Twenty-four hour Short Story - The Plan

The Plan


Mary was an only child and was often alone, but always longed for a pet. Her mother had tried to get her dogs but none ever seemed to be the right one. The small poodle she got died after a week. Not long after that mama got her a black German Shepherd but he would chase her around the house nipping at her legs and feet.

As she ran through the house crying and screaming, Mom her mother would scold her for running, and repeatedly telling her not to run or it would encourage the dog to run after her. Mary was only seven years old, so she had no idea what that meant, so she kept running for dear life. A fear of animals almost developed if not for the fact that her mom got rid of the dog within a day.

Mary would awaken to see ghosts in her bedroom and cry with fright, this was another reason why she cried to have a pet in her room. Her mama never really understood because how could she ever really explain that although she saw many spirits it was one particular ghost that she saw more often than the others.

She would often be walking to school and see him standing across the street in front the the old cathedral church with the same grin on his face. If she dared to look behind her he would be as close as four feet behind her and moving fast. Most days she would just run to school to keep from seeing him.

The man just stood watching her all the time and if she looked outside her window he would still be across the street and do a hauntingly slow wave and just grin. Mary's stomach would clench in fear just thinking of his thin tall stature, vacant white milky eyes, long blonde hair, and dark yellow teeth. Occasionally, in the middle of the night the man would come and sit at her small childhood PlaySchool table and chairs set and play with her toys, meanwhile taunting her with his pasty grin.

She would hide under her covers and will it to go away chanting the words "please go away, please go away," until it would leave for the night or so she thought. Many times that evil creature would throw the blankets off of her bed and scream in her face. He would say, "one day you will be mine and there will be no escape." He would immediately disappear from her room.

Her typical reaction would be to run screaming down the hall to her mother's room and cry uncontrollably. Her mother never quite knew what to do but knew she had to help her daughter somehow, some way. During one night of pure fright Mary's mother asked her daughter, "what can I do to help you my girl?"

Mary replied, "I just want that man to leave me alone," as she hugged her mother tighter.

Mother said, "Yes dear girl, please do not be afraid, we'll get rid him." Mother squeezed her close and whispered, "i'll light the candle and Michael will come."

Mother thought about it for a few days and prayed for an answer and even lit the Mexican candle she had been saving for a few years. Pleading with archangel Michael to send someone to help their family. Father joined in too but usually worked a lot and didn't believe in the supernatural.

Mary knew their situation had to be serious since mom had loved that candle, and told her she would only light it in case of an emergency. She knew the photo of archangel Michael imprinted on that candle very well. Mother had told her Michael would come to their aid when asked, the candle was to honor his assistance for those in need.

Within a few days Mary was in the backyard and found a large German Shepherd quietly looking at her, it wasn't the black one that had chased her around the house. This one was golden colored with beige markings and she could tell it was a girl dog. The dog's eyes were loving and protective and started to move towards her. Mary hesitated but started walking towards the dog, as she moved closer the chest opened up nearly breaking the dog in half.

Inside the body of the dog there were bright colors shooting up into the air with what looked like electrical components. Mary had seen sparks like that when her and her dad had opened up a computer hard drive to work on it together as a father daughter project.

Mary took a step backwards and gasped in surprise, what came flying out of the dog's carcass nearly made her scream with sheer terror.

The creature moved quickly towards her with the same look of protection as the dog, but nowhere near as familiar in appearance. She had never seen anything like it, other than in her imagination while reading one of her favorite fantasy books.

The little Being had the white face of a lamb, purple wings, the legs and feet of a small puppy and the tiny body of a baby koala bear. It was the size of her fist and because of its small size, this helped her not be so afraid. When the creature flew in front of her face it spoke to her without moving its mouth and said, "hello Mary my name is Ato and I am here to help you get rid of the evil spirit that comes to visit you. You know him as the man, but we know him as Alistair."

Mary stood in surprise and looked at Ato and then slowly replied "where did you come from?"

As Ato flew closer to Mary's face she replied, "I came from the Universe and an answer to your family's prayer, I was sent to help protect you and I will make sure you will never be harmed by Alistair again." Ato moved closer and smiled with her bright violet eyes and continued, "The Universe is always watching from above Mary, but you know that. May I come rest on your shoulder?"

Mary nodded and Ato started to tell Mary of how Alistair was watching her every night out of vengeance. Mary's father had exposed him as a worshiper of the dark and supporter of hurting innocent people. Alistair wanted revenge but you do not have to worry, you have a lot of people on your side and we are all here to help. The prayers to archangel Michael were heard and you are safe.

Just as Mary was about to tell Ato how happy she was to finally have a friend, she looked up to see her mother standing on the porch and her eyes were glassy with tears. Mother was screaming but she could barely understand a word she was saying, just mouthing something and then her father appeared and stood next to her mother.

Mary glanced to the left and saw the neighbors whispering and overheard the words, "a little girl found a strange new animal in her backyard."

Mary ran to her parents crying saying, "please please let me keep it, her name is Ato and she is an answer to our prayers to Michael!"

In the background she heard the other neighbor whisper, "why is she begging her parents to keep it as a pet?"

Mother finally heard the neighbors talking and rushed everyone inside the house. Once inside Ato started speaking to her parents and telling them everything she had told Mary.

There was a knock at the door and from the kitchen they could see the neighbors had come to ask questions. Father went outside to talk to them.

Mother turned to Ato and asked, "'what is the plan?" Ato nodded in agreement and started to explain the plan given to her by Michael.

