TribeSteemUp's Weekly Gems

in #tribesteemup6 years ago (edited)

Hello beautiful people

Welcome to another week here on Steemit and to the Weekly TribeSteemUp Curation, where I get to showcase some of the great content that the tribe members have created, this last week and that really embody what the Tribe stands for.

The TribeSteemUp community, was created by @kennyskitchen. It is a Community Abundance Generator which supports authors who write articles that look at ways in which we can become more empowered and create a more peaceful and free world.The authors that were chosen to become part of the TribeSteemUp community are all writing content of high quality, which are based on the following topics:

| Anarchy | Non-Violence | Philosophy | Veganism | Mindfulness |
| Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism |
| Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture |

The TribeSteemmUp community also has 8 Pillars/Principles that each member has agreed to adhere by and what a world it would be if we lived in a world where everyone lived according to these principles. You can find The 8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp at the end of this post

The articles that I am sharing with you today, are all about inspiring us and motivating us to become more aware in our daily lives. We have a few of the Tribe members who have written articles in response to Ned's video and in each one they look at ways in which we can work together as a community and help this platform survive. I have chosen 2 of them in this weeks curation. For me life is all about learning, evolving and being mindful in all that we do. By coming together and engaging with one another we can all share our wisdom and empower one another. We can create the world in which we all wish to live. Happy reading and remember to show your appreciation by upvoting and commenting. You can go one step further by following the TribesteemUp Curation Trail, this way way you are supporting all the great authors who are creating quality content.

Embrace the Suck


How does one embrace the suck? Where does it comes from?
The title of this article is what I wish to talk about today. I read that quote in a book written by Mike Cernovich called "Gorilla Mindset" which I would highly recommend to anyone who is on a path of self- growth.
After reading about this mentality in the book that phrase "Embrace the Suck" really stuck, and resonated with me. Currently this phrase puts me in a state of washing all the pain I'm experiencing over me, until I accept to become one with it. It can reach a meditative point of becoming one with the pain as you push forward. "You are the pain" and that's all there is, and thus it becomes more tolerable somehow.

Building Lifeboats: Are We Sailing Full Steem Ahead Towards A Global Financial Reset?


Has The Lifeboat Been Sabotaged?
I’ve been watching the recent downward spiral within both the crypto space and many major markets and pondering whether it’s indicative of something larger on the horizon. I very much believe that we are heading towards next financial crisis and that the elites of this world want their (pre-planned) answer to this crisis to be the only lifeboat on offer. When will this financial breakdown occur? In all honesty I don't know, indeed it's both very difficult to gauge and equally important to remember that the path towards this collapse is paved with the reputations of individuals with a far greater monetary/financial pedigree than I.

Corporations Generate Insane Profits From The Most Destructive Ingredient On The Market


How far can humans go before they realize that monetarism has boundaries that we cannot cross? Hence limited and its limitations will have to be confronted, rather soon than later, so that we can let this system collapse on under its own weight and restart everything anew.
Monetarism cannot be fixed because it encourages moral relativism (human values changing depending on the needs of the moment), shapes the "Celebrity Cult" (fame used to social engineering) and compartmentalizes society (endless class wars). In fact xenophobia too is generally linked to economic issues.

The Sagittarius Landscape This Year 2018 -- The Karmic Connections -- Until December 21


There are things you control and things that you don't
In Astrology, the Personal Planets -- The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars -- deal with the everyday business of life ... matters over which we usually feel we have quite a bit of conscious control. These planets move quickly, so we get a lot of experience working with their energy in many different situations, many different combinations.
But there are situations and life areas that seem much more beyond our conscious influence ... where events and experiences take on a "fated" quality. These areas -- and the conditions we meet there -- seem to expose us to a sense of greater meaning and purpose. Their work is provocative -- and instructive. We emerge from encounters with them having learned something important -- and possessing skills and wisdom that will serve us well in the future.

How To Start Vlogging On A Blockchain


Primarily this was intended as a DTubeSnapReply to a fellow Steemian @murathe
Eventually it ended up something more and I decided to create a video about "How To Start Video-Logging On A Blockchain Effectively"

Where is Steem going? How will it get there?


I just finished watching Ned's live stream, and I wanted to unpack what I got out of it.
Since they called it a test, I won't spend much time critiquing the overall presentation (smile more, look the audience in the eye by looking at the camera, let the production team do their job without micro-managing, run tests beforehand to remove background noise, don't schedule when you have a flight to catch, answer more than 3 peoples' questions in an hour, etc). Instead, I will focus on what was said and what I think it could mean.

🌿 Fell On Black Days


Men & Post-Natal Depression
Post-natal depression (PND) is thought to affect between 10-20% of mothers giving birth each year. In a future article, I'll go through some ways we can help prevent and deal with this issue in mums and mums-to-be. Fathers are at the front line of this, and need to know what to look for in their partners. Men also can suffer from the same symptoms, especially when they are supporting a partner with PND.
Movember Men's Health special, part 4

What is your spirit animal?


This night I had a very vivid dream which took place at my former school.
I was leaving the building, intending to make my way to the adjacent bus station (perhaps 50 m away) to go home, but I glimpsed that in the middle of the way there was a bunch of pupils with a very big and aggressive fighting dog, so I hesitated.
I let my eyes wander to check the alternatives, and when I finally looked back to the original way I realised that all pupils had left while only the dog remained there, apparently taking a nap.

