TribeSteemUp Question of the Week - What Does Anarchy Mean To Me

in #tribesteemup6 years ago

If I told you STOP, will you stop?

It's a given that we all don't like rules whether it be good or bad. The word itself gives you the natural instinct to resist.

When I asked my dad what he thought about martial law when I was growing up, he said he liked it.

No kidding... he did say that

Under the Marcos Martial Law he said there weren't a lot of criminal behavior. The city was quiet. It was the most peaceful times in our place.

I'm not sure how he can say that but he did.

Anarchy - My Definition and Do I Belong?

Personally, it's government staying out of my business business and out of my personal business.

I can also define it as freedom from overreaching government.

I don't like to be called a Libertarian, Republican, Democrat, Independent etc etc etc. If you really look at it, they're all just labels. Just like white, black, brown, Asian, American, African, European...

Yes, how about unlabeling the different labels stuck on our foreheads to cause division amongst us?

Government is an imposed division to the people. The rules are suffocating and most have succumbed to it. And when you start waking up and unshackling from the norm, you're what they call the outlier in statistics.

The hierarchy, queenarchy, kingarchy, serfarchy are everywhere. I sure can see it at the office since I'm still working for the corporation.

When there's law

There will be unlawlessness.

Romans 7:7 ... I had not known sin but by the law...
then verse 15-16 For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I. If then I do that which I would not...

Then let's have no laws then!
Uhm, that'd be great for the people who can self-govern, who are responsible for their actions. But since the current governments we are in have "baby-sat" the majority of the population, I am not sure NO LAW will work.

So we're in a great quandary.

A simple demonstration pic from pixabay:

Most would read this as TOUCH ME PUHLLLEASE

Since it said DON'T, the ones who can't help but ask why WILL touch it.

But maybe if we changed the post-it note to say: HOT COFFEE POT

Maybe, just maybe no one will get hurt since it's not written as a rule. What do you think?

If you have your own version of anarchy, chime in. It's something that we will have differences but we don't have to argue and fight over it. Let's focus on the commonality on the most important aspects of our co-existence. We can both agree that love, support and our basic needs are important. We can agree that government is overreaching and that they need to step back and if they don't, then let's take some steps we can take to move towards our own version of freedom.

Maybe the next question for us is how to achieve the kind of anarchy we want.


And btw, if you find my post interesting, you can also find other awesome posts from @tribesteemup.

Thanks @eco-alex for this logo!


You had me at DELABELING! 💗 We are the human race. When I do label it is in describing terms, but of corse there are always those people who twist someone else’s words.😒
The con of anarchy : it would give freedom to the bad. The good and innocent would suffer. Then we would have the Batmans and spidermans trying to give justice. But from all my years watching the comic book heros(wasn’t privlaged to get comic books ☹️) they really don’t do shit! They almost do something then the bad people get away all the fucking time!
The pro: If it was like the purge... then I would be on it.
The government over reaches in many areas, people keep forgetting how much power they have.
Instead we are controlled by a group of sheep who see a bag of carrot so the follow, but they don’t know the carrots are poisoned.
It seems people don’t know how to think for them selfs or use their voice anymore.
Then those who do use their voice and mind are called ‘bad’ ‘stupid’ ‘crazy’ ‘conspirator’.
We live in a hopeless world, eyes are open but they sleep.

Thanks! Well, I'm just sick and tired of it. We had good friends and now no friends just because we don't believe in what they're supporting and that we don't trust the government. I guess they're not friends in the first place if politics is the basis of friendship.

Very few are like us and so I'm glad to find you and others in Steemit...of all places.

Some things to think about!

Indeed. Our lives are busy enough, we can't really put so much energy in squabbling about labels and what nots...

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