
I remember during my teenage days, we were hiking going to our little farm. I was a little bit frowning when we started to walk. I didn't like it at the start but after several steps, smile appeared on my face.
I did love it!

Even walking itself is huge. Walking is relaxing the whole body and add by watching the views is much more of a joyful journey.

As I can see your photos @nickyhavey, it also reminds me of the place when me and my friends went outing. It was fun and we bathed in the waterfalls.

Why do I talk about myself lol!
Sorry for that.
I guess it reflects when I read your post together with that wonderful photos. Your experience is also a remembrance of good memories to others and I thank you for that @nickyhavey!

You're right about walking being a great way to relax. There's so many scientific findings that prove exercise is so great for body and mind so keep doing it. I had a lot of walks where my legs didn't want to take me anywhere but powered through and walking around nature really takes the frowns away :)

You don't need to apologise man, it's great to hear from you and how it reminds you of the places you have been to. We all have our own stories and in this busy world, it's very easy to get lost in our own world when it's more than likely, others have walked a similar path so thanks for sharing yours too!

Looking forward to hearing more from you too!

I guess maybe I could go out some other time with my love ones or friends much more farther . Its been years here at home and I only go out when I go to church just about 100 steps away. Most of the time during breaks of the day I go outside to our backyard and spend some minutes in nature.

I gotta leave now, its my cooking time :)
Have a great day Nicky!

Yea try to do what you can to do a few more outside steps buddy :)

Hope you cooked up a delicious meal!

Yup. Thanks buddy :)
They gotta love it or less no more cooking lol!

Just a simple daily activities, walking, cooking, playing, onlining . I'm already satisfied. Onlining sounds weird lol!

Haha, chef @ronel says you will love it :D

And onlining sounds weird but should definitely be a word - never seen it verbalised before!! Sometimes the simple life does sound a lot better :)

Its hard to work hard Nicky :) Maybe I guess I'm just kinda lazy to not work that much to really push on something that make me sweat lol!

During my younger years I was just swinging with friends, studying because people around are studying, working because they were also working. Just following what people are doing. I could not even stop just a 5 minute break just to be myself alone, as far as I could remember during those years in time. I have no clue about those silence or solitude thing. I even prayed too quickly in the evening only because I always look forward on waking up early to work. My mouth is exploding words now lol!

You're damn right it's hard to work hard man, it is scary going in to the unknown but I read an amazing blog today about "confidence" as I think that's truly the thing that holds everyone back from being the best version of themselves - have a read of that here.

I think a good question to ask is did you have fun doing all that stuff?

I guess the trick is to find something that you like doing so it doesn't feel so much like work as something you don't like doing.

It's very easy to rush around and be "busy" these days I think, but to find 5 minutes and just do something like mindfulness, meditation or listening to your favourite track, can make a big difference :)

Thank you for taking us with you on your adventure! I like the story and your photos are great!

yeah maybe you could get some pointers from this.

I'll remind you about that when you'll need some help again, LOL!

Lol some savagery going on here :')

Hehe! Thanks a lot @delishtreats - I'm glad you enjoyed the adventure here and looking forward to bringing many more. Will follow you as well :)

Can't wait to see them! 😊

howdy from Texas nickyhavey! say ya'll did a good deal of hiking on this post didn't ya? Well it was well worth the wonderful views and sites, I particularly enjoyed the water falls!
Obviously you guys like to do posts of your hikes or travels, do you have another destination picked out for your next hike?

Hey @janton from Texas! Where in Texas are you as I've been there a couple of times (Longview, Dallas, Houston, Jefferson) :)

Yea me and my friends like ourselves some hiking, this walk certainly was one of the "wetter" ones we have been on but we do like a good old fitness challenge!

Thanks for checking out the post and I'm pleased to hear you enjoyed the water falls as much as we did!

It's just me that does the posting - they sleep, I write haha :D Sadly though, we have come to the end of our holiday this time round but I still have a couple more activities to post about. We were down in the South West of England (Cornwall) for this past week and it's by far my favourite place in the UK (although I love all the natural parks we have here) - I guess it's because I went there every year with family as a kid.

As for next travel destination, I'm definitely going to be spending some extended time in Australia from April next year but may be doing a city or two in Europe in November :)

How about you? Got any adventures planned?

P.S. sorry for the long response, that writing bug kicks in and away it goes :P

ahaha! wow! no apologizes needed, I love the long response, very refreshing from the "thanks, glad you liked it" reply! lol.

