Travel Digest #251


Heya, @martibis here with another edition of #traveldigest! Enjoy!

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Travel Digest

#1 En-route To The Breathtaking City of Oman

@explorenations takes us to Oman. Even though the country is hot and dry, there is a lot to be amazed by. From unspoiled beaches to amazing natural landscapes, where you can wildcamp if you would desire to!

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#2 TRAVELMAN CORTANA, ITALY: Robert Redford Ate Here.

@travelman takes us to Cortana, Italy. You might know the place from the book / movie Under the Tuscan Sun. After a beautiful, but hot and tiring hike, it's time to take in the idyllic views! From the best pizza ever, to beautiful art, @travelman finds it all!

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#3 Hikers paradise – Yosemite National Park

@roadtrips takes us to Yosemite National Park in the USA. It is the second most visited park in the states, and with good reason. Incredible mountains, beautiful forests, with incredible waterfalls and some wildlife to top it all off!

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The Steemit Worldmap application isn't working as expected in my browser (Firefox Quantum 61; 64-bit; Arch Linux).

Could you please tell me what programming techniques you have used so that I can search for the cause of the problem?

Kind regards

It isn't the first time I heard people having issues on Firefox, I downloaded Firefox myself but couldn't reproduce. Can you tell me step by step what is happening for you if you load the page? Any errors in the development tools?

I think the problem is somewhere in the Javascript, but it's hard to pinpoint without being able to reproduce the issue!

Also to be sure, sometimes it takes a bit for all the markerclusters to load, definitely on slower connection speeds (I might add a little loader for this at one point)!

I figured it out (for me): The mentioned issue is caused by the tracking protection-option in FF (which was activated in my case for wellknown privacy concern reasons):

This is how Steemit Worldmap is looking like if the firefox-option tracking-protection is set to ALWAYS:

If you toggle the tracking-protection-option in the Firefox about:preferences#privacy-menu as shown here (in German):
then the problem is gone...

This is how Steemit Worldmap is looking like if the firefox-option tracking-protection is set to NEVER:

Edit: if you want to keep the tracking-protection enabled by default then you could just deactivate it for only like shown here:

Bildschirmfoto von 2018-07-02 17-15-05.inkscaped.png

hope that helps... :-)

forgive me that I've spammed your nice thread... ;-)

P.S.: More Infos on Mozilla Firefox tracking protection here: (english version)

Oh, epic, I am going to take a look into it and see if I can figure out why the hell tracking protection is causing problems here! My first guess is that it might have something to do with Google Analytics!

ok. I will try to figure out what is happening. Give me a while... my wife is waiting with the diner... :-)

Btw.: I'm using this FF-Version (German):

Take your time, there is absolutely no rush, haha!

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