend on, we have gone way too far.  How many people feel that they have 'no choice' when it comes to their purchases, employment, where they live, following government statutes, regulations, etc?  If I was a betting man I would say that the vast majority of people put up their hand as it has indeed gone too far.  Now we are excessively dependent upon them and we have enslaved ourselves through our own ignorance and unawareness of what it really means to be free.  

We have been taught our entire lives that the west is "The Free World".  A lie of biblical proportions.  We are not free.  If people get offended by my rebuke and bluntness about our slavery then I suggest a long hard look in the mirror.  In my view, our dependency on the state and it's corporate empire is an addiction.  People are literally addicted to the state.  They cannot seem to live without it.  

Alpha Stock Images - 

What is the solution?

Work towards independence! But that requires a lot of work, healing and self confidence.  That is where people start to think people like me are nuts.  Becoming independent requires that we provide for all our own basic needs and learn how to govern ourselves.  This is the basic premise behind my entire blog.  I made a checklist for people so that they can see how they are doing along that journey.  If your not sure if you are a slave or not, then give the checklist a try.

This is not going to be easy.  The government and corporations have a keen interest in maintaining that dependency as it plays into their plans, greed and lust for power and control.  If this topic is upsetting then this blog is not for you.  

This blog is about looking in the mirror and making some significant changes to all our relationships.  Life is ALL about relationships and if we want peace and freedom, it requires that ALL those relationships not engage in violence, coercion or force.  It requires that we NOT place the burden of looking after ourselves onto the shoulders of other people.  It demands that we take 100% responsibility and accountability for our own life and needs.  Self-governance and independence is the solution.  


I have felt a real comfortable connection with you since first finding you here on Steemit @wwf. I now see why. I didn't realize how much we had in common. I was very drawn to your honesty, vulnerability and the way that you have chosen to heal in your life. Authenticity is something that is hard to find in most people. It is hard to look in the mirror, be self-reflective and take ownership for your journey. But, it is the single most liberating empowering choice one will ever make, if they get over the fear and just dive in.

I started preparing back in 2008 for self sustainability. Got rid of all of my credit cards and debt too. Really great to see your checklist and know that you get it. I haven't voted in this one party with two face system in many years. Haven't filed a tax return since 2002. I wasn't so aware when my children were growing up, but I am going to be an aware Grandmother, and my children are informed aware adults, which I am very grateful for.

I went down the path of religion until I studied my way out of it. I had two Pastor's from two different Churches try to save my soul as I was unlearning. They would meet with me weekly to council me. I would go word for word with them, me in the Hebrew language them in Greek proving one contradiction after the other. By the time we completed the save Patricia quest, they both left religion. They had no place to go. I had proven my case. I wasn't trying to free them from religion. But, it was a beautiful consequence of them trying to save me.

Thanks for the list you put together as well. It is GREAT! Have an awesome weekend! 😊

as well. It is GREAT! Have an awesome

Best gif response ever to such an epic story? XD

Tenzin ftw!


That touched my heart deeply and I thank you! It indeed does sound like we have a lot in common and I absolutely love the fact that you saved those two pastors! I've been very open about my views, life, experiences, etc for many years. I would even talk to my business clients about depression, suicide and my experiences. Most would think that would be a deal breaker, but in fact it build a level of trust and connection that transcended business. We became friends and as a result, I could retain clients, ride the ups and downs and build a relationship that was not heard of in the industry.

That reinforced what I learned through my recovery and as a result, I am not shy about my feelings or experiences. I thank you for sharing like you did. I am moved and grateful for the show of support as we are indeed a lot a like! <3 Thank you.

You are welcome, and I have to say that you indeed have touched my heart with what you so openly share about your experiences in life. I also am very open like you and have a background in Telecommunications and Data Networking Sales. It was a cutthroat world when I was in it, I am sure it still is. I became one of the top Sales Reps. in my State. I was constantly chastised by those that I had to be sleeping my way to the top. At that time there weren't many women in my field and men couldn't understand how I was outselling them. It, had everything to do with me building a rapport authentically. Wanting to make my Clients happy, not just close a deal. It was very satisfying to build relationships, and be human.

Have a GREAT Sunday and I am looking forward to my future here on Steemit more and more, because of people like you. 😊

Wow. We really do have a LOT in common. <3 Have a wonderful weekend. I look forward to more exchanges of thoughts and feelings with you. May Creator bless you with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love.

Slave talk always reminds me of that Solomon Burke song.


As troubling as it may be for so many folks, I heartily agree @wwf

Whether I can get myself to a point of breaking free, true independence in all aspects of my life is another matter.