Wow are you guys rich that you can travel all over? how do you afford that?
Australia's amazing but I've never been..however that will be some super wonderful posts I'm sure!

no plans for me except to keep my nose to the steemit grindstone and work. boy that's sounds terrible compared to your plans! lol.
we NE of Dallas, were you here on vacation or work?

Haha, well I agree with you there, sometimes you put a lot of effort in and all you get is "nice post" and you're like "seriously? That's all you have to say?" haha!

I wouldn't say rich, I just have a full on Excel file that I put ALL my income, outgoings and things like that so I can budget for trips. It really helps when you say "I want to go to X", then you know how much it costs and you can start saving for it. Plus a lot of time is spent researching cheap ways to get to a destination, accommodation and when you go with others, you can share the cost, which helps as well.

But as you're in the USA, there's SO many national parks you can go to and not pay extortionate fees. I did a camping trip through the Rocky Mountains, most of the time staying in KOA but if camping isn't your thing, lodges are a cheaper alternative to hotels. It's just planning really, research and assess your options :)

I've travelled down the east coast for a couple of weeks in Australia but would love to explore the south and maybe do a few hikes there. Really open plan at the moment.

Haha, do what you gotta do man, we all have our own needs (but maybe start planning your next adventure) :)

I was visiting some friends over in TX for a couple of weeks so it was vacation - always a unique experience when I'm over with them, I love it :)

howdy again nickyhavey! am I writing to Nicky? a male or female? sorry I got confused and it wasn't clear whether you were one person, a couple, or what! lol.

Thanks so much for getting back to me and it's inspirational what you do, traveling all over. But you do have a full time regular job?

Hehe, I'm male, just me and Nicky Havey (said havvy) is what everyone calls me - sorry for the confusion!

I don't always travel but since I had 3 months full on travelling back in 2015, I have the bug! I do have a full time job & a part time job at the moment so only get a chance to catch up on things for a few minutes in the evening. So when I go on holiday, I try to get the blogs done :)

wow sir nickyhavey...a full time job and a part time job? is that because you have to work that much in order to pay all the bills? or are you a workaholic? lol.

Haha! Well, it was to help pay for my Australia trip but the Universe has a funny way of working sometimes...

I do like working and doing things but even I need to switch off from time to time :)

It looks like you had an exciting adventure with those great photos. I really like the panoramic view of Dartmoor National Park! It is very green and refreshing.

I just noticed the hike is through an open land and no forest so I wonder how the temperature and weather that day. Good thing there are waterfalls there. How long or how many hours it took you for hike? Wasn't it too hot knowing you are exposed under the sun?

Hey @macoolette! Thanks for stopping by and having a read of this hike! Yea it was an adventure, always good to share these things I think and a lot of the National Parks in the UK are green thanks to the rain we get!

The walk was through open moorland and we did get lucky with the weather - it was around 16-17C and sunny with partial clouds when we did the walk so pretty ideal. A lot of the time, the moorland is cloudy or visibility is poor so definitely were fortunate!

In September, the temperature isn't as high in the UK but it really depends if we get the warm air from Africa, or cooler air from the East/North or wet from the West! We also did the walk at about 3pm UK time so it was after peak heat time.

Time wise, this took us about 3.5 hours in total.

You hiked at 16-17C? I maybe cuddling in bed with that temperature. 😂 Kidding side, I think that is indeed a very good temperature to have exercise and sweat outdoor. Much so with 3.5 hours duration, I think that is a fair leg stretching activity for a day.

Hahaha you must be from a hot country if you think 16-17C is cold!! Yea 3.5 hours is good but I always want more, maybe double that is a great leg stretching exercise... or I'm just mad, one of the two :P

How about a regular temperature of 29C that feels like 36C? Look at this temperature just now, at pass 11 o'clock in the evening. It is the temperature of one of the cities here in Metro Manila (Philippines) where I live.

If you hike only once in a while then I guess more than 3.5 hours will actually be great. It looks like you have good stamina for the outdoor. 😊

Oh damn!! No wonder you think 16-17C is cold! I'd be melting at that temperature. I did a 5km run around the fields in my home town in 30C during our "heatwave" and that is something I won't be doing again :D

Plus 84% humidity... I hope you have air con!

Run at 30°C? Indeed, it is not worth another attempt. I will faint if I run at even 25°C! I joined a few 10K fun runs but we did it at early morning when temperature is still around 20°C.

I'm using electtic fan.

Still, 20°C is pretty warm to run in - although for you that must have felt cold!

Hope the electric fan keeps you cool!

