A walk around the enchanting Davosersee

in #travelfeed6 years ago

A couple of weeks ago we visited Davos which is one of the most popular skiing places in Switzerland. All cable cars were closed due to the off season period and as we arrived in the afternoon we decided not to go hiking because it would get dark in a few hours. Strolling around the town didn't sound appealing and as we had nature-loving visitors with us, it didn't take us long to decide what we wanted to do. Let's walk around Davosersee Lake (Lake Davos)!

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When we arrived we didn't see any information table with details about the lake and route that we were about to take. It didn't look that large to me but I wanted to make sure that we would be able to walk around it before sunset.

There were not that many people around but I noticed an older couple walking towards us and asked them for help. They were very friendly and helped us. They even gave us some tips for hiking around Davos in summer and we spent almost 30 minutes talking to them. My Swiss German is better than I thought 😊

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There are approximately 350 natural lakes in the canton Graubünden and the lake Davos is the largest of them. The lake was formed 15000 years ago and it's fed mainly by three rivers: Rhine, Flüelabach and Totalpbach. The maximum depth of the lake is 54 meters.

The route around the lake Davos is 4 km long and it should take you about 1 hour to complete. Davos is at 1560 meters the highest Alpine town, so be prepared for lower temperatures.

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The route is very easy and leads us through a fairy tale forest with beautiful views of the lake and the Graubünden Alps. It's a perfect route for families with kids, jogging or for a long walk with a dog.

The couple told us that there are many squirrels in the forest and they will come close to you when you give them a nut. We didn't have any nuts and thought we wouldn't be lucky to see them.

But there was a young couple who was feeding one of them! The girl had some nuts in her hand and the squirrel was eating them and it was totally not bothered by people passing by. We were standing there for around 15 minutes until the squirrel finished the nuts, turned around and disappeared in thick forest 😊

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After this amazing experience we continued our walk. We were already approaching the other side of the lake with beautiful holiday houses and apartments.

Today, the lake Davos is used as hydro power reservoir but how was it used in the past? Due to the increase of visitors in the region in the middle of the 19th century, the demand for ice increased. The ice was needed to chill drinks and food. As there was no fridge at the time, the ice from the lake was cut in one meter long blocks and stored in ice cellars in the town.

After opening of the railway in Davos in 1890, the town started exporting the ice blocks to whole Switzerland. They continued exporting ice for several years.

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When we came out of the forest we enjoyed the views of Salezer Horn - 2536 meters (in the middle), Totalphorn - 2532 meters (on the right) and Gross Schiahorn - 2709 meters (on the left).

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We finally found the information table and learned that the lake warms up to 20° Celsius in summer and offers varieties of water sports and leisure activities. 20° Celsius might be pleasant for the Swiss but sounds a bit chilly to me 😊

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When we reach the other side we can see the forest that we were crossing with Seehorn - 2238 meters (on the right) towering above the lake. From Seehorn you can hike to Hüreli - 2444 meters (on the left).

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On this side of the lake there is an open-air gallery with various wooden sculptures. All of them were created by Resli A. Marugg who has his studio in Davos.

Here are my favorite pieces:

The listening tree - created in 2011

This sculpture symbolizes a tree with its silent loudspeakers that tries to remind us that we have to learn to listen to the nature again.

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Contemplation - created in 2012

This sculpture symbolizes different ways that we can take and how we can lead our lives. There are always many directions that we can choose and no matter which one we go for and whether we fail or not. We should raise our heads and head back to our own way over and over again.

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Movement - created in 2013

This sculpture symbolizes how artists work. Their work is a process of creating messages that they want to send to people looking at the finished artwork and being moved by art.

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There were many interesting sculptures with deep messages and it was worth to spend some time there. If you happen to come to Davos, make sure to pay a short visit to this gallery. It is absolutely worth it.

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The sun was going down and we had to hurry up as we had almost 3 hours drive ahead of us..

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The last view of the lake before we had back to the car..

I highly recommend this route to anyone who is looking for breathtaking views, easy hiking trails, diverse nature and fresh air 😊

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I hope you had enjoyed our walk today.

Thank you for reading,


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If someday I can go to that place. It doesn't matter if there is no information table on which route to take. Your post has just given the necessary information to visit the site. even when you got information after a while ...

I love when people share their trips. They have a unique gift to make us travel with words ... the photos are beautiful. greetings from venezuela, we are far away but steemit connects us.

Is the ice market still the same as it was in 1890? I thought that only happened in the movies, for a moment I thought you were talking about the first minutes of the movie "Frozen" the scenes when they cut the ice hehe

Oh, thank you! So glad to hear it :) I hope you will get there one day. It is definitely worth a trip :)

Yes, you can visit places without getting off your couch :) That is very easy ;) Venezuela must be beautiful too. I've seen some photos of really amazing places there..

