ULOG: 17 Sometimes... + Daily Dose Early July, 2018 by @WizarDave

in #ulog6 years ago

Sometimes a person feels underappreciated.

  • Today is one of those days.

Sometimes you need to stop bending over backwards to try to make people happy.

  • Today is one of those days.

It might make your life temporarily unpleasant, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

  • Today is one of those days.

A guy can only put up with so much ...
Hopefully your day is going better than mine!


Broke a tooth today.

  • It's time for me to take a serious look at dentures.
    I feel lucky because on Mom's side of the family, dentures usually happen around 30 and I just turned 59.
    • Hmm I hope it's OK until Monday because that's the earliest the dentist can get me in.
      • If it starts bothering me, there is an Amish dentist about 30 miles away I can go see to get the root pulled...
    • I'll probably start with uppers. See how that works out. That's where I have the biggest holes in my chew...


Rant over...
Look at what they are spraying..
We are having a mini-drought. Inch thick cracks in the dirt it is so dry...
They are calling for rain Friday on...
I predict I get some more chem trail pics over the next few days...

They made 3 passes that cross, right behind the power lines...
not a real good pic of them...

This is yesterday...

From July 5th... These are NOT normal clouds...



Is this normal?
If it was normal, when the conditions are right, all the planes would be doing it.
I don't really know what they are trying to accomplish, but it must not be good or it would be made public.

The stepson works for a farmer who was asked for money a couple of decades ago to help with weather engineering.

  • I look forward to learning the rest of this story. As soon as I know I will pass it along!

You should check out @amit86's series on geoengineering...

About the Daily Dose Challenge..
by @inthenow


Dustsweeper Footer 2 use this one.png
Meaning you can't
waste your vote

Speaking of @dustsweeper. If you happen to comment, be sure to let me know if you are using it.
That way I can upvote you my 2 cents and it will raise that up so it's not dust and you will actually get paid. Otherwise, I won't waste a vote on your comment. Make sense? If not, maybe you need to read this information...


Who I am


This post was made from https://ulogs.org


I love seeing you making @ulogs and sharing your valuable insights here too! I appreciate everything about you! Tooth stuff is no joke! I need a $3000 surgery to remove a wisdom tooth that is growing completely sideways and the impacted tooth(teeth) next to it.

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Ouch both my boys have that situation. The wisdom teeth are sideways and pushing and cracking their molars...

  • Me? lucky I guess, they removed my only 2 wisdom teeth before going on the sub in the Navy...

Being in a sub must have been a delicious experience! Did they remove the wisdom teeth so they wouldn't spill the beans on the recipe for the secret sauce?

Thanks for your entry, much appreciated. Have a great evening.

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