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RE: The day Treaty Six died

in #ungrip6 years ago

Firstly, I want to thank you, from a fellow Canadian, for bringing a difficult issue to the forefront here. Too many people, for too many years, have chosen to ignore the horrors that Aboriginals have historically and presently face, and it's up to everyone to stand up and shout out our outrage and disappointment in the current conditions across the country.

I taught high school English and History for years and was always surprised at both the outpouring of emotion from kids, but also disappointed by the ignorance and lack of real facts when it came to the history of Aboriginals in the country.

As a side note, I just watched a CBC video with Senator Murray Sinclair yesterday answering the question, "Why don't you just get over it all and forget about it?" in reference to residential schools; And his answer was beautiful, but the one point that jumped out at me was him saying, "Why can't you just remember this...they've been victims of a great wrong... why don't you tell victims of the US to get over 9/11...?" And for the record, I certainly don't want to start any nonsense about forgetting 9/11, because of course we shouldn't ! That's not my point. Perhaps people just need to have an about-face on the way they've always thought about all of this.

Sorry I took a real turn from your post, but it all just came pouring out:) Thank you again for a very informative post!


I actually love it when it 'came pouring out' and I wish more people would pour it out! Thank you for sharing that. I've been standing up against violence and coercion for over 10 years and I will not give up. Even though some days I feel like it is not making any difference. I know that we are planting seeds and something will shift eventually.

As for me, I'm not a 'Canadian' as I gave all that up almost 10 years ago. I refused to participate in a feudal empire that continues to engage in violence and coercion and I refused to be a party to it all as well. The jurisdiction upon which I stand is spiritual rather than fictional. I thank you very much for sharing your thoughts and feelings. They indeed touched me deeply. Thank you.

You are so welcome! And I understand your stance on not being 'Canadian'; I've never heard anyone say that before, but I do totally understand where you're coming from, "The jurisdiction upon which I stand is spiritual rather than fictional"...such a profound statement.

I hope that we are seeing the tides of change; it's certainly time for it!

You have earned a dedicated follower in me for sure; there are not enough people in this world who are willing to stand up for their beliefs, even when it may seem futile. All my respect...

Thank you. If you are interested, I've put three books upon my blog. Here are the links:

I would recommend reading them in that order. :) May Creator bless you with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love.

Thank you so much; I will go have a look at them. Thank you for the blessings as well; my husband is not well and I can actually feel your words here.

Please let your husband know that he is in my prayers tonight and that he finds the healing he needs.

That is really insightful. I think it's pretty evident that no one in the US can return to where we were before 9/11 even though we may want to. It affects so many things in our economy and society that it can't be rolled back and the circumstances that the native Canadians and Americans live in are much more horribly detrimental to their well being. There is no way that they can escape. Leaving the reservation leaves them without any social or financial backup in Canada (don't know about the US). It's very difficult either way.

"Insightful" is correct...It certainly leaves you with a lot to think about or re-evaluate, doesn't it?! Thank you for commenting, I appreciate it. I think it's a perspective that might get more people to really listen to what's happening...a little empathy is all. The average American/Canadian can identify with 9/11 and perhaps stand in someone else's shoes for a bit to really feel the pain. I know that it must get frustrating trying to continually explain, as @wwf does, and not enough people really hear it, or simply don't seem to care, so I really appreciate your comment here.

I would really love to upvote your comment, because it's a genuine one for sure, but I've totally depleted my voting power and unfortunately have no 'voting love' to pass around :) So instead, I'm passing on my sincere thanks instead! Cheers!

The one big complaint I have with Steemit! All too soon I completely run out of votes! Arrrgh!

haha I feel your pain! I just wrote a blog about '3 resources on steemit' I love, one being If you haven't heard of it, check it out. There's a manual vote slider on it to use, even if you don't have high SP! So you can spread your votes out further if you choose; more love to give:)

I love steemworld! I have it up on a tab constantly. If you haven't found them already, here are some other tools that I've come across accidentally that I wish I'd known about sooner:

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Common Questions: How So I Get More Votes (part 1)

How to find out who has mentioned you (or resteemed you) in their blogs:

Steemit Mentions Tool

These are awesome!! If you don't mind, I would like to include these in my next "helping" post and of course I will give you all the credit! I like to keep passing on new info to others:) Thank you! (and as you can see, my voting power is up again..hooray!!)

That's wonderful. I hope a lot of people will see it because, as I mentioned, I really wished I'd known that stuff from the beginning. I hated to do information overload on you but if you're doing a post you might also be interested in:

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