The Benefits of META-Health Analysis


In my "day job", I am a META-Health Practitioner.
I guide people to understand the root cause stressful events, limiting beliefs and patterns in life that are keeping them sick.
From here, they are able to take the best steps to enable them to self-heal - tailored to them.
You can find out more in this video, which includes a special offer that I am currently running to make META-Health accessible to more people.
Wishing you health, wealth and freedom.
Sam x

Following Your Passion Through Thick & Thin


The past few days have been a high on the homestead as we dig and distribute many of the awesome perennials we've written about in previous posts.
We are planting new varieties of berries and bare root apples and pears. The whole process feels aligned and beautiful. But it doesn't always feel this way...
There are times when I question why I live this life. There are days when I wonder what I got myself into.
There are days we look at each other and ask What the hell are we doing...?

A Spectrum Of Narcissism


When self-admiration is taken to the extreme, it's referred to as narcissism. Narcissistic personality disorder is regarded as a mental health condition that involves being unusually self-involved, holding an inflated and unrealistic sense of self, and having a general lack of empathy for others.
The reason that empathy has been suggested as an "antidote to narcissism" frequently in the past is because the narcissist is one who is seen to lack consideration for others and hold an unrealistic sense of superiority. In other words, empaths are arguably the opposite of narcissists.

Steem: The Bombshell During The Week That Was


This was certainly an interesting week in the Steem ecosystem.
To quickly recap, @ned dropped some major news on everyone with the announcement that Steemit Inc. laid off 70% of their workforce in an effort to reduce costs. Things are to the point now with that company, due to the drop in STEEM among other things, that they are looking to survive. This was totally unexpected by the community and sent a lot of questions through the community.
They held a live stream on Thursday trying to explain some of the plans going forward. Without getting into the production elements and structure, overall Ned got his message out.

From a slave to a master chapter # 37 - The Ego, Shyness and two successful ways to overcome it


A Memoir
The Ego, from the time of our childhood, creates a pattern of shyness that colors our personality for many years to come. Whether we suffer from chronic shyness or just averagely shy there are two practical tools that can completely release this burden.
The first tool
... that exists for our disposal and which will have a crucial effect on our mature life and on our status among the members of the society to which we belong is the working on our self-esteem. The self image that we have of ourselves is of the utmost importance and no wonder we are constantly encouraged, since childhood, to appreciate ourselves, to recognize our vast potential or to simply accept who we are.

Let Your Divine Aspects Burn Away The Rest....


I did something stupid yesterday...
And it got me thinking... sometimes I'm a retard. We all are.
So I'm gonna list the qualities I have that make me a fucked up human, and take some steps to be a better one.
I would invite you, maybe, to do the same.

Thought For The Day: Divine Discourse


I am writing this from Prashanti Nilayam( The Abode of Supreme Peace) in Puttaparthy, India. It is an Ashram and retreat that millions flock to each year to recharge, be inspired, and open their hearts to the divine message within.
There aren't many places on Earth where human values are at their peak, where the people walk their talk and shine their light to the world. A few weeks here and I can usually take this high vibration with me for many moons wherever i may go afterwards.

Learn how to make Burmese style chickpea 'tofu'


Learn how to make your own made chickpea ‘tofu’
Although fermented tofu is healthy because go the fermentation, without that process the soy beans are hard to digest. Unfortunately many modern tofu brands are made with preservatives, other flavorings and unhealthy salts.
By making your own homemade tofu you can avoid some of these nasty extras in your food and use all the spices that you love!
This is not a fermented tofu which takes a lot longer to make (over a serious of days) this recipe is a quick tofu style and therefore not fermented. Making tofu with chickpeas is also known as Burmese Tofu, where the dish traditionally come from.

Ascension, The Great Awakening, Solar Shift, Samvartaka Fire, "The Event"


"Old and hidden things will be rediscovered and written down". This is part of the Mayan prohecy for the ongoing Katun, the 13x20-year energy phases of the Short Count, which on its own is one of several cycles within the Mayan calendar. That Katun itself is taking place within the the Fifth World age of the Long Count of 5125 years, a time which is prophecised as a great spiritual awakening.
This idea is becoming very popular recently, reaching more and more into the mainstream. Influencers like David Wilcock, Jordan Sather ( Destroying the Illusion ), Corey Goode and the popular YouTube channel Edge of Wonder are promoting these ideas, which are partly about an event that pushes us collectively on a higher consciousness level.

When Music Is Medicine:Memories of music cannot be lost to Alzheimer's and Dementia


My life would feel somewhat empty without music. If I am not listening to music, then I am usually singing, listening to my children singing or I'm playing music. Unless I am walking and then I am happy to hear the sounds of nature, but often I like to sing my gratitude to nature, crooning to her. It really does fill me up.
Music can move us, it can transform and transport us. Certain songs seem to touch me deep down in my soul and if I ever have difficulties expressing myself, it is to music that I will turn to help me release and heal. Oh the magic and power of music. Even songs that I have no idea what they are singing about, can be so powerful. Just like this one By DakhaBrakha, this song, it really moves me.

Ethics Over Exploitation: Veganism Making Gains in 2018! My Comments On The New 'Vegan 2018' Documentary.


The annual 'state of veganism' review documentary came out recently and I've included some scenes and comments here. This video is almost as long as the original Vegan 2018 video - but I have added a lot of my own comments and insights into veganism - created and acquired over 12 years of being vegan.
How to really stop the 'plants have feelings too' and 'but you kill plants' 'debates'.
Absurd mainstream media pundit comments destroyed..
Corporations choosing to bow to pressure to stop exploiting animals..
Coverage of activists at slaughterhouses exposing reality for the public.
Ever new meat replacement products and a plant to have supermarkets have a protein section instead of a meat section!

A big thank you to @hungryhustle for creating the amazing infographic of the 8 Pillars Of TribeSteemUp and For @eco-alex for creating the tribesteemup banner and logo.




Thank you trucklife for compiling this amazing list! I love that the gems just keep going. Love you 💞

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thank you beautiful, much love right back at ya xxx

Great roundup. A lot of these I already read and liked myself, but definitely found a couple missed gems.

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