The food we eat is POISON!

in #truth6 years ago (edited)

For years I watched farmers spray their crops with all kinds of pesticides/herbicides and couldn't help to think that they were poisoning us along with the bugs/weeds. A few years ago I decided to start doing research and watching documentaries which all proved what I have been saying was true the food we are eating on a daily basis is poison and even after my research most people thought I was crazy. They would say things like "the government would never let that happen," and "the poison doesn't hurt us because its to small of amounts." I would reiterate how even small doses of poison add up and to do horrible things and long term damage, but yet it fell on def ears. I was labeled a conspiracy theorist by my friends and family and I gave up on trying to spread the TRUTH about the poison food people ingested on a daily basis.


Fast forward to this week, one man just won $286,000,000 dollars against Monsanto! That's right, he proved their round up product caused his cancer and now every lawyer in the country is starting class action law suits against Monsanto! Now people are starting to realize this is on most every crop especially all soybean, wheat and corn, which goes in nearly everything we eat. So believe it or not like I had said for years all of our food is poison! I don't know how they will lie their way out of this one, but I am sure they will try and it will have to do with paying off scientist, governments and media because Monsanto is a gigantic corporation with their tentacles in literally everything.

Monsanto is a company that is trying to corner the food market with genetically modified seeds that don't produce new seeds when they harvest, they don't need to be pollinated and they are resistant to pesticides/herbicides so they don't die when farmers douse their crops with weed killer (Round Up). This is something that has made kids and adults sick for a very long time, it is the same thing that has made industrial farms work, along with killing all the bumble bees that pollinate natural crops. It is nothing but bad news.

We need to get back to organic farming, or as they use to call it FARMING. We should be eating food from local organic farms. We need to stop spraying chemicals on our food because it just get absorbed into our food and it then we eat it. We are eating sick crops, we are eating sick animals and it is causing us to be sick! This has all gone on for far to long and I hope it all falls apart sooner rather than later.

Here is an article about Monsanto if you care to read it. Knowledge is power!

"Peace, Love and all that hippie shit"

The STEEM Engine



yea u r right bro! i can feel the poison too

ya know its like we keep dying a bit every second u know???

Sure we are dying a bit everyday, thats life.. but the people who constantly eat poison will die much faster and worse deaths, like cancer..

I eat as much organic food as possible. I'm in the UK, and when GM food started to hit the headlines here, in the late 1990s, there was a furore in the media and many protest groups emerged. There was also a massive boom in organic food.
I went along to one protest evening and was surprised to see farmers and scientists in attendance. Eventually a supermarket announced that all of its own-brand products would be GM-free. Then another supermarket followed suit, then another... Eventually the EU started legislating that GM foods must be included on the label, etc. I think that's why the GM lobby had a much harder time in Europe than elsewhere. It's simply about power and control.

ya u kno thats the problem cuz there is always white privilege

I don't know where u get this white privilege shit from?? but u can keep that garbage off my page.. We don't need that drama/racist bullshit comments here.. be respectful or don't comment at all.. thanks ✌


I agree with you - not sure how they'll lie their way out - but THEY WILL. because why should they stop now??? they've been lying ever since.

It's no wonder why people are so sick. and getting sicker. It makes me so furious - because there really are so many people that simply trust our food supply. The obvious things are obvious - but the things that are sneaky.... people just refuse to see that we're being poisoned right and left. and that we DO have a choice. I have a feeling you and I could probably talk and talk and talk about this hahahahaha but - i'm sure we are on the same exact wavelength.

it all comes down to lazy choices (and I have been GUILTY of falling back into some of them even after knowing the truth! ) My friend @tamala has been so amazing at being a steady voice of healthy eating - even when I tease her about bad choices... but in truth - I love what she says and does. For years, we were on the straight and narrow - and I'm starting to get on fire again for getting back there. Love seeing this news that people are starting to wake up and the evil companies like Monsanto are being called on the carpet for the lies (and poison) that they've spread.

Omg, did we just become best friends! LoL.. i think we are all guilty of being lazy sometimes but atleast ur head is in the right place.. i agree we could talk for hours and we are on the same wavelength.. I only wish more people were open minded like us and could see things for the way they are.. in any case we need more people spreading truth bombs so "normal people" are more exposed to the truth of what is really going on.. thanks for the awesome comment and the support!! ✌

I know how you feel. So many people I know actually think GMO is a good thing as "if it wasn't for that, we would be out of food". This whole Monsanto thing is meant to kill us. Sooner the better I believe. But that is another topic.

I think that if people really think that there would not be enough food, wouldn't more people start growing their own food and support local organic farms? The price of organic is also what makes it hard to go that way. It is so pricey. You have to be rich to be healthy.

Oh there is so much to say about this. I am glad you wrote this and got your word out. People really do need to know this!