Hahaha, no, no, this was the real life :) Nowadays they don't use the ice from the lake. I think now it's used just for ice-skating :)

Thank you for stopping by!

Yes, venezuela has very nice landscapes, however tourism is very expensive for us. We are fortunate to have different climates. the bad thing is that our biggest tourist attraction is the Salto Angel (Canaima) is going through a complicated situation. illegal mining is ending with that area. yesterday I read they were using mercury just for gold u.u is a sad situation

I really hope that it will get better in Venezuela. I keep hearing sad stories...

This is SUCH STUNNING SCENERY!!!! Absolutely breathtaking! The colours of the water , the trees, the faint snowy peaks in the distance!!! I am just revelling in its beauty!!! Thank you SO MUCH - could be my favourite of all yours so far.. Resteemed😜❤️🍀🦋🌈🌴

Thank you so much, Sallybeth :) I'm glad that you like it.. and I also like that this could be your favorite.. I hope that you'll change your opinion with the next one ;) Just kidding..

Thank you for your support my dear :)


What a set of lovely photos! Great sceneries, it all looks so peaceful over there!

20° Celsius might be pleasant for the Swiss but sounds a bit chilly to me

I know the feeling. Ehehheh! 20º is definitely chilly for me. I'd be in and out of water in a fraction of a second.

It's so beautiful there and I can imagine it's even nicer when it's covered with snow and the lake is frozen :) But I would never drive there with my car at that time.. It's far away from the highway and I wouldn't like to drive on these serpentine combinations with snow on the road :)

I agree with you! 20º is definitely too cold! But let me tell you that people here swim in the Rhine when it's only about 16-17º :D brrrrrrrrrrr

It is always good to see 'paradise' and if it comes directly from the comment queen then it is a blessing.
Davos the ultimate natural beauty and so much to learn and explore the area around. Out of 350 this one is the biggest...amazing how people keep the place clean and so beautifully....also loved the loudspeaker tree and the hidden message ...listen to the nature...wow so good message..

Thanks for sharing another heaven place....comment queen😉👌

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for stopping by @steemflow! I hope you're doing well :)

There are places in Switzerland that are not that clean but I've seen many people picking up the garbage so they really take care about their environment.

Davos is a beautiful place, just a bit far away from our place so it's difficult to get there but it was worth it :)

Something outside of castle choice😉 but Queeny do like to roam in peace and clean environment....Davos is best for her

Posted using Partiko Android

Wow delishtreats..another stunning, wonderful, magnificent post! I'm serious.lol. I love that lake and the views, it would be great to visit that place. All it needs is a big castle on the side of the mountain overlooking the lake and me be the owner of the lake! What language would I need to learn, Swiss or German?

Thank you, cowboy! And I'm sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I just didn't feel like chat yesterday..

Hahahah, there might be some castle built already. I'm not sure but there are many of them in that region :)

Well, the language is called Swiss German. It is German but very different. You would have to hear it. I came here after studying German for 13 years and couldn't understand a word. Even now I struggle (after 8 years) and I prefer to speak high German :)

howdy again delishtreats, no worries on getting back to me later, I don't mind. So the type of German spoken in Switzerland is not taught? You just have to go and learn it in everyday life? I'd never get it done but you are gifted in languages so you could do it, what about your husband, did he learn it too?

That surprises me. I thought the Swiss language would just be Swiss, not a combination. Do you have your next post planned?

Every village has its own 'language'. Kids learn it at school as well as High German. The thing with Swiss German is that it is not a written language. There are no rules and everyone can write the words the way they think is correct so it is very difficult to understand.

He also speaks High German. When you ask them if they would be so kind and speak High German to you, they usually would. It might be more difficult with older people since they might not speak High German..

It's not a combination. It's called Swiss German - simply their way of speaking German. They have 3 other languages as well (Italian, French and Rhetoromanian).

Sure! It's going to be from Czech Republic. I'll post it either on Monday or Tuesday. Why do you ask?

Howdy again delishtreats! Oh my gosh this was interesing learning about the language situation. I think all kids should be taught at least two languages growing up and we are so dumb in the United States for not doing that. I've never heard of Rhetoromanian before. Thanks for the brilliant explanation, I know your highness has more important matters to attend to so I feel highly honored! lol.
oh, about the post, I was just curious because I didn't think you had done much traveling lately to get posting material.

Well, I thought you Americans expect everyone to speak English and this is why you don't put so much effort in learning other languages, don't you?

