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RE: Clearing up the confusion behind slavery

in #ungrip7 years ago

@wwf I would love for you to take a listen to this interview I did with Major Ed Dames. I am kind of shocked he agreed to allow me to interview him, but he did. It is very interesting, and also supports some of what you share.


That was indeed an interesting interview. I would agree, he does support some of the work that I'm doing and I thank you for sharing that with me. well done. I'm going to have my wife listen to it too. We have lots to talk about now. <3 Thank you.

Thanks for listening. I felt this would be of interest. Ed Dames is the one bringing out of all the pedophila from behind the scenes with his remote viewing. When we did this interview he told me privately this is what he is working on. He said it is in the Government Military Vatican and Hollywood on an insane level.

I kind of made that connection as he hinted at his current work. It does not surprise me at all about it spanning those institutions. I'm happy that he is doing that work. No secrets eh! lol That is, by definition, apocalypse. When we first came out here, it was with the intent to survive a catastrophic event, whether it be natural or man made. We have always believe that something like this would happen and that is why we have worked so hard to remove our dependency from the state and corporate fictions as any who are dependent will perish or face hell on earth. He just re-affirms our beliefs and re-invigorated our drive and desire to continue along that path and help others prepare for it. We just spend the last hour talking about the show and what we still have to do. So this gave us a kick in the ass. lol We both don't think that this information came to us by accident. We don't believe in coincidence. Thank you for allowing the spirit to move through you and share this with us. We both greatly appreciate it. Peace to you.

You know @wwf. I have for most of my life known that I was here at this time for a specific reason. All of my interviews are on the Woo side, because I know the Woo is closer to the truth than the history and education that we have been taught. I also know that at this time my role is to hold space and help others heal their trauma's. Meaning we all have to do our own work, but sometimes we need someone with awareness to hold space and let us share our experiences. Vibrational frequencies one carries can be very healing to others when there is resonance. I feel this is very important for humanity as we transition into this period of time. The more we have healed the more gracious we will be with our fellow humans in darkness.

Back to Major Ed Dames. lol! He has been a part of the establishment no doubt about it, but he is a white hat guy. He is doing what he can to prepare us for what is coming, but in Remote Viewing one can't see dates and times like a psychic can. He can only see events unfolding that give an indication. The best way to live is not in fear, but always prepared. I am not about breeding fear, but am definitely about being aware.

I am glad you both listened to this and it was helpful. I don't believe in coincidences either. And, you are very welcome. Much love to you both! 💚

I will upvote you later. I am going to increase my Steem Power, and I want to wait until I can share more generously with you.

<3 Thank you for sharing that. I'm touched deeply. For me, I know deep in my heart that I am here to teach people how to have healthy relationships. I know this as I feel strongly that my experience going through depression, suicide attempts and the healing process prepared me for this time.

I know that I comment on a lot of topics, but it all boils down to how we relate and feel about all of them. I work hard to look at it all from a self-governing point of view.

While it may seem that Major Dames views makes it look like there is no free will, I know that there is and I'm going to do my best to make a difference. I work hard to influence people by walking a path and sharing what I've learned along that path.

I agree and resonate with much of what you both talked about during that interview. I do feel that things will get rough, but I don't know when. Perhaps it is now considering what is starting to unfold. I've seen lots of people struggle with stress, fear, anxiety, debt, violence, coercion and all kinds of problems. Perhaps that is why we are here, to help people work through it all.

I believe strongly that life does not have to be this way. That we can indeed make a difference and the indigenous ways have a lot to teach as well. It is so important that we return to the land and start working on those skills that we have lost through hundreds of years of colonialism. It is tough though because the relationships that are in place are sacred for most people. Confronting things that people feel are sacred is very tough.

Peace to you. I look forward to more sharing between the two of us. Thank you!

I agree with everything you expressed here. Really very strongly agree about the indigenous people and what we can learn from them. I am looking forward to sharing in the future as well.

Fear and anxiety I have seen at an all time high. I have friends that have been part of the truther movement for quite sometime, but it is getting to them now. I am seeing a lot of rage too. I guess to a certain extent there has to be some anger at the status quo, to get people moving towards their own sovereignty, but I am not seeing it play out like that as a whole. Just sitting around in rage without taking responsibility for ones circumstances is draining on one and not beneficial.

I've been a witness to a lot of anger, disagreements, fighting, raging and going to war. I am continually amazed at how many truthers go to war as a result of what they learn. I did that too when I first learned of some of these truths. i was angry for 6 months and it nearly destroyed my marriage with Carey. However, my training allowed me to work through the anger, start to forgive and find a peaceful way through the maze. Many don't make it through that process and I'm not sure how to help people other than confronting the violence and sharing my story of healing. But in the end, it is still up to each individual to heal, forgive and find peace. I've watched many marriages fail as a result of people failing to work through this or find common ground between spouses.

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