A great post and extremely worthy of a re-steem :)

Thank you my friend. <3 Peace to you.

Much appreciated,
Peace to you to :)

I couldn't agree more @wwf
We are almost all (some much more than others) dependent upon the state. After living in South Africa for the last 17 years and now moving to Australia, it has become acutely obvious to me that the provision of services is the process that leads to this dependency.
Let me explain -
The South African State is incompetent at delivering the services that the first world takes for granted (water, security, electricity) this has led to most houses having some form of solar power, water catchment and a serious focus on personal security, thereby reducing the dependence on the state and reducing the impact on the environment. When I compare this to Australia with a functioning state providing many services to its people and the average person has much more financial resources. There is a notable reduction in the amount of houses providing these services (solar/water) for themselves and remaining dependent on the state.

Although the standard of living is much higher in Oz so is the dependence on the State

Side Note - Strangely enough the Queen of England is still on all the coins here - Although I have no idea why

Pointed observation. Thank you very much for sharing that. Your story helps support what I've been saying this whole time. As for the Queen on the coins, that is because Australia is a feudal colony and not a 'nation'. :) Same as Canada.

I have never heard the term feudal colony before. I will be doing some googling on it thanks

I wrote about it a lot on my blog and in my book. If you struggle finding books that talk about it, I share links to some that are on line within my blog.

This is not going to be easy. The government and corporations have a keen interest in maintaining that dependency as it plays into their plans, greed and lust for power and control.

Someone has to feed the pigs at the trough! They have been feeding well for a long time and they don't care who gets stepped on in the process as long as the trough is kept full.

Yup. Excellent analogy. I think you and I both know that when the trough is empty, they will start to attack one another and even eat each other too.

The spirit of the creator seems to have a track record for liberating its people. ♡

I am excited for the future surrounded by so many youth absolutely enraged seeing the bare bones of the old corrupt system.


Gratitude as always!

[Work in progress]

@wwf I would love for you to take a listen to this interview I did with Major Ed Dames. I am kind of shocked he agreed to allow me to interview him, but he did. It is very interesting, and also supports some of what you share.

That was indeed an interesting interview. I would agree, he does support some of the work that I'm doing and I thank you for sharing that with me. well done. I'm going to have my wife listen to it too. We have lots to talk about now. <3 Thank you.

Thanks for listening. I felt this would be of interest. Ed Dames is the one bringing out of all the pedophila from behind the scenes with his remote viewing. When we did this interview he told me privately this is what he is working on. He said it is in the Government Military Vatican and Hollywood on an insane level.

I kind of made that connection as he hinted at his current work. It does not surprise me at all about it spanning those institutions. I'm happy that he is doing that work. No secrets eh! lol That is, by definition, apocalypse. When we first came out here, it was with the intent to survive a catastrophic event, whether it be natural or man made. We have always believe that something like this would happen and that is why we have worked so hard to remove our dependency from the state and corporate fictions as any who are dependent will perish or face hell on earth. He just re-affirms our beliefs and re-invigorated our drive and desire to continue along that path and help others prepare for it. We just spend the last hour talking about the show and what we still have to do. So this gave us a kick in the ass. lol We both don't think that this information came to us by accident. We don't believe in coincidence. Thank you for allowing the spirit to move through you and share this with us. We both greatly appreciate it. Peace to you.

You know @wwf. I have for most of my life known that I was here at this time for a specific reason. All of my interviews are on the Woo side, because I know the Woo is closer to the truth than the history and education that we have been taught. I also know that at this time my role is to hold space and help others heal their trauma's. Meaning we all have to do our own work, but sometimes we need someone with awareness to hold space and let us share our experiences. Vibrational frequencies one carries can be very healing to others when there is resonance. I feel this is very important for humanity as we transition into this period of time. The more we have healed the more gracious we will be with our fellow humans in darkness.

Back to Major Ed Dames. lol! He has been a part of the establishment no doubt about it, but he is a white hat guy. He is doing what he can to prepare us for what is coming, but in Remote Viewing one can't see dates and times like a psychic can. He can only see events unfolding that give an indication. The best way to live is not in fear, but always prepared. I am not about breeding fear, but am definitely about being aware.

I am glad you both listened to this and it was helpful. I don't believe in coincidences either. And, you are very welcome. Much love to you both! 💚

I will upvote you later. I am going to increase my Steem Power, and I want to wait until I can share more generously with you.

<3 Thank you for sharing that. I'm touched deeply. For me, I know deep in my heart that I am here to teach people how to have healthy relationships. I know this as I feel strongly that my experience going through depression, suicide attempts and the healing process prepared me for this time.

