in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

To My Lovely Readers...

Wednesday, still in the middle of the week, striving and working. Had a relaxing time yesterday but I had to be back from the reality. This is reality, your work and things you do all day. Let me share again my experience and my day today, work as usual (weekdays) but different activities we had. My routine in life this time is to wake up, drink coffee, go to work (kicking life), teach my lovely students and get home... then repeat. I am not complaining, in fact I am thankful and happy. I love my job. How about yours?

Today in our school, we didn't have a boring time with students, it's like we often relish and enjoy every time we have a class, no dull moment with them. Teaching for me is very essential, I enjoy my work and at the same time I can share and teach some things to my students and hoping they will learn more. As a teacher, providing the best help to students with learning difficulties can be challenging. This afternoon, we the teachers decided to have an art work activity for the students.

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The finished Flower Paper Craft that they did this afternoon.


The photo above is the finished art work of our students. But first, I'd like to share how we came up with this activity. Teachers were supposed to give them some exercises (physical exercises like walking, catching a ball and zumba) but sadly speaking, it was too hot outside and we thought the students couldn't handle the heat. So we just stayed inside the classroom. Teacher Trish came up with the idea to have a paper art work activity, of course students were excited because each paper was enticing to their eyes, colorful.


First we needed to gather some materials on our table. Required materials were colored papers, glue and scissors.

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We asked them (students) to try cutting the colored papers into strips like, for them to make the petals, leaves and stem. As they were done cutting, we asked them to roll the colored paper strips and glued them to form circles. They even chose the colors for their flowers , we let them choose so they would feel interest making the activity and at the same time they would feel better to complete the task on their own, we were just guiding them on how to put the paper art work activity.

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Having this activity, they could express themselves, they would feel great joy in doing things. One of the activities that we tried to let the students make was this art activity and that it can help them in so many ways, (1) enhancing communication and expression (2) promoting self-esteem and motivation (3) building fine motor skills.

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Tadaaaaaaaaaa!!!! She did it, finished the paper art craft activity and she was very happy showing it to us. Isn't it beautiful?

Everyday we do have activities for them in order to get used to it and to be familiar in some things, order and structure is important so they can focus. After our art work activity, we did another exercise in our class. It was a productive day again because the students were able to finish their tasks that the teachers gave them. So this was our one of afternoon's sessions in the class.

Leaving you a message from Nancy Bailey, she says

"The arts can level the playing field because children with difficulties in academic subjects might excel at drawing, painting, acting or dancing and singing."

Thank you for reading my 18th #ulog post. :)

Yours Truly,


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@lovefashion, thanks for appreciating. :)

I enjoy this type of art hence I will be making one too tonight so that I could sleep.

hello Gwapa @gailbelga!!! post it then when you are finished. :) I miss you. will be checking your page later. thank you

I find your dedication to your profession truly admirable. Thank you for sharing this beautiful experience in your class today! Your post is featured in @bayanihan's 33rd Philippines' Curation Updates and received a 100% upvote.

@bayanihan, thank you for the appreciation. Yes, everyday is always a beautiful experience to me as well as other teachers with our students, their smiles, laughter and excitement when we see them, not only we teach them but also they teach us how to live and appreciate life. Thank you for featuring my post. ❤️

"The arts can level the playing field because children with difficulties in academic subjects might excel at drawing, painting, acting or dancing and singing." <--- I could not agree more pero di ko artistic ahuhuhuhu @iamqueenlevita

@fotografia101 each of us is unique! Beautifully unique...

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