
yes sir I understand..well what do you think of steemit? do you think it's a good investment of time and money?

I really like Steemit actually. It's grown on me these first 6 months I've been on the platform. Now I'm getting used to the way it works. The downside is all the bots on here and people buying upvotes with not very good content and have generally struggled to find people who take the time to write great, well thought out content.

But since I joined the travelfeed community, I've started discovering more good quality posts.

I haven't invested any of my own money in to crypto since March so haven't bought any Steem but I think in the long term, it's a good project. If they can sort the bot issue out, that would be ideal.

How about you? What are your thoughts on it?

howdy again nickyhavey! I agree that most of the travel feed is amazing but there is great information and posts on any subject that you're interested in, at least that's what I've found, I hardly have time to read but just a small percentage because there is so much.

I believe in steemit and steem just because they are coming out with so many new and innovative apps, many of them mobile, that real world users will be using and those are connected to steem.

The problem has been the difficulty in signing up, that needs to be extremely easy and the coming hardfork is supposed to make it much simpler and fast so that should boost numbers which is what will guarantee it's long term success it seems to me, large numbers.

So because of all the real world apps being developed I think it will be one of the few cryptos that survive and grow in the coming years as the majority of them will disappear.

In fact if we could get our numbers up in the millions then that fact alone would guarantee the success of steemit but as of now we're only about 50 to 60,000 active members.

I guess I should dig a little deeper when I get time to find those articles but usually, I would spend 5 minutes looking through a category and not able to find something that wasn't a quick 1 line post or a photo and that's it.

I don't have a mobile app, I only reply when I am on my PC, otherwise I think I would be on this all day long haha! I use the dsound app a lot on steemit as I make music too.

You sure know a lot about steemit, I'm just getting my head around it as a user but hopefully things will be made easier soon and it seems like it is a great platform for it. Hopefully clearing out all the crap coins out there will ensure the true projects survive.

I didn't know it was that low? I thought there were a million accounts on here (unless you mean 50k-60k active and the rest are bots?)

howdy again sir nickyhavey! yes there are 50-60K in active users with a million or so who are registered so it's rather shocking and no one knows quite what the reason for it is...that is the relatively low participation rate.

But to ensure steemit's long term survival it needs to grow in membership.
The good news is that there are so many niches and groups here like music and art that I think you can build a great account. Well, you're already at 54 like I am so you're doing super well for not being on here full time.
for instance I've been working 7 days a week, 14 hours a day or more on here and I'm only at 54 also! lol. but I've never been curied either.

I don't study the platform that much but I know alot of people who do so I know some things about it and what's going on just from other people's research.
but yes, they say that the retention rate once people join is only 6%!
so obviously it needs to be made a little easier but I don't know how except for the joining process.

Most people join to make money, then when they make a couple of posts and no one sees it and they don't make anything they get discouraged and quit.
You said something on your post about graduating or getting a degree or something?

Howdy my Texan friend! I suspect that a lot of those are bot profiles set up as I seem to get a bit of interaction from them :D But if you assume that those are ALL people, then yes, it's a very low rate. I think it's down to it being still a little too complex for people to get their head round. I couldn't really figure out the whole curation trail thing and it still confuses me.

There needs to be simple videos set up when you create an account rather than the long list of FAQ (IMO) - no more than a minute long each - so people who aren't technical can use it more readily. I also think the whole exchange system needs to be done "under the hood" as I try to explain things to people and they get confused about it very quickly, then put off.

I'm still not sure about the reputation either. I know it's to do with the value you bring to the community but where does it stop? Higher the better? Can it be manipulated though? I went up really quickly from the start of 20 something to 40 something then it's been stuck on 54 for a while. Guess it gets exponentially more difficult to increase with every 1? You're at 55 now - hurray!

How do you mean, working full time? You're a developer on steemit or you mean content creator? That's a phenomenal amount of time to spend on here - has it been profitable for you?

You might have a good point there about why people leave the platform. People join for all the wrong reasons I think - see the shiny object, don't realise that you need to work to get somewhere (this applies for anything in life) and quit the next week.

Yes I have a BSc and a PhD in Materials Science, graduated from my PhD in 2014 :) Hardest 6 years that was but it was worth it, not just for the knowledge but self development as well. Nothing worth doing was ever easy (if that's the saying)!

What's your background, would love to know more about you. I see in your profile description you're an entrepreneur as well?

howdy sir nickyhavey! somehow this comment got by me earlier so I finally got to it tonight at midnight. yes the rep scores go higher with your success, the highest I've seen is 78.
Some people got there by using bots and spending large amounts on the bots to get their scores up so in the coming hardfork they are going to change the way the rep scores are figured and they won't count the bot upvotes so it will be more accurate.

yes the higher you go in rep score the slower you progress. I used to gain about one tenth of a point per day but that has slowed down now. Plus the price of steem affects it too, people have told me that when they joined the price of steem took off and their accounts sky-rocketed up into the 60s very quickly.

But now it's super slow. What can of work do you do with a Materials Science degree?

My wife and I started two businesses so we have been working for ourselves for the last 20 years, one was a commercial floor maintenance business and the last one was in real estate, we built the real estate business from the ground up into a large, successful operation working for the banks and selling their foreclosed homes.

But the stress was too great for her so we quit and moved to Texas 3 years ago and I'm hoping steemit works long-term and she is working part time and just applied for a full time job as well.

I like the sound of that with the bot upvotes not counting, makes it a little fairer then. Will they retrospectively look back on past upvotes and reputation gains then or is that going to be a new thing from the hard fork? When is this hard fork happening btw? Sorry for the questions, I've learnt a lot more about steemit from you in this conversation thread than anywhere else I think haha!

Interesting point about the rep and price of steem. But I think the price of steem has gone down due to the whole crypto market crashing this past year. It will be back I'm sure, just keep doing what you're doing with those epic articles you're writing and we'll be back to the good days in no time!

You can do all sorts of things with a Materials Science degree - research in academia (I did that for a couple of years, got a bit bored of it), research in industry, work in engineering companies, technology companies. I actually found jobs working in companies that supply material testing equipment although searching for that company which has a modern way of thinking (bit of a dinosaur industry this one).

Congratulations on building your businesses up though, not many people can get passed the dreaded first year so that's some achievement and now you can focus on things here on steemit. That's awesome! I hope it all works for you, I'm sure it will, judging from the quality you posted recently about Wyatt Earp :)

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