TribeSteemUp- Community Empowerment: Why is it so Important and How Can We Achieve It

in #tribesteemup6 years ago (edited)

In Western Society so much emphasis is put on personal achievements and success. We are encouraged to make a good life for ourselves,to carve out our own path. This is important for so many reasons, but our journeys should not end here. I have seen many people who have this attitude, where they place their wants and needs above everybody else's. Western Society openly promotes competitiveness and self gain.

But I do not believe that we are meant to live this life of segregation. Where so much ignorance and hate is being projected on to one another, so little understanding. It does not help that mainstream media feed into all of these attitudes of ignorance and hate. It does not help that schools work on a system that segregates children at a young age because of age or academic level. We are complex beings with so many amazing layers to us that should be celebrated and honoured more. We are meant to live with supportive communities in our lives.


Communities are created to support everyone within them. They are created so that everybody's voice can be heard and everyone can be part of something that is bigger than just one person. It allows people to feel the potential of 'We', to feel the power in unity. Large scale change happens when you have many people involved in bringing about that change. Communities can mean those that live around you and support you, or they can be those you meet up with at certain times during the year. What is important is that the contact is there and maintained.

Today we here on Steemit are at the forefront of creating Global Communities, bringing people together from all over the world to share ideas and wisdom, to discuss certain issues and come up with solutions. I have seen this happen outside Steemit through workshops (healing arts, permaculture,) through Rainbows, through conferences (birth conferences) and I know that there are many other similar things happening around the world.

Here on Steemit, there are a lot of communities, that have been created, all with the same principle of bringing people together who share the same values, supporting one another and empowering one another.

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One project that has been created is TribeSteemup, this project set up by @kennyskitchen is all about bringing people together who wish to create a world that is more peaceful and more free. The idea behind it is that the authors within the tribe talk about the following topics:

| Anarchy | Non-Violence | Philosophy | Veganism | Mindfulness |
| Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism |
| Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture |

All of which have a positive impact on the world we are living in. We all hold our own ideas about how change can occur, and in bringing people together who wish to be part of a positive change you are bringing forward new ideas, new ways in which to inspire, new ways in which to empower. Creating change in our own lives is the start but inspiring others and empowering others to do the same, is really what we should be aiming for.

How to Achieve Community Empowerment

The first step is creating the community, bringing the people together. Once that has occurred then communication is key, if people are to feel supported within any community then they need to able to communicate openly and freely without fear of attack. Within @tribesteemup I believe a lot of us would agree on what is being discussed or put forward as the topics that we talk about are all similar, in that they are all about creating a better world.

But if for some reason we do not, then acceptance is paramount. Accepting some ones opinion is not the same as agreeing, but it is acknowledging that person and respecting their point of view. Respect for each individual is really important. Every person needs to feel respected and honoured it we are to achieve true Community Empowerment.


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Co-operation is very important, because if we are sowing seeds for change then we all need to be proactive in doing so. Everyone needs to be involved and active within the community, this happens in @tribesteemup by the many authors writing content that is all about actively bringing about change.

This then results in the sharing of knowledge and wisdom, and with that comes interaction between everyone within the community. This is where we really begin to feel supported and empowered because through these discussions we are coming up with solutions, with ways in which to be pro active.

From this one community on here we can take that knowledge that we have shared, those solutions we have learnt and created and use them in our lives to orchestra the change we wish to see happen. Be it on the natural environment around us, in ourselves or in our closer communities, we have become empowered so that we can create change.

We are the people who care about the earth, who are not afraid to ask questions and make a stand. We ask those questions and make that stand because we are empowered by those that stand with us, who lend their voice to ours, who see the vision that we wish to create and who are active in making that change happen. Where once you had one voice now you have many. An empowered Community is one that believes in the 'We'.

I have said this before and I am sure I will continue to keep saying it, We Are the Ones we Have Been waiting For. Through coming together and creating empowered communities we can create the world we wish to live in and we have already started.

As always I would love to hear your thoughts about Community Empowerment.

To get inspired please check out some of the great content being written by the many authors that are part of @TribeSteemUp.

Another Great community that is dedicated to bringing about change is the @ecotrain Community, both of which I am part of.

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Big Big Thank You To @byn for designing my logo.


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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.

wow this is pretty cool, nice work @tts

Hell yeah!!! Feeling very empowered after reading this. I'm so hooked already and it feels great to be a part of something so amazing. Looking forward to going on this journey with you and all the other fabulous steemians. xx

thank you Star, here's to a great journey together , welcome on board xx

A beeeaaautiful post as usual dear one. Understanding and connection trumps individualism nd separation every time. I love the 'up' in steemup... we RISE together... but alone we stay below. Xx

Yes indeed my lovely, Rise Up we will indeed xxxx

When it comes to communities and create a group to give support to each other, the sum of the whole is more than the sum of each individual member.

I have mentioned in several of my articles that we as humans are inherently social beings, we need to interact with other like minded individuals in order to be happy with our lives. And communities are designed to be just that, a place where people can express their ideas and thoughts in a constructive way, enriching each others by sharing our knowledge and experiences.

That's the short answer of what I think about communities @trucklife-family ^^


Thank you @dedicatedguy, I agree totally with your idea of community, and we need that interaction with others for sure, unfortunately that is not something everyone has, there are a lot of people living very isolated lives. the more communities created the better, especially online as their our no walls here. There was I time where I would never have agreed to what I just wrote, but being part of Steemit has open my eyes to the real advantages of online global communities. Thank you for dropping by xx

Certainly, a community gives an individual the opportunity to interact with other members and learn from them. With the support of the group, the person can even complete an undesirable task perfectly.

thank you @amelin, yes that support is invaluable, that really is the power in being empowered by your community xx

Love is the answer
Grateful ❤️

Thank you too! :)
Let’s keep sharing the all, which is love

Great concept but how does the @tribesteemup get new members who are producing quality content in life with the vision of the @tribesteemup especially from poor African countries like my Nigeria where there are great writers who rarely gets good reward for their articles here on the steem platform.

I am Gideon from Nigeria and I wish to be part of the @tribesteemup because I feel I produce what the community needs.

can a review be carried out on my account?

The best answer to that question is in this post here, I recommend you read that and hopefully that will give you the answer, thanks for dropping by @inspiredgideon1

Thank you for that.

This is so beautiful and I share your sentiments.

We ask those questions and make that stand because we are empowered by those that stand with us, who lend their voice to ours, who see the vision that we wish to create and who are active in making that change happen.

I think for me this is one of the most important parts. this we that is created when we come together that strengthens our voices. It helps all of us in turn to keep going and taking that stand. Much love 💚💚💚

thank you my beauties, I am someone who likes to spend my time with myself and my family but there is no denying how powerful it is when we come together with others and share our visions , I am loving that about steemit and now tribesteemup xxxx

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