I know that I comment on a lot of topics, but it all boils down to how we relate and feel about all of them. I work hard to look at it all from a self-governing point of view.

While it may seem that Major Dames views makes it look like there is no free will, I know that there is and I'm going to do my best to make a difference. I work hard to influence people by walking a path and sharing what I've learned along that path.

I agree and resonate with much of what you both talked about during that interview. I do feel that things will get rough, but I don't know when. Perhaps it is now considering what is starting to unfold. I've seen lots of people struggle with stress, fear, anxiety, debt, violence, coercion and all kinds of problems. Perhaps that is why we are here, to help people work through it all.

I believe strongly that life does not have to be this way. That we can indeed make a difference and the indigenous ways have a lot to teach as well. It is so important that we return to the land and start working on those skills that we have lost through hundreds of years of colonialism. It is tough though because the relationships that are in place are sacred for most people. Confronting things that people feel are sacred is very tough.

Peace to you. I look forward to more sharing between the two of us. Thank you!

I agree with everything you expressed here. Really very strongly agree about the indigenous people and what we can learn from them. I am looking forward to sharing in the future as well.

Fear and anxiety I have seen at an all time high. I have friends that have been part of the truther movement for quite sometime, but it is getting to them now. I am seeing a lot of rage too. I guess to a certain extent there has to be some anger at the status quo, to get people moving towards their own sovereignty, but I am not seeing it play out like that as a whole. Just sitting around in rage without taking responsibility for ones circumstances is draining on one and not beneficial.

I've been a witness to a lot of anger, disagreements, fighting, raging and going to war. I am continually amazed at how many truthers go to war as a result of what they learn. I did that too when I first learned of some of these truths. i was angry for 6 months and it nearly destroyed my marriage with Carey. However, my training allowed me to work through the anger, start to forgive and find a peaceful way through the maze. Many don't make it through that process and I'm not sure how to help people other than confronting the violence and sharing my story of healing. But in the end, it is still up to each individual to heal, forgive and find peace. I've watched many marriages fail as a result of people failing to work through this or find common ground between spouses.

I agree with all of the points you are making.

I differ in that I think new technology that is becoming mainstream can be an answer to liberate us from the state

Going off the grid takes your privacy, security, and personal will back from anyone who is trying to impose theirs on you.

What if technology like blockchain could give you your privacy and security back and remove your dependency on a nation/state.

Going off the grid protects you and your immediate family that is with you.

Current Society and it’s governing rules will grind the rest of us into the dust, and the planet will go with it, a planet which you are living on and if things continue will likely no longer be inhabitable ... maybe not for you, maybe not your kids, but maybe your grandkids ....

Our global society is sick, and I fear it’s current path ends all of this ....
We need people like you, people who everyone else right now says is crazy or insane to speak up and educate others, and I’ll take a health slice of being prepaired for the worst and self sustaining lifestyle on the side !

I think you are correct in saying if we don’t aim to change the world, that our kids and grand kids may have a terrible future. But I think the change needs to start with me first. If I can find and model a solution, and rid myself of slavery I would be in a position to teach and inspire others. I think this is exactly what @wwf is doing here. Sharing his wisdom and path for others to model or expand.

I do think crypto and blockchain technology can give us tools to free ourselves, but in order to get there, people still need to take risks and stop depending on the State and corporations, and build networks and infrastructure for others to make the transition more easily.

Exactly this is the fear that makes the opponents of crypto currency fight with this futuristic technology:

What if technology like blockchain could give you your privacy and security back and remove your dependency on a nation/state.

Very well said and I fully agree with you that people like @wwf are asset for our sick society. They know how to fix it. Excellent post @wwf. I took a quick look at that checklist but I need more time to comment on that post. That's a very important topic. You're the second person at Steemit who has got a 'top down' approach towards set standards of life.

Technology is only a tool and it can swing both ways. Unless we examine what is within our hearts first and find the peace, love, compassion, patience, freedom and prosperity within, we risk using these tools in very harmful and destructive ways. We embrace technology without even a second thought as to what the consequences could be. Mostly because we don't understand the implications it has within our own relationships with others, ourselves, Mother Earth and all the other spiritual beings that inhabit this planet.

So while technology could help us, it still requires that we have a conscious awareness of what the issues are and our own participation in it all. Blockchain is a wonderful tool, no argument here. But it can also be used to enslave people as well. All I'm doing with my blog is pointing out that we need to have a rock solid foundation within ourselves and comprehend what healthy relationships look like BEFORE we embrace technology to resolve challenges that we face within those relationships.

Are you conflating serfdom with slavery?

I think slavery is not good, I do not like that to happen.
but there are also doing it, to find more benefits.

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