R2R Travelogue 11: Mendocino, California

in #travelfeed6 years ago

Day Eleven: While preparing to leave for this trip, in answering all the questions about what I was going to do, I had two consistent answers:

  1. Revisit and recreate some special memories, and

  2. Create some new ones.

Well, today's post is about the creation of a new memory. Specifically, my first experience with Mendocino, California.

Photo: View from Main Street of Mendocino

Arriving in town well after dark last night, I did not appreciate what a gem this little town represents. Up before dawn, though, and walking out the front door, it was crystal clear.

Yes! Please "walk with me," while we take a closer look at this great little community on the Pacific Coast of California.

Mendocino, California

According to the sign, Mendocino was established in 1852.

Photo: Sign Entering Mendocino

Now I know by European standards, in going over this with my Steemian friend, @delishtreats, this is not very old. For the western part of America, however, anything before the Civil War is old. Very old.

Photo: "Downtown" Mendocino

As we can see here at one of the main intersections in town, there is a great stat about Mendocino. The number of stoplights? Zero! 👌 (There is one out on Hwy 1, but that is not in town.)

Photo: Preservation Sign Entering Mendocino

This little town has experienced a revival, after going through a period of significant decline. The link above will provide you more information, if this town's history is of interest.

Mendocino Headlands State Park

Getting then, to the "main event" and seeing what there is to see, please check out the map below of the layout of the area I cover in this post.

Photo: Map of Area Covered in this Post

Most of the pictures I took were in the Mendocino Headlands State Park, which begins just down the road from the Hotel, i.e. easy walking distance.

Photo: Hole in Rock from Relentless Surf

The relentless pounding from the surf has created holes like the one we see in the lower left of this picture. You'll note, in the upper left of the picture, this view is a short walk from the Hotel.

Photo: Another "Hole in the Rock"

Here is another hole in the rock worn by the surf. In my short time in the area, I actually saw several of these, although some are considerably smaller and harder to capture on film.

Photo: "Goat" Rock?

Some of the information about the area talked about goats being out on these rocks. I only saw these birds. I would imagine there is an interesting story behind any goats getting out on these rocks. I hope to have time to look into more of the town's history, if I ever have the opportunity to come back.

Photo: Looking out to the open Pacific!

At the tip of the point, I sat for a long while just looking out to sea. The sea is not "in my DNA," as some would say, as I was 19 years old before I saw it for the first time. And even then, it was down in Los Angeles and frankly didn't impress me all that much.

But, no question, especially in a setting like this one, there is something mesmerizing about watching and listening to the sea.

I took many more pictures, but rather than bury my poor readers with them, I selected those which stood out the most to me. In one session in particular, I kept trying to get an up close picture of this beautiful sea bird and the ocean behind it.

But ... While my trusty little smartphone does pretty well, it really is not up to a task like that one.

Big River Beach

As covered in yesterday's post, there is something special about where fresh water comes to the sea. The Big River Beach really stands out!

Photo: Big River flows into Mendocino Bay

As we can see, the setting includes a very nice stretch of beach. This is a favorite place for people to walk.

Photo: Big River Upstream

Access is very simple. I regret not having more time available than I did, as I would've loved to "hang out" down there. As you'll see shortly, I talk about coming back here and spending a week, rather than a day. I could comfortably spend the better part of a day walking along the beach beside this river.

Mendocino Hotel

In an area like this, you can probably find accommodations for any budget. For any taste. For me, I am a pretty basic sort of guy. While I have been to some pretty plush places over the years, for the most part, the "finer things in life" are wasted on me. Simple reason. The "value for money" question is always on my mind and I seldom find value in places like that equal to the exorbitant price tag.

That said, when I walked into the Mendocino Hotel & Garden Suites, their "best price" was based on a shared bathroom. 😧 Price was $40 per night. And the price with your own bathroom? $69 per night. So, I "splurged" and went with the "extravagant extra" of having my own bathroom. 😊

Photo: Mendocino Hotel on Main Street

While I can't say I cared a lot for it in school (although always getting A grades ...), I have always liked history. While one might reasonably say this place doesn't look all that great from the outside, I really liked the inside.

Everything about it says, "I was built in 1878!" And rather than hide it, they flaunt it. Works for me!

Photo: @roleerob's Room and Deluxe "Workstation" on 30 January 2019

Quite small, but fully functional room. Yes, that phone works!

As stated above, arriving in the dark in a town to which I had never been, I had no idea of the setting. Until the next morning ...

Photos: Morning Views from Mendocino Hotel

Oh yes! After all of the "twisty turns" in the dark to get there, what a great place to have providentially chosen to spend last night. Thank you Lord!

Photo: Day Eleven Breakfast!

So, to get the day off to a good start, I ate a great breakfast of eggs benedict with dungeness crab, while watching the ocean out of my window. Note my trusty little Ford Ranger just outside patiently waiting to get going again!

  • Closing Note on Mendocino Hotel: In spite of my lighthearted "poke" about the deluxe workstation area in my room, please note that the front desk said I was free to work downstairs, on one of the tables. As one can see above, the tables were very nice. In fac, all of the downstairs area was very well done. And there were people doing exactly that, i.e. utilizing the various electronic devices comfortably seated around their tables.

