What Does Anarchy Mean To TribeSteemUp?-TribeSteemUp BiWeekly Question RoundUp

in #tribesteemup6 years ago (edited)

What Does Anarchy Mean To You?

I really felt that this was an important question to put forward for the TribeSteemUp community. If we are to believe all that we are told and all that the media portray, then anything to do with Anarchy is seen as aggressive and violent. The word itself seems to bring out a lot of different opinions from people. So I thought it would be valuable to pose the question to those who can personally identify with it. The answers that were posted are indeed varied and thought provoking. 9 members of the Tribe answered this question and it was very enlightening and refreshing to read the different perspectives put forward.

What Is TribeSteemUp

The TribeSteemUp project, was created over 11 months ago by @kennyskitchen. It is a Community Abundance Generator which supports authors who write articles that explore ways in which we can become more empowered and create a more peaceful and free world.The authors that are part of TribeSteemUpare produce high quality articles , which are based on the following topics:

| Anarchy | Non-Violence | Philosophy | Veganism | Mindfulness |
| Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism |
| Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture |

@kennyskitchen has also created 8 Pillars for TribeSteemUp which are fundamental principles guiding our conduct toward ourselves, toward one another, toward others, and toward the Earth. This is something that we as tribe members more than happy to abide by. Please take the time to read them, as they really are principles that everyone should live by.

Words hold power, but when those words are twisted and manipulated I believe that we should take those words back, in doing so we are empowering ourselves. Please take the time to read each article and please share your opinions with us all. We do not all need to agree but it is important to accept and be respectful of other people's beliefs and opinions.


What does Anarchy mean to you? - This World Is Yours! - A question proposed by @trucklife-family with @tribesteemup

I consider myself an anarchist, and am happy to take this opportunity to explain what Anarchy means to me. I was VERY lucky that as a student at A Level (college) my politics teacher was a self confessed Anarchist. Ms Heaton was my favourite teacher, and she gave us such a fantastic insight into the world of politics from such an unbiased viewpoint. She was also very good at teaching us about Anarchy as she was a living example of it. We loved her, in fact I even won an award called the Jackie Heaton appreciation award at the end of the year! Ms Heaton was quite unconventional as a teacher at my school, and stood out in many ways. She wore Doctor Martins Boots, and was always so gentle and sweet to us.


What Does Anarchy Mean To You? - The @tribesteemup Community Question

Greetings Steem Stars
The current question in the @tribesteemup community, posed by @trucklife-family is:
"What Does Anarchy Mean To You?"
So I gave my answer in today's VLOG.
Sam x


What anarchy means to me.

Anarchy, to me, means the end of rule by force.
No longer will the wealthy be able to hire thugs to force their opinions on others.
World peace will be realized.
When nobody can force others to comply, conflict is at an end.
Maybe not totally eradicated, but certainly at a turning point in how we deal with differences of opinions.
No longer will might make right.
Histories will exist written by others than just the biggest bullies on the block.


What does Anarchy mean to you? (TRIBESTEEMUP biweekly Question)

Well, it's not quite “repeat after me, fuck queen and country” in my opinion, so what is it?
But it's a start and this Manic Street Preachers song is probably what started my mind questioning in Sixth Form College (thanks Martin).
I've always been an outsider, so it rather much appealed. I could meld into to walls as easily as paint.
Can anarchy be defined as a whole, or is really something that is personal and can only be defined on an individual level?
Well defining it anarchy as a whole, without looking it up, I think would be someone who does not agree with what society has turned into and they have made the conscious decision to chose their own way.


What Does Anarchy Mean To Me-TribeSteemUp Weekly Question

I never fit into this world, I really struggled to live up to these ideals that were forced on me. I couldn't accept that this was what life was all about. The only time I felt at peace was outside in nature, when I was free to roam and be who I really was. When I was in my natural state of being. I had no words for what I was feeling, or this aversion I felt for this forced way of life, I just knew it was not right, it not feel right to me. I struggled with this for many years, with this feeling that I had to make an effort, that I had to try and fit in.


What Anarchy Means To Me: Bi-Weekly @tribesteemup Question

Anarchy As A Whole

When most people think of ANARCHY, they may envision The Walking Dead sans the zombies. Maybe martial law has been put into place due to an economic downfall, or even a political civil war. Perhaps an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) or coronal mass ejection (CMT) event setting the world as you know it back into the 19th century; no electricity, no cell phones, no medical technology, no motorized vehicles before the late 1970's, no radios, no TV, no internet and google... nothing. Everything that has a computer is dead.


TribeSteemUp Question of the Week - What Does Anarchy Mean To Me

If I told you STOP, will you stop?
It's a given that we all don't like rules whether it be good or bad. The word itself gives you the natural instinct to resist.
When I asked my dad what he thought about martial law when I was growing up, he said he liked it.
No kidding... he did say that
Under the Marcos Martial Law he said there weren't a lot of criminal behavior. The city was quiet. It was the most peaceful times in our place.
I'm not sure how he can say that but he did.


What's an Anarchist Anyway?

This is the @tribesteemup bi-weekly question:
What does Anarchy mean to you?
I suppose my first exposure to anarchy, if you can call it that, was from friends who were into punk in the late 80’s and early 90’s. It basically amounted to “stick it to the man.” That was about as far as I got. I decided at that juncture in my life that anarchy would never work because, well, people are assholes. I figured chaos would ensue, and I didn’t understand anything about what anarchy really was or the deep and rich history of anarchy because, duh, they don’t teach that stuff in school.
I guess this is everyone's first impression of anarchy, but it's wildly inaccurate



Anarchy | Empowerment & Freedom Through Off-Grid Living & Permaculture [TribeSteemUp Question]

What Does Anarchy Mean to You?
In pondering this biweekly @tribesteemup question, I considered all the ways I make choices in my lifestyle that support values such as freedom, autonomy, sovereignty, justice and equality. These values are not a philosophy, but a lived reality. I don't mean to say I uphold these 100%, but that the drive behind much of what I do and how I live is fed by a desire to act in accordance with these universal values.


What Does Anarchy Mean To Me? Well.. What Does the Word Anarchy Mean?

The roots of this subject exist in the most ancient discussions of intelligent peoples predating history. The true topic underlying the discussion is really; "How do we co-exist? Do we have rules for the village or does everyone do as they wish?"
I am glad @trucklife-family brought this up. As an experienced journalist and activist I feel this is a very important topic. I hope the information I present can be received as intended. A lot of people really like using the word Anarchy, and use it quite often without understanding its context. Keep in mind, the world we are experiencing now is completely controlled by a 'game of words'. We have to recognize and understand the meanings behind the word.

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp


Big Big Thank You To @byn for designing my logo.


sweetie! you spelt you own username wrong! ;-)))

thank you Alex, had to finish it with my one year old on my lap xxxx

that SUrely explains it.. nice roundup! a few i didn't spot .. will check that out.. <3 kiss to baby

Thank you for sharing my post!
I have read so many of these already and I'm looking forward to the next question to answer.

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