You should indeed feel highly honored :D

I think it's kind of relative.. I didn't do much but still much more than other people usually do :D

Howdy today delishtreats! Well on the subject of English, yes I think whoever in charge for a hundred years has tried to force the world to make English the world's language so whether that is good or bad I don't know. I just know that it's limiting at times to only have one language. Like here in Texas there are so many Spanish speaking people that it would be nice to know their language. And pretty soon a third of the country is going to be Hispanic.

Then you should start learning :) It's never too late!

All my life I thought Switzerland is covered with snow all the time lol but it looks its warmer there than over here now. Oh I love your descriptions about places you visit and the photos as well. Your photos made me miss my camera. My shutter broke down a few weeks ago

Many people think the same and I don't blame them as what you see on TV and hear from the people enjoying winter sports is that it's a lot of snow here. Honestly, I don't even remember when we had proper snow in the part where I live. Last year we only had it for a couple of days and even the Christmas was not white..

My camera broke down two weeks ago too! Something happened and it was only taking black photos. I went to several shops and they were not able to help me so I'll try in Slovakia when I'll be there for Christmas. BUT I was lucky and my husband let me purchase a new camera for Christmas. I did it last week and got it the next day. I am sooooooooo happy :)

Thank you for your kind words!

So, cool :D Congrats on the new camera. You are welcome :)

"Silent loud speakers." The figure of speech sounds intriguing and amusing but on a second thought and with your elaboration that we need to listen nature again, the figure of speech makes sense.

You have really great photos there! Thanks for sharing them here. At least I also had a tour even with just photos. 😊

I did not realize you are such a professional photographer and definitely worth the curie vote. It is very nice to see a fellow commenter getting the upvote herself. Congratulations! 😊

I really liked the gallery part. All of them had some deep messages. You're right, when you look at that thing it looks funny but then it all makes sense :)

Thank you!! I enjoy taking photos :) Oh, I'm not a professional photographer :) More of figuring our how it all works :)

I was surprised with curie on this one as it's a bit shorter than my usual posts but apparently they liked it ;)

Good luck with curie commenting this week! :)

Oh well, your photos look from a professional to me. 😊

That only means Curie is not about length of the post but quality of the content so very good for you! I am just trying to float my account this week. I am not even sure if it will even land on the end of the list. Let' see... Good luck too to you! 😊

That is a great compliment! :) Thank you!

We all need a little break from online world from time to time ;)

Woow haha you're deffo most curied person ever :D Well deserved tho :) When you were writing about that ice, I was like WTF. I she writing some random BS and checking if someone even reads it :D Never heard of cutting ice from lakes and storing it haha :DCrazy how high above the sea lever all those lakes and areas are...thionking about our "mighty" Gerlach :P :D

Btw getting curied and answering all the comments is the best thing currie comment participant can hope for hahaha :D

Hahaha, you know that I answer all my comments regardless the curie vote!!! :D Yes, I might be at the higher end of curied authors BUT I don't think I'm the most curied person ever ;)

I never ever write some random BS (BTW, in a dictionary of a finance person like me it would mean balance sheet but as I'm getting to know you a little bit I know that you most likely meant something very different!!! LOL) But think about it. What do you do when you want to drink your Dom Perignon? :D You need ice.. and this is how they did it..

It's quite different to Slovakia :D But as you're in Innsbruck you know what I'm talking about ;)

Hah what u mean getting to know me?? Sounds as if I was some stupid guy who just swears all the time. Ofc I meant balance sheet! :D

Hahaha, you know very well that I didn't mean it like this :D

Oh really? So maybe you can explain me how balance sheet works then :D

Oh of course I can...there's loads of VLOOKUPs and tons of aggregations per every unique name :D numbers numbers numbers...and that's it :D easy peasy :D

I love how they manage to add some culture and art to the natural spectacle with those sculpture, it's really lovely but what cought my eye the most was that clean wide blue sky, OMG it's like jewel!

Exactly. Anytime we go somewhere we discover something what we would expect to be there :) We were lucky with the weather. The sky was beautiful but it was a little too cold. It doesn't look like it on the photos but my hands were freezing off while taking the photos :)

Thank you for stopping by and for your support!

EDIT: Thank you for submitting my post to curie :)

Ahhh beautiful!! I love the landscape from Switzerland - when I was a kid I did skiing in Davos a few times - thanks for seeing this again :)

Really? I guess it was pretty cool, wasn't it?

Thank you for stopping by :)

Of course, it was :) but as a kid, you don't appreciate this amazing landscape that much - the focus is somewhere else ....

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