Postscript for Day Eleven

Waving goodbye to Mendocino, here are the last pictures I took north of town.

Photos: Last Views Leaving Mendocino

Just a quick note for those who may read this post and chose to try to recreate it a bit. Here you see where Hwy 1 leaves the coast (just too rugged to stay on the coast) and heads up into the coastal mountains:

Photo: Highway 1 Leaves the Mendocino Coast

If it appears that arrow is showing a 90° corner in the road, that is about right. Having negotiated innumerable 20 mph curves and far too many 15 mph curves, up to this point on Hwy 1, I thought it might get a little better heading up into the mountains.

Nope! "Business as usual," and we even had a new "record," with one hairpin turn being posted with a 10 mph caution! Good grief! Was this a slow road or what?

If I come this way again and I truly hope to, I will try to set aside a week to get through this stretch that I have just driven through over the last two days. I won't be passing up as many atrractions that I probably would want to experience and it will be more relaxing. Plus, my beloved lifemate will be with me and she will insist on the above! 😊

Beyond that, today was a long day, bracketed on both ends by me writing posts on the Steem blockchain. I am enjoying the writing, up to a point. It is closing in on being burdensome, however, so thankfully, this leg of my journey is about over.

By tomorrow night, I will be across the state line and into Oregon. By Saturday night, after my first visit to Crater Lake, I will be in Bend, resting up in preparation for my siblings arrival the following day.

I'll entertain myself watching the Stupor Bowl. I mean the Super Bowl ... 😉 @roleerob doesn't care who wins the game, as long as it is a very competitive game right to the end. Those are my favorite sporting events to watch.

So ... Another post tomorrow about the majestic Redwood forests of northern California - the tallest trees on earth. Then Saturday, a post about Crater Lake in the winter. After that, you will likely find me "going dark" for a few days, while I enjoy the company of and focus on my siblings.


In closing, I had some fun this afternoon, once leaving the Mendocino area, thinking back over "what could have been." I know there were places, in the fading light of yesterday, where I knew I was passing a place I wish I had been able to see in the full light of day. No question, I passed more in the full darkness, before reaching Mendocino.

So ... There's an old saying, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again!" Yep, I'll just have to come back some day and recreate this part of the trip and get the timing better worked out. It would definitely be a trip I'd make again in a heartbeat. And in January! 😉

Well, another wonderful day in "@roleerob's excellent adventure" comes to a close! Thanks for going along with me, dear reader. I’d love to hear any feedback you may be inspired to provide.

Until "next time," all the best to you for a better tomorrow, as we all work together to build our Steem Community! 👍 😊

Steemian @roleerob

Posted using SteemPeak and “immutably enshrined in the blockchain” on Thursday, 31 January 2019!

  • "R2R" Note: My "shorthand" way of referring to what I first wrote about in my Reflections: My "Road to Recovery" Trip post. "Road to Recovery" <=> "R2R" ... 😉

  • Image sources, unless otherwise noted: My trusty smartphone!

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If you liked this post, you might enjoy others in my "Road to Recovery" Travelogue series:

This account is protected by @dustsweeper


I love the way you write. Your posts are down to earth and friendly in the way you present them.

I'm pleased to see that you're enjoying your adventure and gaining new memories. I'm sure that your better half would love to be there with you :)

This place looks so nice. I've seen the ocean only once in my life and it was in Morocco. Before that I only knew sea. I was surprised to see how different it was. The sea I know is mainly calm while the ocean was rough.

Oh, I'm glad to see that you went for the extravaganza :D Sometimes you deserve some luxury in terms of your own bathroom ;) The room looks very nice. I like this style. And even with a 'work station'.. what else you can wish for, right? :)

I'm looking forward to read about your adventures with your siblings. How long haven't you seen them?

Thank you for the kind mention. And you are right! That's not old at all ;)

Have a lovely weekend my dear friend!

Thank you for your thoughtful contributions @delishtreats. I always enjoy them and our “engagement” (for some reason, I still get a kick out of that word, as prior to being online for the first time with our Steem blockchain, it meant something different to me … 😉).

Staying in one place this morning and catching up …

”I'm sure that your better half would love to be there with you :)“

In my original “plan my work” post for this trip, I explained my leaving for awhile was her idea. She knows me far better than anyone else. I needed some time alone to just get away and reflect on the “next chapter” of our lives. After a few days of reflection, then I am going to be with my siblings for several days. Then, I will be heading back home.

Her work of care for the those who no longer can take care of it fully on their own will be over at some point. After that, then we’ll head “out on the road” together! 😊

”I've seen the ocean only once in my life and it was in Morocco.“

It was a surprise to learn this. Although I now understand you are making a clear distinction between ocean and sea. I had never really given much thought to that before your mention of it. I have always distinguished between fresh water and the salt water of the ocean / sea. But, you make a great point, as no question salt water largely protected from the “open” ocean is much calmer. The Puget Sound and Howe Sound, up in Washington and British Columbia, are where I have the most experience with this calming effect.