Father came into the house just as Ato was finishing up explaining the plan and he agreed to help. He looked at Mary with fatherly love and said, "it will all be okay our little darling. Alistair will never bother you again."

That night was the night of the plan so everyone got to work. Cameras were set up and spiritual traps were set up to ensure Alistair was encased in a sealed box. The box would then be transported by Ato to an undisclosed location. The location was in a different realm and Alistair would be brought up on charges for his evil deeds.

When everyone was finished with their assignments they all gathered together to say one last prayer and Mary went to her room. She could not sleep due to the excitement of the trap and her part of the plan, she had to make sure to not alert Alistair and that might be hard. Every time she saw Alistair it made her shake from head to toe. Just thinking about him right now made her want to cry.

The wind hit the bedroom window with such force that the sound woke Mary up and she thought she must have fallen asleep. She slowly sat up and immediately saw Alistair at the foot of her bed. Her eyes widened and her lip started to tremble but somewhere in the back of her mind she remembered "the plan."

Alistair said, "do you think you are so smart that I do not know what is going on?"

Mary responded with, "wha- what do you mean?"

Alistair replied, "I know Ato is here you fool and no matter what happens, you will be mine one day!"

Mary knew she had to keep Alistair talking for only a few more minutes and Alistair would be caught. Just a few more ...

Alistair interrupted her thoughts and said, "I know your plan child and you will never capture me. Ever!" With that he almost vanished but not before the camera flash snapped and the glare reflected off the mirror that stunned Alistair close to the doorway. The doorway that Alistair had created to jump from real to realm.

Ato had explained that if Alistair made it to that doorway he might be gone forever, to come and go as he pleased. Mary felt herself get out of bed and open the door to let Ato in and within seconds Ato opened up the box so Alistair could be captured.

Mother and father were at the doorway and Mary ran to stand next to them. Alistair was now able to talk and move since the stun tactic was only temporary. Ato started to chant something in an ancient language but Alistair would not go into the box, the chanting was supposed to force his soul into the box.

Within seconds Alistair was moving and yelling, "did you really think that would work on me? I am much stronger than you thought and that has no power over me!" He moved closer to the doorway but he could not jump through. The chant worked to keep him in this realm but he was stuck.

As soon as Alistair realized he could not jump through the doorway he ran towards the door and everyone scattered. Alistair ran out to the backyard and mother, father, and Ato ran after him. Some of the neighbors had heard the commotion and came to watch. Some older women from the neighborhood who had experience with wayward spirits and a priest had been called to assist with Alistair and everyone followed him to a corner of the yard.

Mary stayed at the doorway to the house and watched as everyone circled Alistair. They were all chanting ancient words in unison and were able to grab Alistair and place him in the box. Ato closed the box with Alistair trapped inside. The plan had worked.

With a quick flurry of a goodbye from Ato, she flew off into the Universe with the box to see that justice was done.

Word count: 2,000

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That is a very cool story, you wrote it in 24 hours? Nicely done lovely lady. :D It was interesting and I enjoyed reading it. Thanks for sharing it. :D
God bless you. Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

My lady, thank you so very much!!
It ended up being more like 36 hours he extended the timeframe. i'm not sure he was getting many entries. LOL
i appreciate you reading and support. GBY and i hope all went well, i messaged you back in Discord. :)


You're so welcome my friend! :D
Still, 36 hours to write a story like that, its still impressive. I enjoy reading your stuff, I just wish there were more hours in a day so I could read them all. :D I'll check my discord in the morning. I've got to work on my daily post and respond to all the replies I didn't get to last night because I was too tired.
God bless you and your family. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

hi there! no worries at all, i know you had a lot going on and it concerns me but i will respond back in discord. :)
thank you again for reading and i have to go check out your blog too, you being me much happiness with your photos and writing. bright sunshine! GBY and nuch hugs and happiness to you always, eagle

I'm so glad you like my posts when you've got time to read them, you're a very busy lady and I understand how hard it is to read everyone's posts each day, especially when you've got more and more people you like to follow. :D Sending you hugs, love, and positive vibes lovely lady. :D
God bless you and your family. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

oh noooo im actually cutting more and more out lol we can only handle too much before burn out. :)
positive vibes always! hugs

That is so true. :D Hugs and positive vibes right back to you lovely lady. :D
God bless you and your family. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

yeah i can't let burnout come my way, go tt aaa keep wr i t i nnn ggg .... haahahahahah
love ya sweet lady and i'm always thinking of you. always! xoxo

Very creepy demon spirit. I like these kinds of stories, I was thinking he might actually get away at the end.

A spirit riding a German Shepherd robot? Cool....

IKR!! i'm glad you like this stuff maybe you can help me find some of these for our MBC curation? :)

i actually was going to write that he escapes at the end ... or "to be continued" in that he escaped on the way to justice ...

thanks for the interest and support! :)

Love your writing style. Very moving story. I love Michael and all he does. :)
Great job @ eaglespirit

you are so kind! i appreciate your reading, commenting and support. i really do!


blessings and see you around :)
ps. wheres your sweet photo?

I dont know how to change the avatar. People dont like that on discord. :0. Working on it.

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

thank you too!

A very interesting story, @eaglespirit. I enjoyed it.

thank you so much for reading and commenting. :)

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a wonderful story, thank you for writing and sharing your story, may you succeed

thank you for coming by, reading and commenting ! i appreciate your well wishes. xx

thank you, good luck yes

i appreciate your cheerleading! yay

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