We are definitely on rhe same level, I agree with everything you said here! I do think everyone should have a small garden or partake in a community garden to atleast supplement their food intake, especially in case of a national disaster or emergency where our food supply was cut off.. But what can I say, most people are rather stupid LoL..

The fact that it is so easy to buy rather than do the labour is what gets people to give up. Make people unhealthy, fat and lazy = goal achieved.

Same rational i employ when eating junk food. Even knowing the truth at times isn't enough to drive change.

Lol, i think we all indulge in junk food every now and then.. its hard when its always around u at every store and gas station..

Its all about momentum, and right now my momentum is not working out and eating like I am 18 again.. but the results are not the same.

LoL, oh to be 18 again.. I have found that cutting out all fast food, eating healthy, intermittent fasting and exercising gets me the same results as running twice a week when i was 18! Lmao, getting old blows!

I come from country that has long experience in farming.
There is no way someone that has at least tried to grow plants would write something like this. Do you have any idea how much is GMO and pesticides helping us, and how much more crops you can have. Trust me I have seen it with my own eyes as we grow food for generations.
I am not defending MONSANTO in any way...they are multinational company and I am against it, but that does not mean I am against GMO and only looking for organic. There is no scientific evidence that organic is better or more healthy for you.
Life expectancy is going up, people live longer...I can not see the correlation between poisoning us and extending our life span.

I've seen farmers protesting against GMOs (see my earlier comment). Of course people will have different views on this, but with so much food wasted I don't believe we need GMOs in order to grow sufficient food for our needs. I spent a season growing food for an organic food company, and although the work was very hard, I don't see GMOs as the way forward. I still order a regular veg box from the same company. Certainly in the UK the drought wasn't bad enough for a hosepipe ban to be imposed, and we've had weeks of rain now.

No one likes GMOs, even farmers, they just get put in a position where they need to do it or big industrial farms put them out of business.. its really sad..
I always say the same thing about the wasted food, no one realizes how much actually goes right in the garbage, its sick! if we just cut that out and only delivered near by for the the things that can be grown in the area so much would change.. There should be no reason my food comes from half way around the world, especially fruit that can be grown locally! People need to wake up and see all the wastefulness..

Totally agree about the wastefulness - in fact I just recorded a video on that today. Might be a while before I have time to upload it though, as I'm going away for a day or two.
Hmm... importing food from halfway around the world... that's a whole other issue! If that was the case in Scotland (where I live), the only fruit we'd have is apples and pears - though there are some fantastic Scottish apple varieties that have been neglected in the last few decades and are only just starting to gain recognition! Not sure if I could do without my pineapples, bananas and mangoes or coffee and chocolate though, and even in Viking days food and other goods were imported from thousands of miles away. I think it's more about the way things are imported. Big subject! But I'm so with you on wastefulness. We need to wake up to it!

have you been eating lead paint chips by any chance?

This was one of the worst summers because of all the droughts.
If there were no GMO seeds or modified crops, whole Europe would be in problems.

That doesn't make it healthy!

I have grown most of my own food for years and I really don't care what you believe! LoL.. If you want to eat it then eat it, more power to you. But people have the right to know what they are eating not be lied to.. pesticides ARE poison and they DO get in the food u eat, thats is a FACT whether u agree with it or not.

I dont agree with industrial farming techniques so i dont care how "close together u can grow food," and pesticides definitely don't make it more healthy.. YES, organic food is better for you because it has no chemicals.. **chemicals are bad to ingest incase u didnt know.. LoL, you are obviously an idiot who has never researched anything..
I live next to farms in the country, i see their crops and i see mine.. Mine look better, taste better and have no chemicals on them.. How is that not more healthy?

Life expectancy IS going up but thats because of healthcare and medicine, however that has nothing to do with food! Between cancer and obesity, which causes heart disease and a host of other issues, people are sicker than ever before and food is a big part of that reason..

Stop being a troll, if you don't like an article maybe you should change ur approach because all you did was make urself look like an asshole! You should be more careful what u write, as you can see negativity attracts negativity..

I have hippie in my name, obviously I am going to have hippie values, if you can't appreciate who I am without coming off like a fucking prick maybe you should of kept ur comments to urself..

I have just stated my beliefs and observations and you call me troll, prick, idiot.
Why is it necessary? Where have I insulted you? Why do you insult me?
We can disagree on something and still be discussing in civilized manners.
But OK, If I need to apologize, I do so..
Yes, food is the reason for obesity, but not the one treated with pesticides. Problem is in fast food and fatty acids. People do not move or work out and ingest more than they consume so they store energy and get fat. I have never looked what I eat, just focus on working out few days in a week and never had problem with my kilos.

I appologize for the name calling but were being insulting and u know it..
Horticulture (aka "growing plants") has been my career for more than a decade and it really pissed me off when u assumed "I have never grown any plants."
I might have gone a bit overboard and I am sorry for that but u commented on my page and said things I don't appreciate. If you read the article you would know that I deal with a lot of haters on this subject and i felt attacked by you, so i attacked back..

