Tree Tuesday Time!


Well Hello Friends!

It's Tree Tuesday Time!


This Tree Tuesday is all about the white! We got hit with a inch or two last night. When I started driving home it was raining at 41 degrees, by time I got half way home it was 31. Of course you have to worry about those wet roads developing a thin sheet of black ice on them around these temps. Sadly there was not a salt truck to be seen. I GOT to get out of Michigan to warmer weather!!





Wonder if they will make it to Thanksgiving at this rate?!?


This tiny tree branch is doing his part holding up a sizable amount of snow!


Red and white like a candy cane tree!


There is so much gray around, that this shot almost looks monochrome lol.


A few little maple leaves are trying to hold on!


These have seen better days.


Just not many left!


Even the sumac have a load to carry.


Well I hope your Tree Tuesday is a less white one, that is unless you actually like the snow.


Thanks for stopping by!

All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.

Be Safe!! Don't get hacked! - Post with your posting key!


I like your red and white "candy cane" tree! also like the snow on the sumac. Sorry you don't like the snow and cold! I know I would get sick of the snow if I lived in Michigan or up north! Move to the mountains of Arizona. Big Lake Arizona is beautiful or you can move to Texas or Tennessee or North Carolina or Hawaii or Florida... I think I would like to live in Colorado if I could just stay off the roads on snowy or icy days! I hate driving on icy I just stay home when we have a sheet of ice on our roads. That happens about every 3 years around Allen, TX - the Dallas/Fort Worth area of Texas.
Here's my post for today.

The maple cover shot or thumbnail is gorgeous. You barely cleared Autumn before that snow started rolling out. I forgot how quickly it goes from summer to winter there. Yikes. Sorry about that!

There is a saving grace in all of that cold stuff. The snow only enhances the beauty of your trees. It softens the blow just a tad looking down from the balcony onto your kingdom below. There is a pretty veil thrown over the whole scene, don't you think?

I do love the snow, but, not nearly as much as you get. You get mountains of it and frankly, my dear. I have become less fond of shoveling than I used to be. But, right now, while it is all innocent and not shovel-worthy, it is beautiful.

If it makes you feel any better, the East Coast may get a dusting later in the week. Sweet Jesus! It is only November! I hope that we are not included in the fantasy.

Upped and Steemed


Here is my link: I'll drop it in a minute or three

Indeed I believe we were robbed of our Autumn!

Yes it does look nice as long as it is only a very thin veil. If it is deep enough to be a problem on the roads, I am not for it!

Well at least you are getting close to our temps last I looked. Dont know if that was just a fluke or not though?

It has been cold for the last few days, but, it won't last. It is too early to be cold. But, I guess it just made me a big, fat liar!

It is a fluke, for sure.


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Really great photos
I smell winter already hmmm....

The darkest time of the year is approaching ... but at the moment we are living in the most colorful time of the year.

Great shots again @old-guy-photos!

Here is my #treetuesday entry:

Today a short #treetuesday post with a question


Do you have winter?🙄

Oh yes and winter is coming early it seems!

Beautiful collection and with snow even more.

Really great them (esp red maple)!

SO sorry about the early snow - we are supposedly getting some thursday morning - whaaaaah.

Nice selection my friend. Keep them coming.

Very nice photos - the first shot is really good!

WOW...WOW...Were did autumn go or were did the year go i only remember like yesterday looking at snow photos and here we are again with snow , well all i can say i am glad it's you in the snow and not me....hehe...i am enjoying my long year summers over here in Thailand :)

Tree Tuesday - A walk in the Park !!


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