Arggh it's my worst fear to get my feet wet during a hike, it's the most unsettling feeling.

I like how the yellow wildflowers all blossomed and made the photos look much better.

Haha! I know, we thought we could make it but we just aren't as agile as we were 10 years ago :D You just have to keep walking when you do get your feet wet and wear woolen socks, not cotton! They have a chance of drying if they are cotton!

Yes there are some amazing colours on that walk, I'm sure as Autumn/Fall comes, the colours will be even more spectacular!

This is one of the reason I love Steemit! I get to see the world even though I'm not traveling.
Must have been great to see those beautiful places and the animals roaming around all day long, eating uncontaminated green. Hiking with your feet wet is not exactly my dream or any other hikers dream, but unfortunately it happens. I fell into a creek once and I know first hand what you are taking about :D
I love that grass you are having there (at the waterfall), I've never seen that here in Romania.
Anyway, it was great reading about your adventure. Well done and stay safe next time :)

Hey @erikah! Thanks for stopping by and commenting - I'm glad you enjoyed vicariously living our hike here, nightmare it was with our wet feet but the views made up for it... until the long drive back to our holiday cottage haha.

Oh damn, falling in to a creek does not sound fun at all, it's the initial shock followed by the panic of "I HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE" haha, then you feel a fool and then you just keep moving and try to survive until you get to dryness and warmth!

We'll do our best to stay safe but we are young boys in spirit so something will always be attempted that we shouldn't attempt haha!

I know the feeling. You see something, you think you can do it then you can't but it's too late.
Anyway, happy hiking! :)

Haha ^^^ This :')

Thanks @erikah! You too

So fortunate to have a clear view and sunshine. Dartmoor is not known for being so kind.
My walking days are limited to an extent but I do still do a bit and no matter how often you walk, it is still easy to second guess where the footpath should go.
Quite frustrating two miles down the track and reluctantly having to retrace one's footsteps.
Pity about the ice cream, alway the reward at the end of a glorious hike!

I know, we really lucked out on the weather here, even the tour guides in the Visitor centre said it's not usually like this so we were grateful for it!

I know, we always get lost but as long as you have one person with a relatively good sense of direction and can read an OS map, you can get back to where you need to be (usually)... The worst is when there are seemingly trodden public paths that go off in different directions but on the OS, there's only one haha - which is it?!

Yea we were a little miffed with our ice cream situation, especially as we were in a habit of eating one each day, it is Cornwall/Devon after all!

Thanks for commenting though, great to connect with you :)

What fun! Even with all the wet feet! I have never heard of this place, but it sure is lovely. The livestock seen to enjoy it and I was very interested to see a horse at the falls. I'm glad you found your way back to the trail ok :)

Haha, yes the livestock certainly had an entertaining show that we put on for them :D There were a lot of wild horses across these moorlands, along with various sheep and cows too so plenty of wildlife.

I hadn't really explored this National Park either until this walk so will certainly be looking to do more walks there as time goes on :)

Thanks for reading and leaving a comment, great to hear from you!

Oh that is so cool. I did not realize the horses were wild there. Not what I think of for the UK!

Yea some horses are wild here in the National Parks, left to roam. What were your perceptions previously then? I'm intrigued :)

Please realize I am quite ignorant of most of the world due to spending most of my life in the inward looking United States.

I think of the UK as not wild whatsoever. Any place that is green is like a park with fences or walls and police and no littering. There are no free animals except for birds and maybe squirrels and rabbits. People walk around in tweed coats with walking sticks and all the horses have saddles. Paths are well-worn and have wall on each side.

That's the best I can do while tired :)

Haha, love it how the perception of the UK is tainted sometimes. Some people who have only seen Britain through "Downton Abbey" believe we all live and talk like that :)

For a small island, we do alright I think!

I've been to 14 states in USA if memory serves right. You have a lot to do there so it's no wonder not many folks venture outside.

Hi @nickyhavey ! in spite of all the difficulties You had to face in this journey, you were able to see these magnificent landscapes. I think it was worth it. Great story and interesting photos. Thank you!

Hey @madlenfox! Thanks for commenting!

Yea I believe it's always worth the struggle when you have views like this to enjoy at the end of it and glad you enjoyed the story :)

Hiking for the win hehe

Very peaceful place from what I see... Nice photos as well.

Thanks @postcardsfromlbn! Yes it was pretty peaceful in some areas of the walk, you couldn't hear anything, pure silence (apart from the odd baaa from a sheep!) Great place to unwind :)

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