I appreciate your apology and apologize again, you are right I was out of line, call it transference I guess. Im not actually mad at u, Im mad at the situation that no one seems to understand or take seriously and I happen to be incredibly passionate about it..

Steemit is a respectful place, so lets start over..

You are right, fast food plays a huge role in obesity but its not just the grease or fatty acids, or low activity. Another huge reason is because the "food" is barely food at all and our bodies have a hard time processing it.. Have you ever seen a factory farm where they raise the cattle for fast food restaurants? They are disgusting. Maybe I'll do an article on that sometime because it is way to much to write in a comment. Anyhow, sorry again for being an asshole, hope u can forgive me.. take care.. ✌

Great to hear you respond the way you did. I was not trying to insult you in any way, just was being blunt about my beliefs.

Oh yes, I agree with the farms. They are disguising thing, not to mention how meat looks like. All for the sake of profit.

I have always tried to buy from markets while I was back at home, just to suport local production and not massive produce for profit things are different...big town..
Anyways I do not understand how you managed to grow without using and chemicals, not even natural the nettle spray...In our climate it is impossible to grow just by putting the seed and watering. Always something, nature with drought and floods, pests...We need some technology to grow successfully.

I agree, food industry is shit(like MONSANTO), but it is, for now, to feed human kind only one we have, unfortunately..again GMO, not companies.

I can be against monsanto and food farms but be pro GMO. Heck, I have always had anti capitalist ideals and animal friendly as I boycott Coca cola and nestle by not buying their products for more than 10 years, some other multinational as well; went one time in ZOO and said never again..20+years never been to ZOO,don't buy animal testing products or fur; so I am not what you think of me from my previous text.

Back to GMO. It is like the knife..knife is can spread on bread and eat, feed yourself; but you can also stab someone...same is with GMO technology. I think it is good technology, but not in hands of multinational companies. Almost all food grown has some kind of genetically modified structure then it did 1000 years ago.
You don't, too bad...that is the life...
Glad to hear your explanation ...

I can't be mad at someone being blunt in their beliefs because I am the exact same way, so I am sorry I was so quick to judge you and misread what you said to me.. You seem like a really awesome person who I would definitely get along with so I feel ashamed for my actions and am glad you are so quick to forgive me and continue our conversation..

Growing is hard for sure, I constantly run into problems.. I have to supplement with natural fertilizer's, water manually, put up greenhouses to protect from flooding and introduce predator bugs to keep infestations from occurring, it is definitely a chore to say the least, but the fruits of my labor make it all worth wild. To be honest the smaller the garden the easier it is to combat, and that is why I believe that everyone should grow at least some of their own food. That would also help people to free themselves from government and corporate food control.

I am happy to hear you hate capitalistic ideals as much as me, I also hate nestle (aka coca cola), zoos and animal testing because we could get by just fine without nasty corporations like that..

I am not against all GMO's, I understand that many countries need the technology that help with droughts (especially since the US steals rain with chemtrails) but what i was saying in this article is making plants that don't reproduce seeds naturally and plants that are resilient to round up, that shit just isn't right.. Monsanto is a greedy corporation that ruins farming techniques and honestly destroys normal farming as we know it.. They are not positive in anything they do, they are about profit and control and that is all, I can't agree with any company like that.

The truth is in (at least in america) over 25% of crops end up in the garbage and that is just fucked up considering the amount of hungry people in the world.. I don't know how to change it but a change is definitely needed.

Your absolutely right about the knife analogy, we don't know how to solve these problems and for now GMO crops are needed to be able to supply the world with food. Unfortunately many of the GMO crops do come with consequences and the unknowing people are the ones paying the price for this all the while the corporations are profiting from it and laughing all the way to the bank.. Cross breeding is a better way to make crops more resilient to problems rather than GMOs but the problem with that is it takes an incredibly long time to get it all right and unfortunately humanity just doesn't have that time to waste at this time.

Anyhow, this reply is getting incredibly long so I should prolly end it now.. Thanks again for being so understanding and forgetting the shitty comments I made.. To be honest I am a combat veteran and I sometimes my training takes hold when I feel attacked so I shoot first and ask questions later.. I know that is a shitty excuse for my behavior but it is the truth.. Take care!

Monsanto has been killing us slowly for years... and were protected by the government. Each day trump is pulling sneaky attacks on laws that were put in place to protect us and the government, just to line his pockets.
Its a bad and sad thing for us all. Some of the chemicals that monsanto has produced is being outlawed, I think a little too late, but all the same, it's a step in the right direction.

So true.. It seems like basically all the government workers are willing to sell out the people for a quick buck.. Its been happening for far to long. However they were forced in the right direction, it didn't happen by choice.

I always shop and eat local.

Namaste, JaiChai

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