Although rarely experienced by me, I do enjoy the mesmerizing sights and sounds of the open ocean. So, I am thankful to have seen some more of that on this trip. And captured some video clips, so I can sit in my “comfy chair” back home and enjoy them again with my beloved lifemate.

”'m looking forward to read about your adventures with your siblings. How long haven't you seen them?

This long-anticipated visit will begin tomorrow, once they have arrived. I am “camped out” just south of where we will be staying. A nice resort called Sunriver. In Oregon. I actually last saw them on my vacation this summer with my wife. This time will be just us siblings. We haven’t spent time alone together, since we said our emotional goodbyes to our family farm in 2015.

Honestly not sure what I will write about, once that visit begins. I will most likely just focus on them in the “real world” and write about it “in here” sometime after … 😉

For me engagement meant something different in the past too so I understand what you mean :)

It's so nice when your loved one knows you better than anyone else and knows exactly what you need and also supports you in getting better and finding your new way of life. This is the true love and I am happy that you found it in your life. I hope that her work will be over soon so that you can head on road together :)

This could be a language thing. In Slovak we clearly distinguish between the sea and the ocean. There are only 4 oceans and the rest are seas. I didn't know that you don't make such a clear distinction in English :)

I am sure you will have amazing time with them. I think that siblings need time alone from time to time. They share a special bond that no one from outside can understand. They have their childhood jokes and memories and it's nice to talk about them and laugh together as well. What happened to your family farm?

In my opinion, the 'real world' is much more important that the online world. Just enjoy your time with them and make new memories. We will still be here once you're ready to write about it :)

Have fun and maybe do something crazy too! ;)

Yes @delishtreats, I count myself blessed to have a faithful and devoted lifemate, with whom to share both the beauty and the challenges of life. Over 40 years and counting, we have “been through the wars” and are still going strong! 😊 ”Till death do us part” are more than words to us.

And yes …

”They share a special bond that no one from outside can understand.”

… no doubt about that. Given the difficulties of our childhood, I count it a miracle we have the close relationship we do. We give our Lord all the credit. Can’t adequately express the anticipation in words, but I really am looking forward to the next two weeks. What I am certain of is the time will be invaluable to me, at this stage of my life. After which, I will be ready to return home.

The marvel of our technological advancements can only take us just so far. Glad to know we share the same perspective about the value of being online vs. real life. Thank you for adding value to this post @delishtreats.

Until we “meet” again, all the best to you!

40 years! Well done you! We are now just over 8 and sometimes it feels like I would really like to break his neck :D But I think it belongs to it.. And I would of course never do it :D

I will not hold you for long as I know that you're enjoying time with your siblings :) I will love to read how it goes but I will wait until you have time to tell me :)

Take care!

Howdy sir roleerob! this is such a fun trip and little towns like Mendocino are so charming! What a wonderful little town and area, this was another wonderful post, I'm enjoying the trip so much!

Excellent article, once again! I'm loving this series of yours. Great photos, amusing and interesting descriptions! Well done! :-)

Glad to hear you are enjoying them @trincowski. I appreciate that very much. Thank you for stopping by to let me know!

Off I go shortly into Day Twelve and a visit to the Redwoods of northern California - the tallest trees on the face of the earth!

I would also have paid for the private bathroom, I do not like the shared bathrooms when we are traveling ... You can return calmly so you can enjoy the trip even more ...
I'm curious about breakfast. hahaha I am very curious ... what is on top of the bread? It looks like an ice cream with cinnamon on top, hahaha or it is my wish to eat ice cream that make me see it as such ??? hahaha

Yes @blessed-girl, I had enough experience with shared bathrooms in the dormitories in college to last me a lifetime! 😉 No thanks ...

The breakfast main course was eggs benedict with dungeness crab - an English muffin on the bottom, then the crab meat, then the egg ... It does sort of look like ice cream, but it's just the shape of the egg, in the way they prepared it. Then some seasoning on top of the egg, but I can't tell you what kind.

I can say it was yummy! 😊

Hiya, just swinging by to let you know you're being featured in today's Travel Digest. If you enjoy steemit worldmap and the manual curation effort we're going through each day, please consider supporting what we do!

Thank you very kindly for featuring two of my posts @steemitworldmap / @choogirl. I really like the portion of text you selected for featuring my Mendocino post. Well done!

I am enjoying doing my small part to add some more dots on your great map!

Off I go shortly into Day Twelve and a visit to the Redwoods of northern California - the tallest trees on the face of the earth!

Great post man and thanks for sharing I enjoy your content.

Posted using Partiko Android

Glad to hear you enjoyed it @sisirhasan. Thanks for stopping by and letting me know!

Welcome @roleerob, You are great, I just follow you.

Posted using Partiko Android

I am still behind in my feed here but love to come across your posts to realy enjoy the experience! Will be interesting to see the change in scenery the next couple of days!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Finally in one place for more than a few hours and catching up @newageinv ...

Of all of the places I have been over the last several days, this particular post highlights what I hope to bring my beloved to experience with me someday. Just an amazing location. Made all the better by an almost perfect day. Just had to leave too soon ...

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