in #ulog6 years ago


Continuing from the previous posts: Mutual Consequences_Relationships, and Mutual Consequences - Relationships

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for kind of expecting others in my reality to want to wrestle as like a form of play that can be good. I forgive myself for not realizing and understanding I've been seeking out a sparring partner of sorts because I haven't understood How or Why on a deep level I've been wrestling with myself in my own thoughts/thinking/living/planning.

  • This is a pretty cool point. Having a partner/mate of some kind where you are open, trusting and willing to say it like it is - no matter how pretty or ugly the truth is. There's a real depth to a relationship that is able to move through the surface and get to the depth of matters here - I mean, there's something really desirable and honorable within giving constructive criticism. Obviously what one does with the constructive criticism is an individual process of self-honesty in working with what we got.

  • The point here is in realizing how to give myself the best support. Part of giving myself the best support is allowing people to let me know what it is they see with a real willingness to learn, grow and mature in my insight and living.

  • Realizing also that sometimes people on a surface/mind-level don't want to hear the things they need to hear most and that it takes a real courage and honor first and foremost to yourself to give someone that which is great regardless of whether or not that information is well received or not.

  • In many instances in life - there's opposition and resistance around receiving and integrating the best support.

  • Don't take opposition and or resistance personally. If anything, it's to be expected. It may appear personal, but it is not. It is simply a reflection/mirror.

  • When we allow ourselves to reflect on our reactions and judgements and turn those back around onto ourselves - the world opens up - it is hear where the separation starts to disappear - Self-forgiveness becomes a facecloth of sorts in that we remove the veils to our faces in facing ourselves.

When and as I see myself looking/seeking for something in another - I realize and understand that this is a time of self-reflection and the attributes I may be seeking in a partner, may very well be points of suppression within and as myself. I realize often when I am looking for something in another, it is a result of me missing a part of me that I am not realizing exists within myself. I realize the external is here to support our best caring for our internal reality.

  • Self-reflection enables us to really "know thy self".

  • We are the Question, The Answer and The Solution. Like a triangle we are structurally sound.

  • The point of "Brining things back to myself" as what I mean within self-reflection....is like a cheat code in life - because I take my thinking/judgements that I superimpose onto others and I return those things and thinking's to myself and face me as that and really realize I am limiting myself and others by superimposing particular conditions and restraints on the very relationship. Typically this is like an initial mind-fuck to sort through - realizing the extent to which we create our own mazes in mind for our short term amazement in distraction as we get caught up in the seduction of our own self-induced spectacle as the outflow musical production of our own self-induced choreographed reactionary playouts as the stains and strains of our conditioned/programmed thinking...

I commit myself to utilizing my external reality as a cross reference for my best internal care taking.

  • I realize my engagement with my reality is a self-reflection of me engaging with me.

  • I realize I created my own illusion in terms of my internal reality versus my external reality.

  • I realize I so much so initially discounted the significance of myself and my internal reality.

  • I realize I judged and discounted the significance of myself and my external reality.

I commit myself to using my external reality as a canvass for expressing my internal reality.

  • Sharing is Caring.

  • We are here to share.

  • Look at how the earth works - It's about communication and sharing our best communication. Think about the Sun for a moment: The sun does it's thing unconditionally for the best benefit of all life here on earth - the sun cannot simply just 'fuck-off' for a day or weeks....no the "Sun" expresses itself in it's best ways with a consistency, vigor and vitality that is simply undeniable and unavoidable - The Sun Lives.

  • The Sun is an example and an analogy for living of our best to day and moment to moment participations here in this world. It always starts with, "simply showing up" - making the decision to be here - and to participate as someone who is "Happy to be here".

  • Being "Happy" to be Here is a paradigm shift of sorts. It's the point of living gratitude as the greatest living attitude. It's in this way we allow ourselves a resiliency in our capacity to respond as our best response ability. In having the openness of gratitude as our very starting point - there's an ability that emerges and that ability is in our common sense - where our senses increase in what is clear here.

  • Common Sense is a funny and fun thing of sorts - because it's like this ongoing thing of unravelling the obviousness that was initially suppressed and hidden within ourselves to our own worst detriment. So it's like each and everyone always has common sense, it's just sometimes the best of ourselves is suppressed within our own burden and we may not realize the extent of our self-induced-burdens......Sooooooo - it's always a process of surprise in realizing and learning new things about ourselves and existence as a whole....our common sense.

  • Cheers to making our common sense more common.

By understanding how things will not work - we learn how to structure things in a way that does work.

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To be continued

Previous Posting:

Mutual Consequences and Relationships - Part 2

Infinite Moment of Breath

Mutual Consequences - Relationships - Part 1

Posture of Body, Being & Mind


What Is Most Important In and As Life?

age secret.jpg

Cheers to STEEM POWER and this ongoing incredible world wide social experiment!

Decentralized Media Broadcasting is the Future - Sharing Because You Want to

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  • What I like about this social experiment, is the fact that it's success is directly dependent on ordinary people everywhere - where there's a willingness to say,

"Yes - I accept a weekly payment for being a human being to cover my basic costs of Existing Here." @worldclassplayer






Man, your words have really been an eye opener for me.Especially the part about showing up because we are happy to be there. I shall forever keep it in my heart.

I truly believe this-

I mean, there's something really desirable and honorable within giving constructive criticism

Fully agree with you-

In many instances in life - there's opposition and resistance around receiving and integrating the best support.

I trust these words-

Self-forgiveness becomes a facecloth of sorts in that we remove the veils to our faces in facing ourselves.

Just amazing words-

it's just sometimes the best of ourselves is suppressed within our own burden and we may not realize the extent of our self-induced-

Finally, you are becoming my idol of thoughts about life. I have just read your two articles and become your writing fan. Waiting for the next article.

🙋i always follow you friend 👸👸please support me

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